Product Review Home & Office SweetCheeks Massage Mats – Portable Sitting Anti-Cellulite Products?

SweetCheeks Massage Mats – Portable Sitting Anti-Cellulite Products?

SweetCheeks Massage Mats

Many people spend several hours sitting in their office chairs, stressing their “sweet cheeks” in the process. According to research, sitting has been identified to have various long term side effects that range from increased risk of arthritis to back pain and fatigue.

Although doctors recommend spending a few minutes standing or walking around between every 30 minutes of sitting, this is often not enough to keep all the undesirable side effects of sitting at bay.

Researchers are now comparing sitting with smoking, and it has been shown to increase the appearance of cellulite and other unwanted fat deposits. Following such revelations, sitting massage mats have hit the market, promising to provide comfort and alleviate the symptoms caused by lengthy hours of sitting on your chair or car.

Although some massage mats have been shown to help remedy the pain and massage your “sweet cheeks” to avoid inflammation and appearance of cellulite, not all offers you comes across in the market will deliver results.

In fact, there are many scam offers that have no soothing or massaging properties at all. This is why you need to carefully review all offers you get before trusting them.

Sweet Cheeks is one of the popular massage mats offered to help protect your buttocks and thigh area from the strain of sitting. Here is a brief descriptive review of the product, including its features, benefits, and concerns:

What Is Sweet Cheeks?

Sweet Cheeks is a massage mat company that provides different types of mats to be used for long periods of sitting. There are various designs provided for use in office chairs, residential relaxing chairs, and car seats, among others.

According to the manufacturers, Sweet Cheeks massage mats are designed to leverage your body weight against some 454 pyramid-like presses integrated in the mat. The end result is a deep gentle massage that improves blood circulation around the area.

With better oxygen and nutrient supply, collagen and elastin support are easy to achieve, and it also reduces your risk of developing cellulite and other skin conditions associated with sitting.

Why was Sweet Cheeks needed?

Research studies linking various pains and inflammation with long hours of sitting are not novel. In fact, several therapies and practices have been recommended to counter the effects of sitting.

Massage mats are known to provide gentle relaxation massage capable of boosting blood supply and rejuvenating skin properties. Sweet Cheeks massage mats were designed to provide on-the-go comfort that can be carried into the office, used back at home, and even in your car, making them some of the most versatile sitting mats in the market.

The Product

Sweet Cheeks offers various colors and sizes of sitting massage mats to fit your requirements for customization. The commonly available colors are smoke grey, cool grey, pink, turquoise, purple, and midnight black.

Each mat features the 454 pyramids design, aimed at inciting increased blood flow to the skin’s surface and muscles around your buttocks and thighs.

From test studies, the mats have been shown to even out tension and relax depressed areas. When this is combined with improved blood circulation, the impact may help reduce the appearance of cellulite and also ease up the pressure caused by sitting.

The mats are made of high quality compressible material that offers no irritation. If you feel slightly uncomfortable because of the pyramids, you can add an extra layer of clothing on top of the mat or sit for a shorter duration. According to the company, spending 30 minutes on these mats is enough to improve your blood circulation and even out the tension buildup around those areas.

Benefits Of The Mat

The advantages of Sweet Cheeks mats are crystal clear. It is another solution aimed at reducing the negative impacts of sitting.

Most furniture chairs and seats used in offices and cars are not optimized for comfort over long periods of use. Office seats, in particular, can build up tension around your bum and thigh muscles, reducing blood circulation and corresponding oxygen and nutrient supply.

With these massage mats, you can reduce sitting pressure and also achieve comfort. Another advantage is the versatility depicted by these mats. You can find designs that can be used at home on your personal seats, at the office, and in your car when driving. They also come with a plush carriage back for easy portability wherever you go.

The mats are lightweight and can fit in with your routine accessories and supplies. Some of the health benefits of the Sweet Cheek massage mat include the following:

• Increased local blood circulation

• Temporarily reduces the appearance of cellulite

• Perfect for relieving minor pains and aches

• Relieves muscle spasms

There are other advantages in terms of effectiveness, warranty, and quality guarantees. Test studies have also proven the mats actually even out the pressure and improve blood supply. It is advisable to sit on the mat for around 30 minutes at minimum to experience these benefits.

Concerns Of The Mat

While the benefits of Sweet Cheeks massage mats seem to be quite encouraging, a few clients have raised a few concerns regarding the mats. Some users have experienced a low level of discomfort when using the mats, especially since the pyramids can sink into the skin.

However, they do not pierce and only leave temporary (for a couple of minutes) impressions that disappear soon after you stop using the mat. You can also use an added layer of cloth to prevent the discomfort.

With regards to cellulite, the mats only provide temporary concealment. Those intending to eradicate all the cellulite should consider other effective measures and medications. The mats do not eliminate cellulite; they simply temporarily relieve its appearance.

Sweet Cheeks Portable Sitting Massage Mats Review Summary

Massage mats used for sitting can help you reduce the tension around your buttocks and thigh muscles, as well as increase comfort and blood circulation. However, this is only possible if you use top quality products that have been tested and proven to provide these benefits. Not all massage mats will help you achieve comfort.

It is therefore advisable to keenly review the reputation, safety, customer reviews, cost, material used, risk of irritation, and all other crucial issues when selecting your massage mat. Sweet Cheeks offers quality, versatile massage mats that have positive reviews and evidence of effectiveness.

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