Product Review Hearing Solutions Reverse Hearing Loss Review & Amish Healing Secrets

Reverse Hearing Loss Review & Amish Healing Secrets


Reverse Hearing Loss Amish Book Review

Reverse Hearing Loss is a downloadable 117 page, user-friendly, highly-detailed eBook that promises to cure your hearing loss using foods you can buy from a grocery store.

Our goal is to give you the best review possible so listen up!

What is Reverse Hearing Loss?

Reverse Hearing Loss is a new eBook written by a guy named Sam Miller. The book promises to teach you how to reverse hearing loss using ancient Amish techniques.

Those ancient Amish techniques involve buying certain foods from the grocery store. These foods are affordable and can be found at any local grocery store.

There’s no need to visit a doctor or take expensive pharmaceuticals.

Here's a sneak peak inside the Table of Contents on the hearing loss reversed book:

Table of Contents – Page Number

  • Introduction … 4
  • The Anatomy of the Ear … 5
  • What Causes Hearing Loss … 10
  • Options For Treating Hearing Loss … 23
  • The Amish Way of Healing … 35
  • Effects of Nutrition on Hearing … 54
  • Preventing Hearing Loss … 72
  • Apps for Hearing Loss … 85
  • Resources for Hearing Loss … 95
  • Conclusion … 98
  • 15-Day Action Plan … 102

Best of all, these techniques claim will naturally restore your hearing in just 17 days. But that being said, regardless of the time frame, this is an extremely detailed and well-written guide on hearing loss and a lot can be learned from it (even if it does not work in the miracle-marketing ways as promised and promoted).

Does it sound too good to be true? Keep reading to find out how Reverse Hearing Loss works.

How Does Reverse Hearing Loss Work?

Reverse Hearing Loss claims to work by using a specific formula of foods and ingredients.

These foods can cure your hearing when taken at the right times of day and in the right order. Sam claims these foods work by repairing hair cells and other tissues within the body.

By repairing these tissues – like the tissues within your ear – you can reverse hearing loss.

Basically, you read Reverse Hearing Loss, purchase all of the ingredients listed, then eat those foods at certain times of the day. If you do that, then Sam promises that you will have “crystal clear hearing” in 3 weeks or less.

Sam also claims that Reverse Hearing Loss has been used successfully by over 45,000 people.

Hair cells, by the way, are cells found in all vertebrates. They act as sensory receptors for both your auditory and vestibular systems. Basically, they transmit audio information into electrical impulses that can be understood by the brain and transformed into sound.

As you grow older, your hair cells can die off. Your body cannot regrow hair cells on its own – which is why hearing loss is permanent without medical intervention.

The Reverse Hearing Loss Diet

Basically, Reverse Hearing Loss wants you to follow a diet for 17 days. Unlike most diets you find online, this diet isn’t advertised as a weight loss diet.

Some of the key ingredients in Reverse Hearing Loss include:

— Vitamin A
— Vitamin B12
— Magnesium

Most of the foods in Reverse Hearing Loss involve delivering your recommended daily value of the above nutrients along with other important vitamins and minerals.

Does Reverse Hearing Loss Actually Work?

Sam Miller claims that 45,000 people have successfully used the lessons in Reverse Hearing Loss to reverse their hearing loss.

The main criticism of Reverse Hearing Loss, however, is that people lose their hearing for different reasons. Reverse Hearing Loss only works to cure one of those reasons.

Some people lose their hearing by physically injuring their ear drum, for example, while others lose their hearing because of excessive wax buildup, ear infections, or repeated exposure to loud noises.

Reverse Hearing Loss only addresses a type of hearing loss called sensorineural hearing loss – which is the term for when the hair cells in your inner ear become damaged.

Another criticism of Reverse Hearing Loss is that you don’t necessarily need to buy the foods listed in Reverse Hearing Loss: you can just as easily take a vitamin supplement instead.

Ultimately, the foods listed in Reverse Hearing Loss will make you a healthier person overall (because you’re getting your daily recommended value of certain nutrients). But they’re unlikely to actually cure your hearing.

How to Buy Reverse Hearing Loss

Reverse Hearing Loss is only available online from the eBook’s official website at

The book is priced at $39. After you pay, you’ll receive an instant download link for Reverse Hearing Loss. You can download it in PDF form to read on your tablet, smartphone, laptop, desktop computer, or whatever other electronic devices you own.

All purchases come with a 60 day refund policy. If you’re unsatisfied with your purchase for any reason, you can request a refund within 60 days by emailing (there’s no customer service phone number listed on the site).

Who Created Reverse Hearing Loss?

Reverse Hearing Loss was written by a guy named Sam Miller. If that name sounds ridiculously fake and generic to you, then you’re right: it’s a pseudonym for an unknown author.

At the Reverse Hearing Loss website, you’ll discover that the author wanted his identity to remain a secret, so he works under a pseudonym instead.

There are no further details available about the author – although he does tell an entertaining story about how he discovered the ancient Amish hearing loss techniques and cured his own hearing problems.

Who Should Read Reverse Hearing Loss?

Reverse Hearing Loss is a diet book that advertises itself as a cure for hearing loss. The author claims to have cured 45,000 people of their hearing problems – but there’s little evidence to support that statistic.

If you’re suffering from hearing loss, then you should talk to a doctor instead of turning to some online eBook that promises a magical cure. At this point, there’s no evidence suggesting that Reverse Hearing Loss works as promised.

But if you want to take a look for yourself, you can head over to their official page:


  1. BEFORE spending any money for anything online, it is always good to check out the remarks made by other people who may have bought the product. I always look at reviews before spending the money. I once bought a weight loss program that didn’t work and didn’t get my money back so I’m careful now what I spend my money on.

  2. If you listen to Sam Miller’s long story, alarm bells should be ringing, so loud that the profoundly deaf should hear them! Here are the things that don’t add up:

    1. He goes on a hunting trip without his hearing aids. I’m guessing there was some conversation between his father and Sam on this trip. Strangely, he was able to completely fool his father that he could hear normally but not his work mates. The latter had to yell ‘Can you hear me now, granddad?’ but when his dad woke up in the hospital, Sam’s deafness came as a great surprise to him!

    2. An experienced hunter gets attacked by a Cougar, yet somehow, his father manages to turn the gun on the animal and kill it after calling out for help. Sam doesn’t hear his father calling and he hears a gunshot as a ‘popping balloon’ and his was only five feet away. With hearing this bad, he would not be able to have any conversation with his dad before or after the trip.

    3. When being savaged by a wild animal, how can a man find his rifle and get a clear aim at it? How can a hunter even be in that position? Why didn’t he see the Cougar and shoot it before it got near to him? How could you call out for someone whilst having your ‘bones crushed’ by a wild animal?

    4. The $39 he is asking is to pay for the expensive maintenance of the website. Wow, certainly expensive as he has had 45,657 people paying him $39. That comes to $1780,623. Most people’s websites cost very little to run.

  3. I Placed an order with you on Nov 9, 2015 via the internet, and as of today Dec 7, 2015, I have not received the book that I ordered, however my credit card was charge for the full amount of the book on Nov 9, 2015. Does it take that long to ship?

    • It’s an Ebook, there’s nothing to ship other than the address of the PDF containing the Ebook. The address should have been listed at the same time you paid for the Ebook document.

  4. Mind Over Matter. If u believe something will heal u , it Will. But, u dont need something to heal u , herbs and proper diet r a big help , Yes. I’ve seen flat out Instant Healings from Energy Workers (Reiki, Pranic Energy Healers, Qi Gong, ect)!!!! For I Am a Reiki Practitioner (and then some), I Have Healed Many ailments Instantly! ALL of You/Us (if u allow IT) Can Do The Same Namaste

  5. ALL of these kind of offers are scams. If they were as presented, then you would have heard of these ‘secret miracle’ cures for LONG ago, and you would have heard about them on all the news networks. For the life of me, I don’t understand how people keep getting taken in by them. They are soooo obvious. In this particular case, if this were truly an AMISH cure, the Amish would be getting the money for this information!

  6. i also tried this, e-mailed them after a month, said
    ‘this didn’t work for me as did not the TINNITUS TERMINATOR, so send me my money back. I JUST CHECKED MY BANK ACCOUNT AND THE $39.00 WAS BACK IN MY ACCOUNT.

  7. How does one stop their credit card from being compromised after making an order and how can the money be reimbursed when order is not fulfilled? Thank you for your response!
    Marianne Wegener

  8. I can’t believe I fell for this scam. and I don’t have the money to lose. your add was very convincing.Mr. Miller I want my money back and I don’t care to hear from you again.

    • Linda,

      Thank you for leaving a comment.

      Please know that you will need to contact the actually company that sells it to get them to quit billing you. You can also try and contact Clickbank. They should be able help you out.

      — Supplement Police

      • I don’t understand the above comment. I was under the impression that when you ordered from Reverse hearing loss, they sent you a book, and who are Supplemental Police???
        Another comment further down on these comments, said he was sent a Secret Natural Remedy book, sent it back and received the same book, again ! So what’s going on? I am growing weary trying to talk to my husband and he not fully hearing me, so I have to either raise my voice, or continue to repeat, repeat, etc, while he is WEARING HEARING AIDS. I find that same problem with many people wearing hearing aides, and have come to the conclusion, that hearing aides, are just that……..just aides, and not doing a very good job. This is the second pair of hearing aides my husband has been wearing, and neither are very good/different kinds also. Any one have any suggestions? I was so hoping this Sam Miller had the answer, but after reading all your comments, It doesn’t sound very promising…………….If I cannot find this page again, please write me @

  9. I want to cancel, because you did not even give me a place to input my address. So how can you mail me this information.

  10. I want to cancel you did not even have my address how can you mail m the information so what exactly did I pay for.

  11. I ordered the book Hearing Loss Reversed for $ 39.00 plus S&H ($43.95).I received Secret Natural Remedies. Tried to exchange it and received another Secret Natural Remedies. I am going to return both books but I doubt that I will ever get the amount I spent back!

  12. The Amish hearing loss cure is a complete scam. The testimonials are all fake. The pitch is long and tedious and very repetative. So sad that these scammers are allowed to peddle these snakeoil frauds.

  13. Seems like hundreds would be commenting on reviews like this with their positive results if there were so many out there cured by the diet. Plus I should be able to find it on the internet copied for free by a customer if the hearing loss diet…

  14. he must be a jerk to prey on people with a real problem and not have the guts to tell his real name /not much of a man /i would not want to be your dad /and have a son with no guts

    • this company, so call sam miller, is the ultimate scam artist on planet earth..
      it sucks , they should be sued, & burned at the stake.. they are fraudulent & despicable, & are NOT, NOT ,NOT human beings..they are the vulgars of the world.. you will get your karma..

      • Don’t worry, anyone who steals from anyone else immediately curses themselves, and binds very negative entities to their aura, which is more than enough punishment. This all happens unconsciously so it’s not noticeable, but karma snowballs.

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