Supplement Review Vitamins & Minerals Tumeric Curcumin – Health Benefits From A Powerful Spice?

Tumeric Curcumin – Health Benefits From A Powerful Spice?

Tumeric Review – Is It Right For You

If you looked in your spice cabinet, you’d probably find common spices like ginger, garlic, cinnamon, salt, pepper, and a bunch more. However, you probably don’t have a spice that is arguably the healthiest spice you can buy. It’s called Turmeric and if you don’t have it in your spice cabinet, you’d be wise to go and buy it.

What is Turmeric?

Turmeric is a spice formed from a plant in the ginger family. It primarily grows in India, especially places that experience a large amount of rainfall per year. To obtain turmeric, the rhizome is pulled, soaked in water, and placed in a hot oven to dry. The remaining rhizome is ground into a fine powder, which we know as turmeric.

Benefits of Turmeric

While turmeric is a staple spice in Indian cuisine, it only recently has begun to take off in the United States. Turmeric is very spicy and it is loaded with nutrients and compounds that can help the human body.

Recent studies link Turmeric to several health benefits. Some of the proven benefits of turmeric include:

— Cancer Prevention: According to researchers, turmeric contains anti-cancerous compounds that block the growth of new blood vessels, kill existing cancerous cells, and prevent cancerous cell multiplication. In a small study of only 44 men, lesions that often turn cancerous shrunk by about 40% in size in only 30 days.

— Improved Brain Function: Curcumin, one of the active ingredients in turmeric supports brain health by increasing a growth hormone called brain-derived neurotropic factor, OR BDNF. BDNF helps neurons make connections, allowing the brain to process stimuli and operate effectively.

Researchers have also concluded that low levels of BDNF have a direct connection with diseases like Alzheimer’s and depression. Therefore, adding turmeric to your diet can lower the risk for these diseases.

— Slows The Aging Process: An increasing amount of research has shown that curcumin might help slow down the aging process. This is primarily due to the high concentration of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds found in turmeric.

According to researchers, free radicals and inflammation are primarily responsible for aging and therefore these helpful compounds in turmeric can reduce the effects or slow down the aging process.

— Stronger Joints: Inflammation is the primary cause for arthritis and the grinding between two joints is what causes the pain. As said before, turmeric has several anti-inflammatory compounds, which can directly eliminate the inflammation in the joints.

In a recent study, turmeric eliminated joint pain more effectively than popular anti-inflammatory drugs. Other studies have found similar results, which Is why turmeric is becoming an increasingly popular natural arthritis treatment.

Does Turmeric Work?

These are the benefits that have proven. Some research indicates that turmeric might reduce the risk for heart attack and it might boost immune system function, although more research is needed to validate these claims.

As you can see, turmeric helps some of the most important parts of your body: the brain, your joints, and your immune system. New benefits are being discovered every year and turmeric is definitely a spice you need to start using.


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