Product Review Fitness & Sports Soho Strength Lab – Nutritional Meal Planning & Fitness Training?

Soho Strength Lab – Nutritional Meal Planning & Fitness Training?

soho strength lab

Through a systematic increase in awareness, many individuals have found that through the use of a healthy exercise regime and regular diet plan, they can easily maintain their weight levels as well as balance out their mental wellbeing and happiness. This point is further reflected in a case study done in 2009 wherein 100 individuals (along with a similar control group) were made to follow a carefully charted regime in terms of their daily physical output and food intake.

It was found that after the commencement of the 100 days, the individuals following the regime lost an average of 5.5 kgs more than the control group. However, what was really startling was, that the happiness levels of the individuals in the study was found to be significantly higher than that of the ‘control group’. Upon further investigation, it was found that the participants had higher levels of serotonin and dopamine in their bodies. These hormones are essential for the mental well being of an individual, and are secreted more abundantly when the pineal gland is made to undergo physical activity.

Today there are many certified nutritionists and health experts whose services one can avail of. Using scientific data, these experts are able to map out a plan wherein they are able to identify certain foods that we tend to consume in excess, and are harmful for our particular systems.

Thus, through a small tweak in our dietary habits, we can raise our ‘basal metabolic rate’ and thus achieve a heightened state of awareness, as well as increased energy production. Lastly, many of today’s exercise routines have been devised in such a way that, even novices and amateurs can easily make use of these methods. Certain exercises unlock our true neurological potential, and are thus able to truly maximise our peak physical output.

About Soho Strength Lab

Soho Strength Lab is an all new ‘one stop fitness solution’ for all of one’s health and physical needs. The facility is located in Manhattan, and is easily accessible to any willing participants who are looking to revamp their lifestyles, and get into peak physical shape. In its essence, SoHo Strength Lab combines the ‘old school grit of the best college weight rooms with new school equipment and amenities’.

The facility does not give users with any false allusions wherein, they make it seem that training can be easy and by just following a simple set of exercises one can lose copious amounts of weight. It instead focuses on real intense training, which develops our body holistically.

When talking about the amenities being offered, Soho Strength Lab has a total floor space of over 3,900 sq feet spread out between two spacious floors. The training facility is equipped with all of today’s modern gym training options as well as ample space to run, jump, climb and lift.

Some of the amenities available include:

  • (i) Pendlay Equipment: the facility offers state of the art, Pendlay workout tools which have been designed according to specified custom outlays. The tools are new, and are regularly put through maintenance so that users can get the best lighting experience from them.
  • (ii) Olympic Lifting Platforms: many gyms lack a good training area wherein the floor is designed specifically for heavy training. Soho offers users with a fully customised ‘Olympic Platform’ which is made to endure the toughest of trainings and workout regimes.
  • (iii) Prowlers: these fitness devices are unique because they provide users with a complete upper and lower body workout.

Some of the other amenities available include 20 ft climbing ropes, Gymnastic Rings, Woodway Curve Treadmill, Concept 2 Rowers, Airdyne Bikes, Sandbags and Battle Ropes.

Personal Training

A key aspect of the Facilities being offered is the ‘Personalised Training and Coaching’. There are various expert nutritionists and trainers who are affiliated with ‘Soho Labs’. Upon appointment, their services can be availed and and used for one-on-one sessions.

Through their guidance, users can optimise their workout schedules, reinvigorate their eating habits and generally just talk about their physical goals and expectations. The trainers in turn can help users lose excess weight and help maintain their fat levels, so that one can lead a happy and fulfilling life even as one starts to become a bit older and advanced in age.

Some of the elite trainers associated with Soho Strength Lab include:

  • Ryan Hopkins: Ryan is an elite weightlifter with over 10 years of professional experience in the field of nutrition and ‘high intensity bodybuilding’.
  • Albert Matheny: Albert is a holistic trainer who specialises in providing full body workouts to activate all our dormant muscles and tissues. His areas of expertise include rope climbing, free weight training.
  • Andrew Speer: Andrew is a fitness specialist who has over 15 year of combined experience in the weight training department. He is highly respected amongst the training community for his innovative approaches to becoming fit and staying healthy.

Nutritional Planning

SoHo Strength Lab offers nutrition consultations and meal planning with its ‘in-house registered dietitian Albert Matheny’. Since the year 2010, Albert has worked with clients in ‘all areas of nutrition, from performance nutrition with olympic athletes, including gold medalist Christian Taylor and silver medalist Justin Gatlin, to meal planning for weight-loss, food allergies, and specific dietary needs for vegetarians and vegans’.

Soho Strength Lab Bookings

All of the advance bookings to use the gym, consult with trainers, have nutritional discussions can be done via the online portal. (

New users can leave their contact details and requirements on the website, and a representative will contact them immediately.

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