Diet Programs Winter Mass Meal Plan – Nutritional Fuel For Building Lean Muscle Mass?

Winter Mass Meal Plan – Nutritional Fuel For Building Lean Muscle Mass?

During the winter season it is fairly common to gain a lot of weight. The weight that people put on in the cold season is often due to richer meals and reduced activity. When it’s cold people tend to stay at home, stay warm and eat a lot.

The issue here is that the weight that is gained in winter often remains after all the seasonal festivities and becomes difficult to lose.

Instead of fighting the tendency to gain weight in winter, athletes and bodybuilders use it to their advantage and integrate this season into their bulking and cutting cycle.

Winter Mass Meal Plan is a diet schedule developed by FLEX to support the workout plan they engineered in order to help gym enthusiasts grow muscle. Winter Mass Meal Plan is composed of a specific diet to follow on workout days and rest days.

This plan has been written for bodybuilders weighing around 200 pounds but it can be adjusted to a person’s weight following the mass rules 1, 2, 3 and 4.

Winter Mass Attack Meals on Workout Days

The Winter Mass Meal Plan is divided in 6 sections composed of breakfast, morning snack, lunch, pre and post-workout snack, dinner and bedtime snack.

The sum of these meals will provide the body with 4,312 calories, 363 grams of protein, 463 grams of carbs and 112 grams of fat.

Flex came up with this diet in order to not only promote mass gain but to support the gain of lean mass which is the primary goal of most strength training bodybuilders.

In order to start the day with the right amount of energy and protein, the Winter Mass Meal Plan suggests to begin with a shake containing 2 scoops of whey protein and 2 scoops of waxy maize starch.

Other mornings, instead of a shake the plan proposes to have 3 whole eggs, 3 egg whites and 2 cups cooked oatmeal with 1 oz chopped walnuts that will provide anyone with a tasteful and energetic dose of protein for the day.

Later in the morning, in order to maintain energy levels and support the intake of calories people following the mass meal plan also have to have a morning snack.

This morning snack is composed of 1 cup of lowfat cottage cheese mixed with ½ cup of canned peach halves and 6 whole-wheat crackers with 1 tablespoon of peanut butter.

For lunch the Winter Mass Meal Plan is a nutritious mix of greens and meat which oxygenates the body while preparing it for the coming workout.

Thus, a person that is on this diet will have 8 oz turkey deli meat and 4 slices whole-wheat bread used to make sandwiches.

Low-fat mayo or mustard can be added to the slices bread. Then, 2 cups of mixed green salad and 2 tablespoons of low-fat balsamic vinaigrette are integrated to the meal.

Before any workout gym enthusiasts will have to have a pre-workout snack. Meal Mass Plan suggest to eat an apple and ingest 1 scoop of whey protein.

After exercising to help muscle healing and growth, bodybuilders have a post-workout shake composed of 2 scoops of whey protein, 1 scoop casein protein and 2 scoops waxy maize starch.

These pre and post-workout snacks help athletes perform better and recover more easily from the stress caused by the effort made at the gym.

Dinner is an essential part of someone’s day especially for an active person, for that reason it has to be a little more varied than other meals.

The Winter Mass Meal Plan takes this in account and proposes a dinner that includes 8 oz of top sirloin, 1 large sweet potato, 1 cup of chopped broccoli, 2 cups of mixed green salad and 2 tablespoons of low-fat balsamic vinaigrette.

Due to the fact that this plan is meant to gain mass and so meant for a bulking period, people following that diet should take in more calories than they what they burn off at the gym. Thus, dinner isn’t the last meal of the day on the Winter Mass Meal Plan, there is indeed a final snack.

This bedtime snack is composed of 3 scoops of casein protein and 1 cup of cooked oatmeal with 1 oz chopped walnuts.

On rest days the meal plan, still divided in 6 sections, provides the body with 3,275 calories, 287 grams of protein, 218 grams of carbs and 138 grams of fat.

The two breakfast options found in the diet plan on workout days remain the same on rest days but the morning snack varies it is a shake of whey protein and a cup of cooked oatmeal.

On rest days, instead of meat the Winter Mass Meal Plan proposes fish which is beneficial for muscle healing and maintaining muscle mass.

Winter Mass Workout Plan

Combined with the Winter Mass Meal Plan, this workout plan builds muscle in a way that matches the calorie consumption in order to avoid fat cutting and stop the bulking and cutting cycle while retaining a lean muscle mass.

This workout plan focusses on the idea that it is essential to target the person’s fat percentage and utilize this fat to a person’s advantage. Depending on what physique a person hopes to obtain, by designing an appropriate workout the right amount of fat in the right place can be convenient.

This winter mass workout plan is based on cutting out cardio and any other extreme fat-burning exercises and increase of carb intake by following the Winter Mass Meal Plan.

For example, people weighing less than 200 pounds have to add around 100 grams of carbs or 400 calories to their daily intake.

Winter Mass Meal Plan Review Summary

If your are looking for an efficient way to gain mass during winter and use the seasonal weight gain to your advantage then Winter Mass Meal Plan and its associated workout program are the ultimate plans to follow.

You can find out more about the details of the Winter Mass Plan on the Flex website which will provide you with the necessary instructions to simultaneously take in more calories and build lean muscle mass.

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