Product Review Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy – PEMF Health Benefits?

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy – PEMF Health Benefits?

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy

Pulse electromagnetic field therapy (PEMF or PEMT) is a non-invasive and painless treatment of a number of injuries and bone related conditions. This form of treatment works using a solenoid placed around the patient emitting pulsating electromagnetic fields of varying frequency and intensity.

Research has established that this helps the body in restoring its normal potentials at an accelerated rate, and therefore of great help in the healing of various wounds, regenerating tissues, and also reducing inflammation faster.

This therapy originated from NASA’s research that involved the benefits of electromagnetic fields on astronaut’s fatigue, bone loss, depression, and other related symptoms following short trips to outer space. In their research, they discovered that the cause was due to the nonexistent beneficial electromagnetic field emanating from the earth.

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy was approved by the FDA in 1979 for the healing of non-union fractures following a study by Columbia University that was encouraged by NASA. It has also been approved in some devices to reduce swelling and joint pains.

Benefits Of Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy

Reduction Of Pain

One of the most important uses of Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMFT) is in the relief of chronic pain, which affects at least 116 million Americans as per a report by the Institute of Medicine. Chrnic pain costs the country over 560 billion dollars annually in missed work, loss in productivity, and medical bills.

Scientific research in this field has demonstrated numerous benefits in pain relief, since the human nervous system has been shown to respond well to therapeutic PEMFs. PEMFs have the ability to help degenerative disc issues by the effect of reducing muscle spasms, reducing inflammation, and relieving of pain caused by the nerve being compressed by the disc. In some instances, this therapy has completely eliminated the need for physical therapy, medication, and chiropractic treatment.

In a study conducted in 2009, it was established that PEMFT was effective in the patient management of knee osteoarthritis, reducing pain, and returning normal functioning to the patient.

Decreases Inflammation

Inflammation is a physiological function initiated by the body in an attempt to repair cellular damage in tissues. It does this by increasing the level of blood flow to the affected area and increasing the number of ‘good’ inflammatory cells.

Inflammation is a beneficial and necessary process of healing, but in some instances it can persist longer than expected and cause chronic inflammation and chronic pain. PEMFs have been established through research to be effective in reducing chronic damaging inflammation.

T cells play a major role in inflammatory cascade and are responsible for killing bacteria in bacterial infections. However, in trauma induced injuries, they are not of greater help in the healing process and may precipitate harmful effects if present for too long.

In this scenario, elimination of T cells is vital in order to minimize the unwanted effects of inflammation, to enhance healing, and to reduce the possibility of chronic inflammation which persists in rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, or tendinitis due to support by T cells.

According to research, PEMFs can induce the death of aged chronic T lymphocytes by acting on their cell membrane and some enzymes in the cells.

Increased Circulation

Increased circulation is one of the most basic functions of electromagnetic fields. When red blood cells are injured, they do not hold their ideal charge and therefore clump together, inhibiting circulation.

However, when a magnetic field passes through them, their membrane becomes appropriately charged and they repel one another, enabling them to keep separate and causing increased circulation.

In addition, PEMFs have the ability to influence some biological chemicals in the blood vessel wall, which in effect cause them to dilate and increase the amount of oxygen being delivered to the tissues. This means that better circulation aids in tissue healing and regeneration.

The long term result of improved circulation is reduced swelling and elimination of bruising.

Bone Healing

Magnetic fields generated during the therapy are capable of passing through the body as well as the bones. PEMFs repair damaged bones, whether from surgery, injury, or as a result of a bone disease. They have also been found through scientific research to improve the regeneration of bone, such as in the cases of osteoporosis and osteopenia, among others.

Enhances Injury Recovery

PEMFs are capable of stimulating mitochondria. This essentially means that treatment can result in a much faster reduction of swelling in tissues that have been traumatized, which in turn helps to prevent strained or torn muscles and ligaments. They also serve the function of reenergizing damaged cells by inducing electrical charges within the cell for its restoration to normal functionality.

A study in collaboration with NASA, which took about four years to complete, was able to establish that PEMFs are able to stimulate growth and repair of animal tissue. Muscles are able to work harder and for longer periods with the use of magnetic stimulation.

Side Effects Of Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy

As per estimation, 5% of patient experience side effects due to treatment by PEMFs. Some of these side effects include:

  • PEMFT can increase circulation in tissues which normally have less blood flow. This may continue even after cessation of therapy. While it’s a good thing, it can increase the oxidative state in individuals lacking proper antioxidants in their diets.
  • PEMFT stimulates the central nervous system neurons, and in effect may increase pain temporarily due to the enhanced connection and circulation between nerves. This side effect is short-lived and often fades throughout the course of treatment.
  • In some instances, the therapy may result in cases of reduced blood pressure and slower heart rate, which in some cases may not be good for the patient. This is a concern for individuals who have been on bed rest for quite a long time, those who are on medication to lower their blood pressure, those who have slow compensatory vascular reflexes, and the elderly.

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy Final Words

It is clear that pulse electromagnetic field therapy is of great benefit in the medical field, as it can be used to treat a number of ailments. Though there are some notable side effects, they are short-lived and are only experienced by 5% of patients.

For this reason, it is best to consult a medical doctor before deciding to go through with this form of therapy.

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