Product Review Evolution Slimming VCH VItamin C Serum – Anti-Aging Complex?

Evolution Slimming VCH VItamin C Serum – Anti-Aging Complex?

VCH VItamin C Serum

With rising pollution levels and increased exposure to various toxins (contained in shampoos, conditioners) it has become increasingly difficult to protect one’s skin from the visible signs of aging.

People as young as 30 have started to develop fine lines and wrinkles from no fault of their own, and these problems are only compounded by the added stress and pressures of everyday life. There are a variety of solutions to these problems, individuals may choose to use serums, creams, herbal solutions, detox agents, surgical means to rectify these age related issues.

However, it is important to note that surgical means and other invasive therapies may have long term irreversible effects which cause users a lot of stress.

What is VCH Vitamin C Serum?

VCH Vitamin C is an Anti-Aging Serum that has been formulated using the finest natural ingredients that are available in the market today. It provides users with a host of unique features like:

(i) Potent Composition: there are a variety of clinically researched active agents like Retinol, Hyaluronic Acid and Vitamin A which have been scientifically found to provide users with a brighter and more radiant complexion.

(ii) Collagen Booster: the ingredients allow for a boost in collagen levels and an increase in cellular turnover so that there is a visible reduction in the number of fine lines and wrinkles on the user's face.

(iii) Anti-oxidant content: vitamin C is known to be an excellent anti-oxidant source, it allows for the neutralization of any free radicals that may be present in our skin and allows for a more radiant and glowing complexion.

(iv) Unique packaging: the serum comes in a container that is completely sealed and does not allow oxidation of the various ingredients present inside the solution. This means that individuals can use the product for long durations without having to worry about any loss in quality.

(v) Quality Control: the product is manufactured in facilities that have been GMP certified and hold an approval from the FDA and MHRA.

Some of the benefits..

The product aims to deliver the following benefits to users:

(i) Combats aging Skin: it contains a wide variety of ingredients which prevent cellular degradation, which is known to be one of the key factors in poor skin quality.

(ii) Prevents Wrinkles: it combats any visible signs of wrinkles, fine lines, pigmentation, and age spots by acting directly on the afflicted cell sites.

(iii) Brightens Skin: due to the presence of vitamin C, the serum allows for the gradual elimination of any impurities that might be present in our epidermal layer. This results in the appearance of fresher, brighter and more vital skin.

(iv) Improved Hydration: due to the presence of various potent nutrients like Retinol the serum is able to vastly enhance the quality of our skin. Not only do the ingredients hydrate our skin but they also moisturize our skin leaving it feeling smooth and silky.

The science behind it..

  • Research has shown that Vitamin C when blended in specific portions provides a host of antioxidant and anti-aging benefits to one’s skin, these benefits far surpass the ones that are obtained when the vitamin is taken orally.
  • Other studies have suggested that the combination of Ascorbic acid and vitamin c are an effective means of supporting skin health and eliminating any age related skin ailments.
  • Research has shown that VCH ™ contains a majority of the ingredients our skin needs to become brighter, more even and younger looking. Many healthcare experts have suggested using the product to perk up tired looking skin.

How to use the product?

  • One should apply a few drops directly to their skin or fingers using the glass pipette that has been provided.
  • The serum should be gently massaged onto the skin until it is completely absorbed.
  • The product is ideally used before any other moisturisers or beauty products are applied onto one’s skin.
  • For best results users should use the product at least twice a week.

Product Availability..

The easiest way to make a purchase is by placing an order online at The serum comes in small bottles which contain 30 ml of the solution, each unit is priced at $40.00. Payments can be made using a host of safe and secure means like Sage Pay, MasterCard, Visa, American Express and PayPal.

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