Product Review Fitness & Sports Recoil S2 – Ultimate Personal Gym Suspension Exercise Workouts?

Recoil S2 – Ultimate Personal Gym Suspension Exercise Workouts?

Recoil S2

Maintaining a healthy diet is great, but adding in a quality fitness routine doesn’t hurt either. Those who maintain some level of fitness are able to develop a healthier body, a stronger heart, and an even leaner weight. If you’re someone who doesn’t enjoy visit the gym and prefers to work out from home or outdoors, then then you may want to consider a new product on the market that makes it a fun, easy, and enjoyable process.

This review would like to introduce you to Recoil S2. This self-proclaimed “ultimate exercise device” may be just what you need to improve your overall fitness levels so that you can achieve the body and performance that you’re striving for.

What is Recoil S2: The Ultimate Exercise Device?

Recoil S2 is your own personal gym that you can tap into, no matter where you are. The device enables you to perform a full body workout so that you can target multiple muscle groups and achieve an stronger, leaner, and more built physique.

The resistance levels can be varied from zero and up to your full body weight so that you can constantly challenge yourself to progress and to perform better. The variance also makes it easier for you to meet your fitness goals.

A Suspension Exercise System

The Recoil S2 is a suspension exercise system that caters to all fitness levels and body types. The device can be taken with you anywhere so that you can use it whenever you’re ready. To use the device, all you need to hoist them to a steady and sturdy bar, tree, or structure.

Unlike traditional suspension devices, this one is a completely revamped version of what you may be traditionally used to. The cool new look and the innovative workout features make this suspension device one that you can be excited about taking with you anywhere.

What Males the Recoil S2 Different?

As previously mentioned, the Recoil S2 is different from your traditional suspension exercise system. This product has a number of unique design features that improve the quality and effectiveness of your workout and they are as follows:

  • Head to Toe Adjustment

    First, the product offers you a head to toe adjustment. This essentially means that you can focus on your entire body all at once or you can take care of a specific area – whatever suits your needs. With this level of versatility, you’ll be able to get the targeted workout that you are hoping for so that you can make great strides in terms of health, fitness, and growth.

  • Constantly Even Strap Lengths

    Second, when it comes to other devices, the strap lengths can differ significantly. Here, the lengths of the straps will always be even. This essentially eliminates the frustration that you experience with most traditional system and it makes it easier for you to workout the right way.

  • Quick and Easy Push Button Adjustment

    Third, a traditional suspension system features the same old adjustment straps that you need to maneuver and pull in order to get the right length. Here, you don’t need to worry about the issue because this product features a recoil system. At the press of a button, you can change the length of the straps and even put your device away easily and quickly.

  • No More Tangling or Loose Ends

    Fourth, the product does not cause any tangled straps or lose ends. This makes putting your device away so much easier and it removes the frustration of having to untie knots and other issues when you want to use the product again. Ultimately, you’ll find this product to be a sleeker, easier, and better solution than traditional products.

  • Easily Take it With You Anywhere

    Finally, you can take the Recoil S2 with you anywhere. The product wraps up at the push of a button so that you’re ready to go whenever.

As you can tell, there are many promising features to this product. The Recoil S2 saves you time, energy, frustration, and it improves the quality of your workout so that you can get in shape. Very few products on the market offer you the same level of support as the Recoil S2.

There are Accessories

Another promising aspect to this product is that it has a number of accessories that make it even easier for you to use. Here are the accessories that you can choose from:

  • Bag Door Mount

    The Bag Door mount gives you a great deal of functionality. You can just place the mount on a door and hang your device there until you need to use it. Better yet, applying the door mount is extremely easy and it takes just a matter of minutes.

  • Recoil Mount

    The Recoil mount is ideal for those who are looking for a more permanent installation. The mount anchors to your ceiling and you can then place the Recoil S2 to use it when you need to. Also, because the product looks sleek, you don’t need to worry about it challenging the style of your home.

The Recoil App

For those of you who need guidance on how to use the Recoil S2, then you’re in luck. The product comes with an application that you can download to your mobile device. While the application is currently in development, it should be ready for download soon.

Where to Order Recoil S2

If you are interested in ordering the Recoil S2, then you can do so through the brand’s KickStarter page. The product is expected to be released in May. If you make a pledge, you’ll be able to receive the device and other components so that you can have everything you need for an amazing workout.

Recoil S2 Summary

Overall, the Recoil S2 is an innovative, effective, interesting, and quality suspension device that can take your workout routine and health to the next level.

If you’re ready to take the plunge and to try something new, then just visit the brand’s Kick Starter page and make an investment. The estimated delivery dates are also available on the site.

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