Product Review Somnapure Natural Sleep Aid Review – Does It Work?

Somnapure Natural Sleep Aid Review – Does It Work?

Somnapure Review

When you can't sleep at night, you'd do anything for a good night's rest. But given what we know about the dangers of most over the counter sleep aids, it's not always a good idea to rely on chemical-laden drugs to cure insomnia.

With that in mind, we set out to explore choices in natural OTC sleep aids- those that help you sleep without the risk of harmful side effects in sleep aids containing Diphenhydramine and Doxylamine Succinate, the two main ingredients in most drugstore sleep aids.

Somnapure Natural Sleep Aid

One such natural sleep aid is Somnapure. It contains only natural ingredients and claims to be safe to use. We looked at the science behind the claims, the safety, the effectiveness and the pricing/availability and this is what we found…

Ingredients in Somnapure


The first thing we noticed about Somnapure's ingredients was that there are a lot of them. The most important, of course, is melatonin.

That's what does most of the work of getting you to sleep. Produced by a gland in your brain, melatonin is a hormone that regulates your sleep cycle.

When insomnia is caused by interruptions in your nightly sleep cycle, melatonin goes to work on your rhythm: feel sleepy when the sun sets and awake when the sun rises.

That's where most natural sleep aids stop- focusing on getting your natural rhythms back in synch with melatonin. Somnapure also has several other ingredients, three of which are supported by scientific references on Somnapure's website.

These three are:

— L-Theanine. This is where herbal teas get their power to relax you.
— Valerian Exract. Ancient sleep remedy gets you to sleep faster and improves the quality of your sleep.
— Hops Extract. When combined with Valerian, reduces amount of time it takes to fall asleep.

How Safe is Somnapure?

Since the ingredients are all-natural, there are no known negative side effects. All-natural also means it's not habit-forming either. You won't have a sleep aid “hangover” when you wake up!

How Effective is Somnapure?

Here's where the science comes in- Somnapure's website cites actual studies and gives references should you want to see them for yourself. Studies cite the efficacy of valerian, hops, and melatonin, the main ingredients in Somnapure.

Pricing and Availability

It's hard t miss the fact that Somnapure is available in many familiar retail locations. The website makes it very easy to find the product at online stores like drugstore, Amazon, and from the manufacturer's website (Peak Life LLC). You can also find it at brick and mortar stores like Walgreens, CVS and Walmart.

Pricing is decent: $39.99 for 60 tablets, which will get you through a month of taking it every night. It's safe to say that most of us would gladly pay $1.33 a night to sleep well!

Our Verdict

We loved the all-natural ingredients, and we loved the unique “formula” which gives added benefits and a better all-around good night's sleep. We did, however, question the necessity of some of the ingredients, especially those not supported by scientific studies on the website. One example would be passion flower, which seemed to be tacked on the list as an afterthought in order to impress.

Back to what we loved: it's available everywhere, the price is reasonable, and the science is there to back up the claims and the safety of Somnapure's 3 main ingredients. Aside from the seemingly erroneous ingredient or two, it's a thumbs up.

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  1. I really like Melatonin and Valerian Root for sleep. If the proper raws are combined they can really do miracles. The problem is that most supplements have cheap and useless Valerian Powder or way too little Extract in them to actually deliver. All the studies that have been done on Valerian used around 10 times the dosage of most supplements. This one here has around 15% of what studies show is required to deliver noticeable results.

  2. If I swim laps for 10 minutes a day, or go for a 30 minute walk each day, or do 15 minutes of Yoga before bedtime I sleep like a rock! Avoid caffeine, get lots of exercise and you will never require an supplements or drgs to sleep well.

  3. Greetings everyone. I have problems sleeping for over 20 years. I have been on multiple medications, prescription and over the counter. I would love to read the double blind studies, since I can’t find any of them at all.
    Product contains Melatonin, L-Theanine, and Valeria Root. All of which I have taken over 10 years.
    I hope the Melatonin amount is 10 mg or higher. Threanine is an amino acid 750mg to 1.5 gm/ tablet. This combo of Melatonin and Threonine has been on sale for 3+ years that I can remember. Publix, Sams, Costco, Walgreens. Valeria root comes separately. All of this can be found in the vitamin or supplement counter.
    I currently take a miniumun 50 mg Melatonin, L-Theranine, Valeria root, Benedry, Kava, and a prescribed sleep medication to get three hours sleep every night. I also use a Delta and Theta wave generator.
    I am going to try this med out but I do not expect miracles. As I said, I would love to read their white paper scientific studies on this medication.

    By the way, Melatonin does cause tachyphlaxis, or tolerance to the medication over a period of 2-4 weeks. Requiring you to need more melatonin to get the same effect. Melatonin is made in the pineal gland in the brain; about 20 mg per day. If you take additional melatonin, a hormone reflex shuts down the production of melatonin by the gland. Requiring you to have to take more melatonin to get the same effect.
    Sorry I’m rambling. I tend to do that when I am between doses. Thank you all for listening.

  4. I have been using Somnapure for approximately 10 days and I absolutely love it. I fall to sleep within an hour after taking it and I sleep comfortably. Also, I do not wake up with a groggy feeling. Thumbs up thus far.

  5. Did you guys (supplement police), do a mis-print or did I read it wrong? Under “Pricing and Availability” you say the price is $39.95 for 60 tabs and you add… “which will get you through a month of taking it every night”. Did you mean $39.95 for only 30 tabs? OR… should we take two tabs per night?

    I don’t know how long it’ll take to get a reply from you guys so…. because I am soooo desperate for a good night’s sleep, (I have been on Ambien for over 5 years and it’s destroying me). I’m gonna go ahead and try the free sample and hope it all goes good. Wish me well. Thanks in advance for a reply. Ron

  6. I’ve been told by a Dr friend that you should take only 1.5 mg of melatonin a day.I think each tablet of somnapure has 3mg of melatonin in each tablet.Enlighten me on this product please.

  7. I can’t believe how awesome things have become for me since starting to use Somnapure. I spent the last 6 months in between different jobs, usually some sort of temp work, always having to wake up at different hours of the morning and sometimes even night. This schedule left me extremely out of sorts until I finally came across an office job that I got to keep. Adjusting to steady hours was difficult though, and I had to find some sort of aid to my problem.

    I found a link to Somnapure online and did some research. The general consensus was that it was quick and effective, but also left you feeling great the next morning. After one night of putting it to the test, I was convinced that Somnapure was the answer for me. I take one every night before going to sleep. Within the hour I am snoozing and my sleep is never interrupted.

    Their formula works, their team is great, and I am so fortunate to have found such an awesome sleep aid.

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