Pain Relief Joint / Arthritis Synutra Pure – Osteosyn’s Chondroitin Joint Health Pain Relief?

Synutra Pure – Osteosyn’s Chondroitin Joint Health Pain Relief?

Synutra Pure

Joint problems are extremely common these days. In fact, studies have shown that individuals over the age of 55 (men and women) have a 67% chance of developing structural ailments like osteoporosis, slipped disc, lower back pain etc at some point in their lives.

When looked at in more detail we can see that these issues flare up due to poor lifestyle choices that gradually accumulate over years. For example, poor posture, eating habits can gradually weaken our muscles and tendons, thereby resulting in a host of back related issues as we become older.

About Synutra Pure

Synutra Pure is a leader in the field of joint health and fitness supplementation. The products on offer have been designed through the use of potent natural compounds that help alleviate pain, inflammation and general discomfort.

Not only that, the manufacturer has also added clinical doses of potent nutrients like glucosamine, key enzymes which can help enhance our mood states and allow us to keep a clearer head through the course of our daily work.

Synutra Pure Product Range

Some of the key supplements that are available for commercial purchase include:

Chondroitin 1200+ with Glucosamine:

This potent supplement contains a ‘green formula’ that entails the use of potent herbs and natural extracts. In terms of its use, the blend has been designed to promote the overall health of our joint and reduce any inflammation based issues that may be present within our muscle and tissue centres.

Also when speaking from a compositional aspect, we can see that Chondroitin 1200+ has been infused with a concentrated dose of 1200 mg USP-grade chondroitin sulfate sodium. Not only that, to further enhance the overall efficacy of the blend, there is also a 1500 mg dose of glucosamine hydrochloride that has been added to the solution.

Lastly, users will be interested to know that this joint health formula has been widely used in the U.S. since the 1970’s and has even been well-studied by researchers in the field of fitness and nutrition.

From a dosage standpoint, we can see that users are encouraged to take 4 capsules per day along with a meal. For optimal results, it is recommended that an intake cycle for 4 to 12 weeks be maintained. Dosage may be reduced for long term supplementation afterwards.

Chondroitin 1000+ With Glucosamine:

Similar to the above product, this variant contains a slightly lower dose of Chondroitin and Glucosamine. In terms of its efficacy, this supplement helps improve joint health and alleviates discomfort that we might be facing in terms of our overall health.

Each serving of Chondroitin 1000+ contains 1000 mg pharma-grade chondroitin sulfate sodium and 1000 mg glucosamine hydrochloride.

Chondroitin 1000+ With Low Sodium and Glucosamine:

Also commonly referred to as ‘Blue Cal Chondroitin’, this formula contains Glucosamine along with other key active ingredients that have been clinically demonstrated to optimise out joint health and overall wellbeing.

Similar to the previous supplement, this blend also contains 1000 mg pharma-grade chondroitin sulfate calcium and 1000 mg glucosamine hydrochloride. However, what makes this product unique is the fact that it contains low-sodium levels so that it can help individuals who desire to limit sodium intake for cardiovascular conditions.

In terms of daily intake, we can see that 4 capsules per day should be ingested along with a light meal, for 4 to 12 weeks.

Chondroitin Pure Advanced:

This highly advanced ‘Purple Advanced Shellfish Free formula’ has been especially designed to help individuals who are suffering from poor joint health and inflammation based ailments. When taken regularly, the supplement can help deliver comfort to people who might be in pain due to issues such as osteoporosis, arthritis etc.

From a compositional standpoint, we can see that the product is made with 1000 mg pharma-grade chondroitin sulfate sodium only. Additionally, recent research has shown that high purity chondroitin is highly efficacious in terms of maintaining our overall joint health and comfort.

Not only that, in order to ensure that this formula is safe for people with shellfish sensitivities, the manufacturer has removed any traces of compounds that might flare up such allergies amongst users. Similar, to the aforementioned items, it is recommended that users consume 2 capsules a day along with light meals for optimal benefits.

Chondroitin Pure Low Sodium:

While similar in its composition to the above product, what makes this supplement unique is the fact that is is completely sugar free as well as shellfish free. This ensures the core blend will not contribute to any allergies or to the elevation of our blood sugar levels.

Also, like all of the other products on sale, this ‘Blue Cal Low Sodium’ formula’ has been designed to help optimise the overall health of our joints and improve our comfort levels. Compositionally speaking, we can see that each serving of this potent supplement comes loaded with 1000 mg chondroitin sulfate calcium only.

Additionally, this low sodium preparation can also help people who are desiring to limit sodium and sugar intake due to cardiovascular or diabetic conditions.

Where Can I Buy All Of These Products?

The easiest way to place an order is by visiting the Synutra Pure official web page. The pricing of the individual supplements can vary between $57-$69. Also, all of the dosage and nutritional details can be read upon by simply clicking on the product. Payments can be made via safe means such as PayPal, MasterCard and Visa.

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