Product Review Oral Health Supersmile – Safe Teeth Whitening Toothpaste, Brush & Oral Rinse?

Supersmile – Safe Teeth Whitening Toothpaste, Brush & Oral Rinse?


Teeth discoloration is a frustrating condition that affects more than 30% of the US population. Yellowing, greying, or discoloration of the teeth can occur even when an individual follows a comprehensive oral hygiene system, and can be extremely difficult to remove.

There are several causes of teeth discoloration. The most common cause of teeth discoloration is the consumption of specific foods such as coffee, tea, and carotenoid-rich plant based foods. Of these three causes of teeth discoloration, coffee is the most common, as the small abrasive coffee particles in the beverage grind away the outer layer of the enamel and discolor the inner layers of the teeth.

Tobacco smoking is another common cause of teeth discoloration, as is poor oral hygiene. Neglecting oral hygiene practices allows bacteria to build up on the teeth, which can cause a grey or yellow discoloration. If left unattended, these bacterial deposits can break down the structure of the teeth and cause serious dental problems.

In order to combat teeth discoloration, many individuals use a variety of teeth whitening products to brighten their smiles. Many of the teeth whitening solutions that are widely available on the market today, however, contain dangerous and harmful chemicals or damage the teeth, and thus should be avoided.

Most of the low-cost teeth whitening solutions available on the market today use hydrogen peroxide to bleach the teeth. Although these solutions may deliver fast whitening results, they do so at the cost of the health of the body- hydrogen peroxide is a dangerously poisonous chemical that can build up in the body and cause long term health damage.

Other teeth whitening solutions use abrasive powders to strip away the outer layers of discolored teeth enamel. While using these solutions rarely and in small amounts can deliver positive whitening results, overuse of these solutions can strip away the total enamel layer, revealing the inner dentin layer and destroying the tooth.

Laser and UV teeth whitening are both healthy, effective options, but are extremely expensive- just one single session of laser teeth whitening can cost more than $1000 USD. A highly effective alternative, however, is providing health conscious individuals with a powerful, reliable, and side effect free treatment for teeth discoloration that has been developed by leading dental experts.

Supersmile is a groundbreaking range of aesthetic dentistry products that is designed to enhance the overall health and wellness of the teeth and gums while eliminating teeth discoloration. In this article, we’ll take a look at the Supersmile range and find out what it offers to help you determine whether it’s their right teeth discoloration treatment for you. teeth discoloration

What Is Supersmile?

Supersmile is a comprehensive teeth discoloration and oral health care product range. The Supersmile range was founded in 1987 by Lucia Smigel, the partner of Dr. Irwin Smigel, the father of American aesthetic dentistry. Dr. Smigel is responsible for the creation of the dental bonding technique and, in the late 1980’s, created with world’s first whitening toothpaste for teeth discoloration.

The Supersmile brand is still operated by Lucia Smigel, and is currently sold in multiple countries worldwide. The biggest advantage offered by the Supersmile range is that it contains no chemical ingredients, and instead relies on a mild abrasive ingredient complex to gently scrub away the pigment on discolored teeth.

The Supersmile range incorporates an innovative ingredient called Calprox to deliver effective treatment for teeth discoloration. Instead of using highly abrasive chemicals, the Calprox formula uses a type of calcium peroxide that doesn’t contain any silica.

As the Supersmile formula doesn't contain any silica, it doesn’t destroy the enamel layer of the teeth. The gentle ingredients in the Supersmile formula gently dissolve the layer of protein that covers the teeth. This protein layer, called pellicle, is where the strains of bacteria that cause teeth discoloration grow.

In addition to Calprox, the Supersmile formula also contains a small amount of baking soda, which scrubs away additional teeth discoloration and other pigmentation. The Supersmile formula is safe for all kinds of dental work, and doesn’t interfere with veneers, crowns, bonding, and dentures.

Supersmile delivers significant teeth whitening results with just two minutes of treatment morning and night, and doesn't require any extra steps or bleaching chemicals. The Supersmile formula delivers dramatic whitening results in just three to five days of treatment, and is completely safe for nursing and pregnant women.

The Supersmile Range

The Supersmile range consists of six different products that work together to deliver the ultimate whitening system. The first product in the Supersmile range is the Supersmile Extra White System, which consists of the daily Whitening Toothpaste as well as a powerful whitening accelerator.

The Supersmile range also includes standalone Supersmile Professional Whitening Accelerator and Toothpaste, as well as a comprehensive 6 Minutes to a Whiter Smile kit, which includes professional activating rods and an ergonomic toothbrush.

Supersmile also offer a Whitening Pre-Rinse that multiplies the effectiveness of the Supersmile whitening formula, as well as the Supersmile Crystal Collection 45 Degree Toothbrushes, which are available in a selection of different colors.

Supersmile Review Summary

Finding the right treatment for teeth discoloration can be a frustrating and difficult process. The Supersmile range provides health conscious individuals with a range of teeth whitening products that are supported and endorsed by real, certified dentist that deliver proven results.

If you’re looking for the ideal treatment for teeth discoloration, the Supersmile range of products is one of the best options available on the market today.

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