Product Review Books The Restraint Code – Alton Wolfe’s Masculine Living Training Report?

The Restraint Code – Alton Wolfe’s Masculine Living Training Report?

It’s no secret that the modern man is far less virile and masculine than previous generations. A combination of subversive feminist ideology, phytoestrogens and xenoestrogens in the water supply, and sinister government societal engineering programs have created a generation of hormonal eunuchs that fail in even the most basic criteria that governs what a man ought to be.

Whatever the reasons for this progressive feminization of modern man are, the end result is the same. A generation of disaffected, disenfranchised, alienated, and effeminate pseudo-men that struggle to perform many of the tasks and societal roles expected of a man. Everything from erectile dysfunction to social awkwardness, failure to pick up women, financial failure, and a weak physique can be attributed to this degeneration of masculinity.

If you’re reading this article, you’ve probably tried to address these issues yourself. There is a vast body of self-help information available online that is designed to prey upon insecure men that sense that there is something amiss in the life, a perception that many try to redress by following pick up guides, game theory, self-improvement projects, alternative diets, health plans, and more.

The biggest secret is that unless you’re prepared to make serious and drastic changes in your own life, no amount of self-help literature or youtube videos are going to be able to help you boost your masculinity and virility. There is a serious lack of realistic, honest self-help material that provides assistance to readers by focusing on the root cause of the progressive feminization of men- self-indulgence.

The Restraint Code, however, is a new, different breed of self-help literature. From the mind of Alton Wolfe, the Restraint Code doesn’t pull any punches. The intro line for the website itself begins with the statement “You have slowly been pacified, feminized, and domesticated”, which is more honesty than we’ve seen in any self-help book, ever.

Let’s take a closer look at the Restraint Code and find out what it does differently than other self help books on the market to help you decide whether it’s the right lifestyle guide for you.

What is the Restraint Code?

As a self help guide, the Restraint Code is refreshingly meta and painfully self-aware. The author of the book, Alton Wolfe, makes it obvious that he’s read almost all of the most popular self-help material available to the modern man online.

Referencing fitness guides, pick-up artistry methods, health programs, and home-study guides, it’s apparent that Wolfe is aware of the crucial need that many young men have to achieve direction and success in their lives.

What makes the Restraint Code different than other self help literature, however, is the brutal honesty Wolfe uses in presenting the system. Wolfe pulls no punches in addressing the primary attributes of men that seek an “out” from their self-perceived weakness or lack of masculinity, presenting a “generic loser list” that Wolfe claims is a generic description of most modern men.

Describing the modern, feminized male as one that is obsessed with novelty but fails to complete projects from start to finish, Wolfe presents the image of the contemporary male as unhappy with their life as a man, lacking the ability to perform self-help tasks, possessing a history of anxiety, desperate to attract the attention of women, and obsessed with the idea of “standing out from the crowd” and avoiding groupthink.

The Restraint Code System

According to Wolfe, most men that seek to address the common issues of having no financial stability, lacking success with women, and possessing a weak physique lack a critical component that is unknown to 99% of men. It’s true that low testosterone contributes to the lack of male satisfaction and success to a large degree, but, according to Wolfe, testosterone can only achieve so much.

While hitting the gym, raising testosterone levels, increasing salary, and studying seduction methods can deliver some degree of success, all endeavors based on these principles alone are doomed to fail as they lack a critical element- the Restraint Code.

The Restraint Code is a comprehensive system that breaks down the practice of self improvement and mastery over masculinity into five simple sections- Productivity, or the ability to follow through and perform self-improvement tasks, Dating & Sex, which delineates the importance of base masculine traits in attracting women, Money, which attributes the lack of financial success to a lack of masculinity, and Game, or treating life as a game to be conquered.

The final element of the Restraint Code, Fire, is designed to act as a bootstrap that gets readers up and running, acting as a catalyst to overall life improvement. Consisting of over 70 pages of detailed information, the Restraint Code provides readers with a simple, effective, and painfully-obvious primal secret that is guaranteed to work.

The Restraint Code Verdict

Wolfe provides the Restraint Code on a 100% satisfaction guarantee money-back policy, so he definitely puts his money where his mouth is when it comes to the efficacy of his program.

For many modern men, the Restraint Code is exactly what is needed- it isn’t stylish, it’s not pretty, but it’s honest, and it works. If you’re tired of living a feminized, doughy life and want to break out of the estrogen cage, the Restraint Code is probably one of the best things you can read.

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