Product Review Fitness & Sports Xiaomi 90 Minutes Ultra Smart Sportswear Shoes – Do They Work?

Xiaomi 90 Minutes Ultra Smart Sportswear Shoes – Do They Work?

Xiaomi 90 Minutes Ultra Smart Sportswear Shoes

Sporting accessories have greatly benefited modern health enthusiasts in optimizing their workouts. For example, the fitbit was launched in the year 2007, and since its inception the product has become an integral part of many peoples lives.

The device is able to measure our movement rate, activity frequency and workout efficiency, thereby allowing us to know exactly how many calories we have burned, how much distance we have traversed. Other that than, the fitbit also tracks our heart rate so that we do not over exert ourselves.

Similarly, there are compression garments which allow for muscle relaxation even during intense periods of exercise and work. These peripheral garments keep our muscles confined in well-defined regions, thereby allowing for increased nutritional uptake (leading to a reduction in soreness, muscle fatigue and faster recovery after tiring gym sessions).

About Xiaomi 90 Minutes Ultra Smart Sportswear Shoes

Before we get into the details of the shoe, it is important to become familiar with the brand itself. Xiaomi is one of the few companies that can boast of a product portfolio as diverse as its own.

The manufacturing giant is based in China, and has expanded its product range ever increasingly since its inception in 2010. Over the years, Xiaomi has offered users with technological gadgets like mig-range pc’s, laptops, smartphones. However, the company has now entered the footwear market.

The Xiaomi 90 Minutes Ultra Smart Sportswear Shoes is an all new sporting shoe for both men and women which comes loaded with Intel's Curie chip and provide users with information such as distance travelled and calories burnt.

The smart shoe has been developed in conjunction with a technology company known as Runmi Technology Co (operates from Shanghai). In terms of its functionality, each shoe comes with 60 days of battery life and possesses within it Intel's mainframe computer system.

This motherboard handles and stores all the fitness related data that accumulates during the course of one’s fitness session. Some of the key features of the shoe include:

  • Suitable For everyone: due to its modern design, the shoes can be used by amateurs and professionals alike. They are comfortable and contain cushioning materials which provide for adequate comfort even during prolonged periods of exercise.
  • Arch design: many a times, manufacturers end up making shoes that are just attractive to look at, and might actually cause harm to a user in the long run. However, Xiaomi Ultra Smart shoes feature an arc design so that the sole of our feet are always looked after.
  • Anti-skid: another impressive feature which sets these shoes apart is their anti-skid functionality. Due to the highly specialized rubber that is used, the shoes do not suffer from issues like skidding, slipping etc.

Technical Aspects

  • Intel Curie Chip: using its smart chip design, the inbuilt computer system within the shoe is able to detect movement and can be used for recording one’s walks, runs, or even climbing sessions.
  • Sensitive Sensors: the motion sensors are highly attuned to pick up motion changes in relation to distance, height etc.
  • Colour Variants: the smart shoes are available in a host of different attractive colour schemes. For example Black and Surf Blue colour options are available for for men while Black and Pink colour options for women. Lastly, there is also a special “Blue Edition” of the shoes that glows in the dark and is available for a slightly increased price rate.

Xiaomi 90 Minutes Ultra Smart Sportswear Shoes Pricing and Availability

Since the Xiaomi 90 Minutes Ultra Smart Sportswear Shoes are absolutely new in the market, there are not a lot of outlets which have them in stock. However, some websites like Geekbuy and other Chinese retailers are selling the product at varying rates. The price can vary anywhere between 100-200 USD depending upon the colour, size and variant chosen.

Users should also be wary that since the shoes are new in the market, potential issues with long terms usage may not have yet been fully identified.

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