Exercise Equipment Bikes & Ellipticals & Treadmills Up-Ride Bicycle – Stationary Running & Biking Machine Fitness?

Up-Ride Bicycle – Stationary Running & Biking Machine Fitness?

Up-Ride Bicycle

Fitness is something every person should have access too, should they choose to improve their health through this method. However, the most popular and easy to access activities are often high impact activities, like running or cycling. Although these are excellent choices for some, others may not be able to handle the impact these activities carry on their joints.

Joseph Prosnitz is a perfect example of this, and is the creator of Up-Ride Bicycle.

Where Did This Start?

Joseph had been training for long distance races, however the training had put a great strain on his joints, particularly in his knees and back. What’s worse, is that Joseph has juvenile arthritis, and these training sessions were compounding his pain. Joseph was already an avid cyclist, and had gained immeasurable knowledge through volunteering for The Recyclery.

This nonprofit located in Chicago, provides bicycle knowledge and repairs to a local low income community. Joseph put his knowledge of bicycles, along with his passion to work to create an affordable solution to his own fitness challenges. The creation of Up-Ride gives him an in home, and easy to store elliptical solution.

This solution naturally includes spinning, and has saved him the time he had spent commuting to the gym, all while costing less than a gym membership.

Up-Ride Bicycle Awards?

Up-Ride Bicycle has already won awards, primarily in the way of business ideas, engineering, and big ideas. Up-Ride is an obvious solution to be able to access affordable, convenient, low impact fitness.

How Up-Ride Bicycle Works

The Up-Ride bicycle accessory will turn your existing bicycle into both a running (elliptical), and a stationary bicycle exercise machine. The specialized conversion mechanism will mount perfectly to your bicycle pedals, changing the pedaling of your bike into the elliptical footpaths that will simulate running.

With Up-Ride Bicycle, you can easily mimic the running motion, without the strain put on your hips, back, and joints when your feet hit the ground. This same mechanism can be arranged to be used as a seated stationary bicycle trainer, or a spin cycle. This additionally significantly reduces the pressure in your joints, allowing you to continue to train without the pain.

The stride length is adjustable from 14-24 inches, with adjustable handlebar extensions, it is determined that Up-Ride will work for the majority of people of varying heights and sizes.

Easy Installation

The initial unboxing and setup can take up to 30-45 minutes, however this is a one-time ordeal. Once the Up-Rider is installed, it can be attached or detached easily from your bicycle in and around the 2 minute mark.

The Up-Ride stand attaches at 5 points, including at both pedals, both sides of the rear axle, and at the front wheel. The handlebar mount attaches easily to the handlebars with the Up-Ride adjustable handlebar extension, which again, are easy to remove for regular bicycle use.

Through testing, it was determined that Up-Ride Bicycle does fit most standard bicycles.

Patent Pending

Up-Ride’s bicycle to exercise equipment approach is patent pending in the US and Internationally (PCT).

Manufacturing Practices

Up-Ride Bicycle is advised by the local chapter of Society of Manufacturing Engineers. With a fully quoted bill of materials from multiple suppliers, it is crucial to maintain control of the quality of this equipment.

Are There Risks?

Much like other consumer goods, Up-Ride Bicycle faces manufacturing risks, product risks, and financial risks. However, for three years Up-Ride has developed a solid manufacturing plan that accounts for the varying costs at different levels of production.

The goal remains to make Up-Ride a low impact, and low cost fitness option for the masses.

Currently, the Up-Ride is a beta, and are being sold at cost. Although they are awaiting validation of backers, the cost will continue to change in accordance to production.

As a Kickstarter project, it is important to know they are in the pre-production phase, and are counting on backers and buyers to make this product available to everyone. With $2104.00 raised towards a $10000.00 goal, your contribution is imperative to whether this project will take off, allowing those with compromised ability to work towards having a low impact fitness option.

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