Product Review Oral Health Pronamel – Sensodyne’s Tooth Enamel Protection Toothpaste?

Pronamel – Sensodyne’s Tooth Enamel Protection Toothpaste?

Coffee, soda, citrus fruit, and more are typically included in an everyday diet for most busy Americans.

When that happens on a daily basis, it is wearing away at the enamel on the teeth causing future problems that consumers may not be aware of. Enamel is commonly thought of as a part of teeth that cannot be replaced. However, it can be protected and hardened with the right product.

ProNamel is a toothpaste that can be used every day, twice a day, to help protect teeth from harmful acid erosion. It can be used by varying ages to help with protecting this very important coating on the teeth of consumers. Once the enamel is gone, it’s gone.

Using this product can potentially harden the enamel and reduce the sensitivity that some consumers deal with.

What is ProNamel?

ProNamel offers protection and support for a healthy mouth. The toothpaste is proven to reduce the effects that acid erosion can cause to teeth due to very acidic foods or drinks being consumed on a regular basis. Most people are unaware that the food and drink they ingest regularly are wearing and tearing their teeth.

By using a product such as this one they can help to reduce those damaging effects while still enjoying their favorite coffee or fruits.

What is Acid Erosion?

Acid erosion is where the food and drink consumed by society slowly wears away the enamel on teeth. The enamel is the hardened surface that adds shine to teeth and that protects them from decay and damage from other foods and drinks.

The acid erosion can cause the following to teeth if not taken care of or something done to protect them:

  • Weakens teeth – Over time the teeth began to weaken causing them to be more susceptible to tooth decay and damage.
  • Become see-through – The teeth may become see-through or appear transparent at the edges.
  • Thin out – Teeth can become visibly thinner over time at the edges.
  • Become dull – Teeth will lose their normal shine and become quite dull with acid erosion.
  • Become yellow – As the enamel wears away the yellow dentin starts to shine through causing the teeth to become more yellow than white.

What Causes Acid Erosion?

The typical standard diet is full of acidic items that cause wear and tear on society’s teeth. Daily intake of acidic foods such as fruit and juices, sparkling water, lemons, and coffee can cause the enamel to slowly be worn away.

There is a chance that consumers are putting their teeth at risk up to four times a day with drinks and food alone.

What are Some of the Foods ProNamel Protects Against?

Foods and drinks alike can wear on the enamel of the teeth. Using ProNamel on a daily basis can help protect against that and also against sensitivity. Here are just a few of the foods that can wear and tear on your teeth and that ProNamel can protect you against:

  • Blackberries and blueberries
  • Mangoes
  • Carbonated water or soft drinks
  • Salad dressings
  • Cranberries
  • Bananas
  • Yogurts
  • Ketchup
  • Tomatoes
  • Tea
  • Honey
  • Vegetables of differing varieties

What’s Different About ProNamel Over Other Toothpastes?

ProNamel offers a specialized formula for protecting against the effects of acid erosion on teeth. It actually works to strengthen the enamel that is left on teeth in consumers mouths instead of it dwindling away over time.

It helps to stop any of the enamel that is still left on teeth from dissolving when acidic foods or drinks or entering in the mouth. It also helps those who deal with sensitivity on a daily basis. Here are a few benefits of using the product twice daily:

  • Cleans and refreshes the mouth
  • Helps stop tooth decay
  • Helps stop more acid erosion
  • Keeps gums and teeth healthy

Should Consumers Stop Eating and Drinking Those Foods?

Certainly not. Most of the foods that cause acid erosion are very healthy to the rest of the body. They are not recommended to stop eating healthy just because this could happen.

If someone is susceptible to acid erosion, their dentist can recommend them different ways of keeping the enamel protected. One of those ways is with daily brushing using ProNamel toothpaste. By using this paste and combining other healthy tips, consumers can still enjoy their favorite foods without concern.

By no means should the public stop eating healthy fruits and vegetables for fear of acid erosion. Keep consuming those items and just take steps to help protect teeth along the way.

Other Ways to Prevent Erosion

There are several ways that when used in conjunction with ProNamel, consumers can help stop or reduce the damage to their enamel. Here are a few extra ways that acid erosion can be stopped:

  • Do not brush teeth right after eating acidic materials. The enamel is the softest then and it can cause more damage.
  • Brush twice a day everyday
  • Make sure to visit the dentist twice a year for regular check-ups
  • Use a low abrasion toothpaste such as ProNamel to help reduce the damage done
  • Do not swish acidic drinks around the mouth. Be sure to drink them quickly and minimize the time they are in contact with the teeth

Should ProNamel Be Used with Other Toothpastes?

ProNamel can be used as the sole toothpaste. It has the same benefits and protection as other products on the market. However, it has the added benefit of fighting acid erosion and strengthening the enamel. It can also help to reduce the sensitivity that some people have when it comes to eating hot or cold food items.

ProNamel Variety

ProNamel offers a variety of products on the market to fit many different consumer’s needs. The products include:

  • Fresh Wave
  • Mint Essence
  • Multi-action toothpaste
  • Children’s ProNamel for ages 6-12
  • Gentle Whitening
  • And more!

Using ProNamel twice a day on a daily basis has been shown to reduce the damage to the enamel. It can help strengthen the enamel and protect what is left from acid erosion effects.

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  1. I’ve been using ProNamel and its CVS facsimile for 2-3 years now. I just noticed recently on the back of the CVS version a warning saying not to use more than 4 weeks unless recommended by a dentist/doctor. What?! I then wondered if THIS could be the cause of my mouth issues. I found a website where many people were experiencing bad effects from both Pronamel and Sensodyne. There was even a submission that mirrored my own experience with Pronamel. She, too, had gone to a doctor to check her mouth because she felt something was very wrong.

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