Product Review Pro(Zero) Protein – HPN Supplements Premium Longevity Powder?

Pro(Zero) Protein – HPN Supplements Premium Longevity Powder?

pro zero

Prozero is an organic plant-based protein made by HPN. This protein is light on the stomach, healthy, and made to get results. It’s worth every penny.

As many athletes and fitness buffs know, supplements can be the secret ingredient to achieving impressive fitness results.

The only problem here is there is so much noise within the supplement community, it makes it a rather difficult task to find the right supplement.

Many supplement companies choose to be dishonest or misleading for the sake of making a great profit. This leads to people doubting the supplement industry as a whole.

No product has been on the receiving end of hyperbolic claims more than the infamous protein powder.

Anyone who has even remotely entertained the idea of strength training has tried a protein shake before. It’s one of the first experiences many people have when it comes to supplements.

Because of this pervasive usage, it is also the product that’s claims are most exaggerated. Many people have experienced these claims.

For example, anyone that has ever tried a protein shake has witnessed a protein powder claiming to be a certain flavor, but in reality it tasted like saw dust.

This is just something many people learn to just live with. But there is a new awakening happening in fitness at the moment.

Some supplement companies are tired of competitors misleading consumers just to make a sale. They in turn endeavor to provide products that actually do what the product claims.

One of the companies attempting to provide these types of solutions is HPN Supplements. Let’s take a look.

HPN Supplements

HPN is a supplement company that was founded in 2010.

Not much info about the company exists on the website, aside from the fact that their products are engineered by science and they are safe to consumer for sports.

Upon first impression the site has a rather unique and compelling design, which makes one want to stay and see more.

HPN also has a good deal of products that they offer. Some of these products are combined to make solution stacks which are extremely beneficial for consumers.

The product of focus though is their protein. One of the brands top protein products is called Pro(Zero). Let’s see what this stuff is all about.

Pro(Zero) Protein

Prozero is the protein offered by HPN.

This stuff is supposed to be ultra-premium grade non-animal sourced protein that is made for top-athletes and fitness junkies.

That all sounds great, just great. But in this review we’ll focus on the facts and the facts alone. Let’s not get derailed by fancy jargon.

An impressive note to offer about this protein powder is that it contains no artificial flavors, colors or sweeteners. That’s a hard find when it comes to protein powder.

Protein Flavours And Ingredients

Paired with that fact, this protein comes in six different flavors which include; Chocolate, Vanilla, Strawberry, Chai Latte, Cinnamon Roll, and Pumpkin Spice Latte. Keeping in mind that no added sweeteners are in the mix makes these variety of flavors an impressive feat.

As stated before, this protein isn’t derived from animals, it’s all plant based. That may be a big change for some and even cause to make others skeptical, but it’s important that this is approached with an open mind.

Prozero’s protein is made from Organic Brown Rice protein and Organic Pea Protein, which are both vegetarian and vegan friendly. The fact that these are both organic options makes this protein a healthier option for consumers.

Some protein powders can be real heavy on the stomacha and body after consumption. Since plant protein is the main source of protein in this supplement, Prozero if lighter on the stomach, which allows people to maintain a high level of activity without discomfort.

Another fact that makes this protein a healthy option is the fact that it contains only 100 calories per serving. 100 calories per serving means that people can get more calories from actual food, which is yet another pro that Prozero has to offer.

BCAA’s are something that newer proteins on the market are starting to include. Prozero is no different. BCAA’s are important because they assist with recovery. SunBCAA’s is the type that’s included in BCAA’s. This isn’t all that impressive since it’s almost a common practice at this time.

Prozero seems like a pretty legit product. It sells for $49.95, which is around what all quality proteins charge. So nothing new there.

If customers have never tried plant based protein before, this seems like it could be a great place to start.

Pro(Zero) Protein Review Summary

HPN’s protein powder Prozero offers variety for people who want more options when it comes to what type of protein they supplement with.

Prozero is one of the healthier proteins on the market since it consists of organic plant protein and contains SunBCAA’s.

It is certainly worth looking into if someone wants to change up their supplementation routine.

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