Product Review DNA & Microbiome Testing PureGenomics – Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms Genetic Tests?

PureGenomics – Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms Genetic Tests?


Human DNA all has basically the same structure, but with slight variations. These variations are what make one person different from another. These distinguishing features can be referred to as mutations.

SNPs, usually referred to as “snips” in the medial world, are the most common distinguishing feature among people. SNP is short for Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms. Each SNP exhibits a difference in the building blocks of the DNA, known as nucleotides. For example, an SNP can replace the nucleotide cytosine with thymine. In the human genome, there are roughly 10 million SNPs.

Recently, there have been advancements in the world of nutrigenetics, specifically the role of SNPs in personalized nutrition. Traditionally, SNPs have been used as a DNA marker. They can help scientists to identify the probability of a disease occurring.

If an SNP is found within a gene or within the gene’s regulatory region, then it may have a role to play in acquisition of certain chronic illnesses. However, most SNPs have no effect on the health of a person.

SNPs And Health And Nutrition

Two people could consume the same the same high sodium and high cholesterol diet and one may develop hypertension whereas the other may be perfectly healthy and even live a long life. The difference between these two people is in their DNA.

Specifically, it is in their SNPs. The SNPs determine the response of an individual to certain types of food and susceptibility to certain illnesses. So if your SNPs can be tested, then a dietary recommendation can be made based on the same. This will help you avoid the likelihood of acquiring chronic illnesses.

About PureGenomics

PureGenomics is a company that has taken up the research on the relationship between SNPs and nutrition and is using it to provide the nutritional advice and nutritional supplements that you might need to lead a long and healthy life.

The company says it has the unique tools to test the SNPs in the body, translate the information given by the same, and eventually target the SNPs according to the relevant translation.

This gives the nutritional experts the know-how on each specific patient, allowing them to make a more accurate nutritional recommendation. The following are the three steps on how they do this.


This you do to acquire information on relevant genomes in your system. Testing for your genetic sequence is done through the use of genome kits made by 23andme. You use your saliva to determine the genetic sequence. You can order the kit online and it even comes with a step-by-step instruction manual on how to attain credible results.


This translation is made on the basis of what you acquired in the 23andme website. These results are then keyed into the PureGenomics, website which will be able to translate the raw data into information relevant to your personal nutrition.


With your translation in place, you can be able to acquire the nutrients you need. PureGenomics is a company that provides you with a vast range of dietary supplements that provide you with clinically recommended doses of nutrients that your body requires.

Why They Are Needed

The company offers to give you the chance to identify the type of nutrients that you need to be at peak performance. Many people have no clue on the effect of SNPs on the human being. You might see other people eating an unhealthy diet and still living a long life.

Then you might think to yourself that you could do the same with the same results. This is not always the case. There are genetic differences that determine what we can and what we can’t consume. By translating this information to you, the company is helping you make the right dietary choices.

Benefits of PureGenomics

The main benefit of the company is that they offer you the ability to know about the type of nutrients that your body specifically requires. They give you the knowledge on what you can eat and what you cannot.

They dictate the type of lifestyle you should have to ensure you live a long healthier life. The information also helps you minimize the chances of acquiring chronic illnesses.


The biggest downside is the fact that the most relevant part of the program is the interpretation of the results.

After that, all you need is to make the right choices in your nutrition. There is no need after that to purchase the dietary supplements they offer if you can acquire them naturally through your diet, which is recommended.

PureGenomics Conclusion

SNPs are the key to unlocking personalized nutrition. The research into this is still in its developmental stages, but once it is fully unlocked the potential for personalized nutrition will soar.

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