Product Review Sleep Solutions SleepPro International – Effective Mouthpiece To Stop Snoring?

SleepPro International – Effective Mouthpiece To Stop Snoring?

Despite the importance that sleep plays in the overall well-being of people, its importance is often overlooked. In fact, college students and young adults actually strive to see how little the can sleep, bragging about all-nighters and the lack of sleep they’ve had during the work week as though it is something of which to be proud.

The problem with the importance of sleep being overlooked so often is that due to the lack of information about sleep, the health risks associated with missing too much sleep or experiencing continual poor quality sleep are often overlooked. Sleep doesn’t just help people stay focused and alert throughout the day, but it also plays a vital role in overall health. For one, the right amount of sleep at the right times supports the immune system, balances out hormone levels, and even aids in weight management. For those who aren’t getting enough or aren’t getting the quality they need, all these health issues could be a problem.

Unfortunately, for many people having a good nights’ rest is an impossibility due to one small condition: Snoring. A health condition that is often joked about, but actually has serious implications, snoring doesn’t disrupt the sleep of those experiencing the condition, but also the partners of those with the condition. Snoring and the lack of sleep it causes results a myriad of conditions that will only wear away at the health and happiness of those experiencing it.

SleepPro International is a company that has committed itself to finding the best snore solutions possible, giving users their rest back. With the products provided by SleepPro, those who want a rejuvenating, invigorating nights’ sleep will finally have it again.

About SleepPro International

SleepPro International is a company that specializes in products to prevent and stop snoring. From straps to mouthpieces, SleepPro offers a wide range of options that all work towards undoing the conditions that cause snoring while also giving users the rest and rejuvenation they need to make it through the day. With SleepPro products, users will finally be able to relax completely and totally, giving themselves and their partner’s peace at night.

Most types of snoring occur when the upper airways in people narrow while they sleep. There are multiple reasons this might happen, from large tonsils and a soft palate to a long uvula or too much tissue in the throat. The result is that when the body completely relaxes during sleep, the air going through the upper airways causes a vibration, the result of which is snoring. The best way to prevent this is to keep the tongue from falling backwards, which is how SleepPro mouthpieces work.

SleepPro mouthpieces work by opening up the upper airway of users, reducing or eliminating completely mild to moderate snoring. Within a few minutes of putting in a SleepPro mouthpiece, users will notice their snoring symptoms have decreased significantly. With these mouthpieces, users and their partners will finally be able to get the restful sleep they need to feel energized throughout the day.

SleepPro International offers a wide range of mouthpieces, as well as a chin support strap, each working to provide varying degrees of snore support. SleepPro creates varying mouthpieces because everyone has different needs when it comes to combating their snore habits. With SleepPro and its varying products, there is a solution for everyone, allowing most customers of SleepPro International to find the perfect solution for their best nights’ sleep.

What Makes SleepPro International Different

The biggest difference between SleepPro International and other snore aid companies on the market is the method in which SleepPro uses to help its customers. The SleepPro mouthpieces are mandibular advancement splints, meaning they help extend the lower jaw, creating a tension in the soft tissues of the respiratory airways. As mentioned above, most snoring is caused by these tissues vibrating when they become too relaxed, which is why the SleepPro mouthpieces are so proficient about preventing snoring in its users.

It’s one thing for a company to say that its products work, but with SleepPro, experts praise the company’s products. Doctors, hospitals, sleep clinics, and even dentists across the world recommend SleepPro products to their patients. Not only does this make SleepPro mouthpieces some of the most endorsed snoring aids on the market, but all the SleepPro products were also approved by experts. This approval means a lot to those who are searching for a solution to their snoring and hoping to find the best product possible.

Because SleepPro mouthpieces were created by experts in oral surgery and dentistry, the science behind these products are completely solid. However, unlike the methods used by doctors and dentists, SleepPro mouthpieces are able to offer users a solution to their snoring without breaking the bank. For those who want an effective snoring solution, but at an incredibly inexpensive price, SleepPro International has the best products available.

Products Sold by SleepPro International

As mentioned above, SleepPro International specializes in mouthpieces, though it also sells jaw straps. While most companies would be content offering one type of mouthpiece, in a one size fits all type mentality, SleepPro understands that everyone has their own unique needs when it comes to snoring. Due to this mindset, SleepPro offers varying mouthpieces, so customers can find the one that will best meet their needs.

A list of the SleepPro products, as well as the breakdown of each product, can be found below. For more details on these products, users can visit the SleepPro International website (

SleepPro Easifit – $49.99

For those who aren’t sure if a mouthpiece is the best snoring treatment for them, the SleepPro Easifit is the best option. This mouthpiece is just as effective as the other options sold by SleepPro, but it is simpler and more cost efficient. With its moldable form and breathing holes for better breathing through the night, SleepPro Easifit is both effective and cost efficient.

SleepPro Woman – $49.99

Designed with the biological needs of women in mind, the SleepPro Woman is an inexpensive, effective option for women who are looking for a discreet snoring treatment. The mouthpiece fits firmly over the teeth, being shaped by users to perfectly match their form. Offering maximum comfort and preventing snoring in the best way possible, SleepPro Woman is the perfect solution for women who are tired of waking up tired.

SleepPro Sleep Tight – $79.99

The newest snoring solution offered by SleepPro, this mouthpiece was designed using the foundation of the SleepPro Easifit. Using twin polymer technology, SleepPro Sleep Tight is just as easy to use and inexpensive as other options, but offers a tighter fight for those who found the other mouthpiece options ineffective. With the technology behind SleepPro Sleep Tight, users will experience reduced movement and less rubbing throughout the night.

SleepPro Contour – $129.99

Using the same technology the other mouthpieces offer to help mold the SleepPro Contour, this option also includes seven different settings to make sure every user can find the perfect tension. Similar to the SleepPro Easifit, by adding the different tension settings, the SleepPro Contour has taken snoring solutions to the next level, offering a more tailored option for those who suffer from snoring.

SleepPro Custom – $235.99

While the other SleepPro mouthpiece options can be fitted at home, for those who want a custom made, superior fit, there’s the SleepPro Custom. The materials used for this mouthpiece are thinner and made in a laboratory for the best results. Customers will provide a mold of their mouths using the dental impression kit that comes with SleepPro Custom, receiving their personalized anti-snoring mouthpiece right at their door.

Chin Support Strap – $29.99

For those who open their mouths while snoring, the SleepPro Chin Support Strap is a simple and effective solution. When combined with any SleepPro mouthpieces, this strap is able to encourage nasal breathing while clearing the airways for a more restful sleep.

In addition to the products listed above, customers will also find cleaning solutions on the SleepPro International website. The prices listed above do not include shipping and handling fees which will be added at checkout.

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