Product Review Hearing Solutions Tinnitool – Effective Laser Self-Treatment For Tinnitus?

Tinnitool – Effective Laser Self-Treatment For Tinnitus?

For much of its history, humanity has been at the mercy of nature and our biology. Our ailments have been so plentiful and varied that often, our ancestors ascribed our illnesses and conditions to everything from malevolent spirits to demons and karmic justice. A century or more ago, the human body began to be more thoroughly experimented on and documented. Science progressed at this point to diagnosing symptoms more carefully and methodically, though often with erroneous results or conclusions.

Recently, from about the turn of the 20th century, medical research has become more vigorous, and aided by the rapid acceleration of technological advancement, we are closer every day to pinpointing the causes of many illnesses and conditions, and their cures.

However, as our understanding of the human physiology becomes more clear, the mysteries that persist are often more elusive than ever.

Among the myriad psychological and neurological disorders that exist in our medical understanding is the condition Tinnitus. Perhaps one of the most innocuous seeming, this chronic condition is insidious in its nature; something that could be perceived as a minor annoyance in short concentrations is a severe and catastrophically affecting disorder in the long term.

Its treatment is difficult, often years long, and sometimes incredibly expensive. Tinnitool is a treatment of Tinnitus that promises a cheap, quick, and easy method for reducing or eliminating tinnitus.

Who Is Tinnitool?

The people behind the medical device Tinnitool is UKTinnitus, which is owned by Tower Health, a company based out of Nottingham, in the United Kingdom. Established in 1999, Tower Health is a health care and pharmacy based service dedicated to research and distribution of high quality pharmaceuticals and natural alternatives.

As it is a medical supply company, and the Tinnitool is classified as a medical device, purchase of the Tinnitool is VAT exempt as long as the consumer falls under the conditions laid out on its website. As well, customers are assured of a ninety day money back guarantee.

What is Tinnitus?

The effects of tinnitus are perhaps one of the most universally recognized, yet not necessarily well understood. We are all familiar with the phenomena of ringing in the ears, though that does not make us acquainted with the persistent noise through our entire waking life. Tinnitus is classified as hearing noise without external reason for sound to be occurring.

This condition affects approximately ten to fifteen percent of all people, and it is classified as a serious problem in one to two percent. The noises may be a ringing, or may manifest as other sounds, rarely even voices or music. They may be in any range of frequency, and come from left, right, or both ears.

Tinnitus can be either subjective, or objective, meaning that it may be heard either only be the sufferer, or in objective tinnitus, heard through a stethoscope or other listening device, and is more likely to be treatable.

Subjective tinnitus is the most common type of the two, and has a wide variety of causes. Tinnitus is most commonly caused by hearing loss, where the sensitive hairs inside the inner ear are damaged and sensitivities to frequencies are reduced.

Diagnosing tinnitus is possible through a variety of methods. An audiological evaluation often precedes the specific tinnitus test, as it is sometimes a symptom of other illnesses and disorders, including, commonly, ear infections. A simple pure tone hearing test, that is common in the course of many of our lives, is most frequently the primary test administered. The pitch of hearing loss in many sufferers is also the range that tinnitus is apparent.

In this case, a hearing aid may be fitted to amplify this range so that the background noise may drown out the tinnitus in part or whole. In certain cases, transcranial doppler and magnetic resonance angiography tests may be performed, and there is a common misdiagnosis where certain electrical, electronic, or radio frequencies are detected in the sufferer, and mistaken for the chronic condition.

Treatments for Tinnitus

Approximately a third of adults over fifty five experience tinnitus in Canada and the United States of America. It is reported in twelve to thirty six percent of children without hearing loss, and up to sixty six percent in those who have experienced hearing loss. There is currently no cure, but with ten to fifteen percent of all people being affected in such a way as to seek medical evaluation, there exists a plethora of treatments.

Relaxation techniques, and cognitive behavioral techniques are some of the most promising methods for alleviating symptoms, however, they do not necessarily lessen the physical affects of the actual volume or intensity of the noise. A number of medications have been tested, such as antidepressants, benzodiazepines, anticonvulsants, and a number of other herbal and natural remedies, but none have been found to conclusively lessen symptoms.

Sound therapy, through the aforementioned hearing aids, or white noise generators have been found to help, but again, do not necessarily lessen the physical markers, but mask them through other noises. Similar to turning the television on to cover the sound of a crying baby.

How Does Tinnitool Help?

The development of the Tinnitool was prompted by the costly and demanding treatment options available or claiming benefit for tinnitus. Tinnitool makes use of laser therapy by comfortably fitting over your ear and focusing a laser on the inner ear where hearing loss emanates from.

The website for Tinnitool claims that the low powered laser beam will stimulate the regeneration of those tiny, sensitive hairs in the inner ear, and activates the immune system. By using the Tinnitool for fifteen to twenty minutes per day, the company cites a double-blind study that eighty eight percent of participants experienced improvement, while sixty three percent showed significant improvement. Excluding VAT, which as a medical device, it qualifies for, the price is 299.95 pounds.

Tinnitool Review Summary

While there is no cure for tinnitus, there are certainly options. This condition can be aggravating to its sufferers, with stories of suicide not being unheard of. While this is rare, it underscores the serious nature of this chronic ailment.

The Tinnitool makes very bold claims on its website, and while the scientific research is not particularly overwhelming, the nature of tinnitus as an incurable condition makes the 300 pound price tag a drop in the bucket of a lifetime of treatment, coupled with the Tinnitool money back guarantee, it may just be worth a try.

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