Supplement Review Muscle Growth Silver Fern Brand Endurance – Pre-Workout Energy Drink Mix?

Silver Fern Brand Endurance – Pre-Workout Energy Drink Mix?

Silver Fern Brand Endurance

Whether you love the gym or not, most people feel amazing after a solid workout. However, what we don’t love is when we are powering through a solid workout routine and we start to feel that burn – not the good kind either.

More so the kind that wants us to stop because we are out of steam. It is as though we used up all the energy too soon, and the latter half of the workout starts to feel more like a chore.

Chances are, you have probably tried other pre-workout drinks before. And, the most common review about them is that they often don’t taste very good or, they provide a quick surge of energy and you are left to crash afterwards.

You see, during a hard workout your body is often in need of more oxygen. As we start to excel through the routine, our existing oxygen supply may struggle to keep up.

Signs or symptoms of this is when our muscles begin to switch into something called anaerobic sugar burning mode. What this means is that it produces more lactic acid and can cause that dreadful burn that makes us want to stop.

About Silver Fern Brand Endurance

Silver Fern Brand Endurance developed their pre-workout energy drink with these common complaints in mind. They wanted to create a drink that would not only taste great, but prevent that burn from happening and allow the oxygen to work throughout the body at the necessary levels, and lastly not give you that sudden crash that can happen with other sugary energy drinks.

The need for oxygen is key because without it, our hearts have a hard time keeping up – and anyone who spends any time in a gym, knows that you want to keep your heart rate at optimal levels to allow you to continue through the workout and have you in a condition that is burning the most calories and/or fat.

What Has Silver Fern Done Differently?

Silver Fern Brand Endurance has created a supplement that helps an increase in cardiac output by the volume of blood that your heart pumps each minute. In fact, it has been proven to do so up to 12% more. That is a twelve percent increase in your cardiovascular performance.

To give you a comparison of why this is such a big deal, know that this is the equivalent of up to six (6) months’ worth of training and an additional sixty (6) litres of blood per hour.

This product will not only help your overall energy during and after your workout but it can also help with the following areas;

What About the Increased Body Power?

This area, is designed to help bind oxygen to red blood cells. When this occurs, it allows your body to create more red blood cells which have the role of carrying oxygen to your body in critical ways and maximizing your performance.

In addition, you will find Vitamin K2-7. This is where the responsibility of increased cardiac function lies, and D-Ribose that will assist with healthy blood flow and circulation.

Vitamin B6 assists with playing an active role in the metabolizing of energy and Vitamin B12 helps provides increased energy and enhancing your metabolism.

Perhaps a better mood is what you are after. Nothing worse than leaving a great workout and your body is feeling great but your mind isn’t having it! Alpha-GPC helps the communication aspect between your brain and your muscles. This helps with concentration, focus, alertness and overall feeling better in your mind.

This will not only help you power through a tough workout, but leave you feeling satisfied and accomplished afterwards.

Directions for Use

Combine one (1) scoop of Silver Fern Brand Endurance with eight (8) ounces of cold water and enjoy! Searching for even more energy? No problem, you can mix two (2) scoops into the same amount of cold water for an extra punch!

How to Order Silver Fern Brand Endurance

This pre-workout drink mix by Silver Fern Brand Endurance can be ordered online at Amazon for only $39.99. This container allows for sixty (6) servings.

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