Product Review Kiehl’s Pure Vitality Skin Renewing Cream – Natural Moisturizer?

Kiehl’s Pure Vitality Skin Renewing Cream – Natural Moisturizer?

Kiehl's Pure Vitality Skin Renewing Cream

For Smooth & Healthy Skin

Finding a facial care product is hard on its own. You simply cannot find the right product on the first try as it takes multiple tries and getting used to. To add to most of our skincare struggles, comes the factor of texture.

Although a product might have gotten your face spectacular complements from others, your skin’s texture might be the next problem you might be facing.

This is the main issue with having to find something that works, once it works, your attention turns to a whole new problem that needs to be dealt with. Although some brands to an exceptional job trying to contain a solution that works on numerous skincare concerns, there still exists others that do the trick for one problem, say acne, but then you’d have to use another product for let’s say, your skin’s smoothness.

What other choice do they have? In order to make profits, they need to find products that are of interest for consumers as well as bring results. As mentioned earlier, this is not the case with brands that work in the interest of the consumers. Many of the finest brands today started their path to success by putting their consumers first, and one of them is Kiehl’s.

A Brief History on Kiehl’s

Kiehl’s has been around since 1851. It started off as an old-world apothecary that specialized in the study of herbal and chemical ingredients as well as preparing and selling medicines. Once known as the “Brunswick Apotheke,” in 1894, John Kiehls purchased and renamed it the Kiehl Pharmacy. Later switched hands, Irving Morse, an apprentice of Mr Kiehl, took possession of this pharmacy.

The first ever product came about in 1921 and it was the Kiehl’s Musk Oil. Throughout it’s existence, ownership kept transferring, as the next in line to take over was Irving Morse’s son, Aaron Morse, who in turn came up with the idea of formulating products for men in 1961. Since then, Kiehls has partnered up with others to bring dermatologist solutions and skincare products to consumers worldwide.

Kiehl’s contains a wide range of solutions for your skincare and overall well-being. Their products consist of treating: your face (e.g. toners, masks, eye and lip care, moisturizers, serums, essential oils, etc.) and your body (hygiene and shaving, scrubs, lotions, shampoos, etc.). With so many products to explore, today we will look closer at Kiehl’s Pure Vitality Skin Renewing Cream.

Kiehl's Pure Vitality Skin Renewing Cream

Kiehl’s Pure Vitality Skin Renewing Cream is formulated to help renew your skin for an incredible sense of touch while achieving radiance and overall healthy skin. In other words, it helps to smoothen, purify, and intensify your skin in a way that will make you look radiant, youthful and full of buoyancy. Sounds like a lot of excitement and joy doesn’t it? Well, all credits goes to the ingredients found in this product, as it is the sole reason why we can step out of our homes feeling, confident and comfortable with our skins. As this product is a combination of multiple ingredients, the following two ingredients are the foundation on basis of Kiehl’s Pure Vitality Skin Renewing Cream:

  1. Korean Red Ginseng Root
  2. New Zealand Manuka Honey

The Korean Red Ginseng Root

A plant that is only found in Asia, the Korean red ginseng root is known for its use in natural remedy for many of our health concerns. For safety and beneficial purposes, the plant needs to grow for a full five years before its use in medicine and for any other purposes. For our purpose, we will look solely at skin benefits that ginseng can bring to us.

Some of the benefits are as follows:

  1. Works as a toner
  2. Used as a treatment for many skincare concerns such as dark circles and skin diseases
  3. Reduces discoloration of skin
  4. Contains properties known to fight aging of skin
  5. Reduces stress: this is important as many of our skincare concerns are due to stress
  6. Speeds cell renewal process therefore giving your skin the radiance it needs

New Zealand Manuka Honey

As the name might have given you the hint; the Manuka honey is produced in New Zealand where bees fertilize the Manuka bush. Like the Korean red ginseng root, the Manuka honey has numerous health benefits that consumers can benefit from. Believe it or, the Manuka honey is full of amino acids, calcium, vitamin B, iron, you name it! In terms of skincare, Manuka is a popular element to treat acne and eczema, helps to eliminate bacteria, and works to eliminate fine lines.


For a quantity of a 2.5fl. Oz. jar, it costs $60 (currency exchange and shipping does not apply). This product is worthwhile as it contains high quality ingredients that help to better and heal our overall bodies. Kiehl’s did the required research to ensure that their products consist of results driven and safe ingredients. Although, the price might not be a motivator for some, the fact that a small quantity goes a long way and positive results are attainable should be considered before making up your mind.

Kiehl's Pure Vitality Skin Renewing Cream Summary

Overall, Kiehl’s Pure Vitality Skin Renewing Cream helps to enrich and smoothen your skin because of the Korean red ginseng root and Manuka honey. This product would work best for less oily skin types because with oily skin types, the consistency of the solution might be a little too thick, especially with the honey in it. It is best to use it once in the morning and at night.

For a more efficient result, Kiehl’s recommends to use their Daily Reviving Concentrate before apply the skin renewing cream in the morning. When applying the skin renewing cream before you sleep, use the Midnight Recovery Concentrate before the skin renewing cream, but nonetheless, you can expect results within the first month of use with this product alone. Don’t wait until your skin undergoes too much damage, we need to eliminate any skincare concern the moment we notice a change of any sort! For more information on Kiehl’s and their respective products, check out:

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