Product Review Oral Health Plus White – Healthy 5 Minute Teeth Whitening Toothpaste?

Plus White – Healthy 5 Minute Teeth Whitening Toothpaste?

The smile is the first introduction the world sees from a person. Most people struggle with keeping their smile bright and white after years of acidic beverages, foods and their favorite coffee stops. There is a way that consumers can have that brighter, whiter smile they are after and they can do it in the comfort of their own home.

Plus White offers a variety of products that include everything from daily toothpastes to special whitening kits. The products are used to get a whiter, brighter smile between dentist visits. Consumers are finding these products help them to have confidence in their smile and it’s easy to use right at home.

What Is Plus White?

Plus White products offer a way to get whiter and brighter teeth in just a few minutes every day. The product has a specially formulated concentration of the whitening agents to safely whiten up teeth in just brushing each day, twice a day or with the special five-minute whitening kit. The products are easy to use and can be used as the daily toothpaste for those who are wanting to maintain their bright smile between dental cleanings.

How Is Plus White Different From Other Whitening Systems?

The Plus White product offers a full coverage method to make sure that consumers teeth are white all around. Most people do not have perfectly straight teeth. They may have teeth that are tilted one way or the other, small gaps in the teeth, or teeth that just do not line up perfectly. In those cases, the typical whitening strips do not reach all aspects of the teeth.

With the Plus White system, consumers can make sure that all areas of the teeth are covered to gain extra white and bright smiles. The system for the whitening process offers flexible trays that conform to the consumers mouth to make sure that all areas of the teeth are able to gain the benefits of the solution.

Does It Really Work In Five Minutes?

It really does begin to work within five minutes of applying it the teeth. For those who want to maintain their regular whiteness from the dental cleanings, five minutes is all you need. If there are those who have deeper stains, it is recommended that the product be left on for 15-20 minute sessions to ensure the best results.

What Type Of Products Are Available?

Plus White offers a wide variety of systems and products available to help consumers get the bright smile they are after. Here are a few of the products customers can choose from when looking to freshen up their smile:

  • Whitening kits or gel systems
  • Premier whitening kits
  • Coffee drinker or smoker’s toothpaste options
  • Whitening or extra whitening toothpaste
  • Xtra whitening or xtra with peroxide paste options

What Makes Plus White Work?

Plus White has a patented StainGuard component to their products that help to keep stains from coming back. It helps to keep the teeth looking whiter than with just regular brushing.

It actually puts a coating on the teeth of a stain blocking polymer that helps to keep the stains from drinks and foods from setting in. These specially formulated polymers are the key to keeping a white smile between dental visits.

Whitening Kits Or Toothpaste?

The products offered by Plus White are many, as noted above. They offer a variety of choices to fit any consumers whitening needs. How does one choose the kit or the toothpaste? There are a few ideas to keep in mind when choosing what Plus White product is right:

  • Kits are used only sporadically and not on a daily basis. It is not recommended to use this kit for more than 14-days in a row.
  • Toothpastes can help keep your teeth clean, white, and fresh on a daily basis.
  • Kits are great for the in between dental visits or to get an extra bright smile for special occasions
  • Toothpastes come in a variety of options including ones for those who smoke or drink coffee regularly.
  • Kits need to sit on the teeth for a duration of at least five minutes and up to 20 depending on stains. Toothpastes are friendly for the everyday oral care routine.

Other Ways To Keep Teeth White

In conjunction with using Plus White whitening products, consumers can take other steps to keep their smile bright and white. Here are a few tips to be aware of when wanting a whiter smile:

  • Read medication labels and be aware that some prescriptions can change tooth color
  • Be cautious of the foods and drinks that can stain teeth
  • Cigarettes and tobacco can stain teeth over time
Does Plus White Really Work?

Many consumers have found that this product works very well for them in whitening their teeth. The flexible trays with the kits ensure a completely whitened smile where as some of the other products use strips that are not flexible. Results are typically seen within two to four weeks of using the products consistently.

The product starts to work within the first five minutes of using it. However, consumers with deeper stains may need to leave the cleaning solution on for 15-20 minute increments to fully get the stains to lift.

Does Plus White Work On Dental Work?

Plus White products are constructed and designed to work on natural teeth. If consumers have dentures, veneers, or crowns they should consult with their dentist on the best whitening system for them. The dentist typically has systems that can whiten dental work without damaging the hardware or the teeth around them.

Plus White offers a wide range of products to cover every consumer out there wanting their bright white smile to return. Some of the locations offering the system also offer discounts up to $10 off for an affordable system between dental visits.

Discover what many other consumers have already found in the Plus White patented StainGuard system.

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