Product Review Fitness & Sports Seniority Health – Fitness Training Workout Videos For Older Men?

Seniority Health – Fitness Training Workout Videos For Older Men?

seniority health

Age has many different effects on the human body. Over time, the ability of the body to heal damage, build new muscle tissue, and function at high levels of physical performance deteriorates.

While it’s true that the base fitness level of the body becomes more limited with age, the human body is extremely adaptable and is able to sustain high levels of physical fitness until the senior years.

Getting older doesn’t have to mean getting less fit. The speed at which the debilitating effects of age manifest in the body is determined by a variety of lifestyle choices such as regular physical exercise, dietary choices, and hormone balance. Of these factors, hormone balance is exceptionally important in men.

The physical fitness levels, endurance, body fat percentage, and libido of the male body are all regulated by the rate at which testosterone, the male hormone, is produced. From the age of 22 onwards, the rate at which the body can produce testosterone decreases by between 2% and 4% every year. By the age of 40 this process, called andropause, begins to have a significantly limiting effect on how easy it is to remain fit and in shape.

Low testosterone levels cause chronic fatigue, low libido levels, reduced muscle mass, and make it more difficult to cut down body fat percentages, making it difficult to develop six pack abs and a shredded, cut body.

Fortunately, there are many different methods and techniques that can be integrated into a fitness strategy that allows men to promote higher testosterone levels beyond the age of 40.

Managing total body health and fitness beyond the age of 40 is critical. One of the best ways to ensure you’re following positive lifestyle practices that ensure your continued vitality into the later years of life is to leverage the massive amount of fitness, training, and nutrition information that is available online. Finding a reliable source of fitness information specifically targeted toward the male over 40 demographic, however, can be difficult.

What Is Seniority Health?

Seniority Health is a fitness, nutrition, and training information website that is geared specifically toward men beyond the age of 40. Offering a vast amount of information and resources provided by professional fitness experts, the Seniority Health platform is the number one provider of male health guides online.

Seniority Health provides workout videos, diet guides, and a wide range of supplements and training products for men seeking to sustain their fitness in their prime years.

In this article, we’ll check out the Seniority Health platform and find out what it offers to help you decide whether it can help you remain fit, healthy, and virile at any age.

Seniority Health is a men’s health and fitness website that provides detailed lifestyle advice for men beyond the age of 40. The Seniority Health platform was created by fitness guru Mark Mcilyar in order to provide mature men with targeted fitness information relevant to them, as most of the workout, fitness, and nutrition information on the market is aimed primarily at the youth demographic.

Mark Mcilyar is one of the fittest men beyond the age of 50 in the world, and is the spokesman for the Abs After 40 workout. Mcilyar came up with the concept for the Seniority Health platform after attending his 30-year high school reunion, where he realised that all of his formerly fit colleagues were now overweight and unhealthy.

Intent on transforming his body and his life, Mcilyar began developing a comprehensive fitness program for men beyond the age of 40, which has now evolved into the Seniority Health platform.

The Seniority Health platform provides a massive amount of information in the form of comprehensive, easy to follow instructional videos. The video content provided by Seniority Health covers a broad spectrum of topics such as nutritional guides for boosting testosterone production, a series of Abs After 40 videos, workouts and nutrition for men over 40, and targeted information on topics such as how to lose belly fat, how to optimize male hormones, as well as many different training guides.

The Seniority Health Youtube channel also frequently uploads video content from leading senior fitness experts such as Clark Bartram and Toby Buttle, as well as regularly providing guest trainer uploads from celebrities such as Joe Rogan and Marcus Bondi. All of the video content on the Seniority Health website is completely free, making it one of the best sources of senior fitness information online.

Seniority Health Summary

Seniority Health also provide health and fitness enthusiasts with a dedicated training app available for both iOS and Android smartphones called Sixpack Shortcuts Training. The app, which is completely free, offers easy to follow programs that make achieving fitness and health goals effortless, as well as downloadable instructional videos, supplement consultation and advice, and progress tracking.

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