Product Review Polyphasic Sleep Mastery – Boost Energy and Productivity Schedule?

Polyphasic Sleep Mastery – Boost Energy and Productivity Schedule?

Polyphasic Sleep Mastery

Thomas Edison did it, Leonardo Da Vinci did it, and a growing number of Wall Street executives, CEO’s, and startup entrepreneurs are doing it to enhance their productivity. It’s called the polyphasic sleep schedule, and it’s able to offer up to 30% more waking hours than the traditional night time sleeping pattern.

Although it may sound confusing, the polyphasic sleep pattern is a proven method that is able to increase productivity and overall active time by training the body to enter into REM, or resting sleep, almost at will. While polyphasic sleep definitely delivers a wide range of benefits, it can be extremely difficult for most individuals to establish, as it required the complete reprogramming of the circadian rhythms of the body.

If you're interested in biohacking your body into the polyphasic sleeping pattern, the easiest and most effective method is to use a comprehensive system or guide. There are many such guides available online, but the vast amount of conflicting information can make it difficult to determine exactly which steps are the most effective.

Polyphasic Sleep Mastery is a comprehensive guide to establishing your own polyphasic sleep schedule in the form of an easy to follow ebook system. Offering readers a simple, foolproof method of creating a more productive polyphasic sleeping habit, the Polyphasic Sleep Mastery system delineates the most effective method way to increase your total waking hours.

In this article, we’ll learn about the polyphasic sleeping system and find out exactly how the Polyphasic Sleep Mastery system makes establishing a polyphasic cycle easier to help you decide whether it’s the right self help guide for you.

What is Polyphasic Sleep Mastery?

The average human requires around eight hours of restful sleep every night to maintain a healthy body and mental state. Sleep not only provides the body with time to heal damage to muscle tissue, skin, and organs, but also clears away neurotoxins that build up over the course of the day. Poor sleep or insufficient rest can lead to a wide variety of negative health effects including migraines, cognitive disorders, or even increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

While eight hours is the standard amount of time the body sleeps for, this timeframe actually consists of a number of shorter cycles in which the body heals itself and rests. Each individual sleep cycle lasts about 80 to 120 minutes, and consists of several periods. The first period of a sleep cycle is very light sleep, which lasts only a few minutes. Muscle activity slows and the eyes generally move around under the eyelids.

The second stage of a sleep cycle is referred to as “light sleep”, and is characterized by a slower heartbeat and breathing rate. Most of sleep consists of this stage, with roughly 50% of all sleep time made up of light sleep. Following light sleep, the body enters a stage called “deep sleep”. Deep sleep is the stage in which the brain waves of the body slow down and become delta waves, and accounts for only a few short minutes.

After deep sleep, the body enters a state called “very deep sleep”, in which the breathing and heartbeat of the body become rhythmic and regular, and the muscle movement of the body is limited. This stage prepares the body for the most important stage of sleep, the REM stage. REM stands for rapid eye movement, and is the period in which most of the healing that occurs during sleep happens.

Polyphasic sleep is a method that allows users to split the time they spend sleeping into several short periods throughout the day, training the body to enter REM sleep at a faster rate and spending less time in the “light sleep” stage. There are a wide range of benefits to the polyphasic sleep pattern, including more overall time, a longer life, faster learning ability, better mood balance, and more lucid dreams.

What’s Included in Polyphasic Sleep Mastery

Polyphasic Sleep Mastery contains a customizable and flexible sleep schedule, and a step-by-step adaptation plan that delivers a number of effective strategies that help to train your body into the polyphasic method. Tips and tricks are provided to readers to assist with dealing with some of the most common roadblocks, while diet and exercise tips are supplied to boost overall health during the transition period.

The Polyphasic Sleep Mastery program also provides readers with information on the best lighting techniques for inducing polyphasic sleep, details on keeping good sleep hygiene, and a number of bonus publications including:

  • The Quiet Mind eBook
  • Easy Productivity Secrets eBook
  • Simplify and De-Stress eBook
  • The Beginner’s Guide to Lucid Dreaming eBook

Polyphasic Sleep Mastery Verdict

If you’re interested in increasing your productivity, would like to get more waking hours out of your life, or have an interest in developing a polyphasic sleeping schedule, Polyphasic Sleep Mastery is one of the only comprehensive and guaranteed guides available on the subject, and is an excellent resource for getting started.

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  1. I’ve been using biphasic sleep to have more time and improved creativity. You need to first understand the basic concepts and then have some discipline. If you apply it right, you won’t feel tired, drowsy, or unable to concentrate. I’ve even managed to hit new records at the gym in this time.

    There are loads of polyphasic sleep schemes out there. To design your own follow this simple rule of thumb:

    1 nap = 1 sleep cycle (90 mins. of “normal” sleep)

    So you can subtract 90 mins. of night-time sleep for each nap you take (should be about 30 min. long).

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