Supplement Review Phytoestrogens Health Benefits Or Side Effects – Safe For Men?

Phytoestrogens Health Benefits Or Side Effects – Safe For Men?

Phytoestrogens are chemical substances that are found in plants. They are also known as dietary estrogens because they are not produced in the human endocrine system. Phytoestrogens can only be consumed or ingested.

Phytoestrogens play various roles in plants. They exist as the defense mechanism against herbivores. Phytoestrogens are also secreted by plants to modulate the fertility of animals that may eat them to prevent further attacks. Besides the defensive role against destructive animals, they also have high antioxidant properties.

Soy is the most popular plant that is rich in the dietary estrogens. Soy is a typical component of the Western diet. The plant contains various types of phytoestrogens including the lignans, isoflavones, quercetin, and resveratrol. The lignans can also be found in fiber-packed plants, such as grains and nuts.

The primary source of lignans is flaxseeds. Isoflavones, which are the most-studied phytoestrogens majorly found in soybeans, is also present in nuts, berries, and wine. Resveratrol is commonly found in chocolate and peanuts.

It is responsible for the health benefits derived from red wine. Quercetin is abundant in vegetables, fruits, and grains. More studies on phytoestrogens are ongoing, and scientists are continuously discovering more types of the dietary estrogens.

What Are The Health Benefits Of Phytoestrogens?

1. Reduce The Risks Associated With Cancer

Phytoestrogens can help to reduce or prevent the development of cancers that are related to hormonal production. Several studies have investigated the ability of phytoestrogens to treat breast and ovarian cancers.

The studies have produced results showing phytoestrogens can even be used as natural cancer treatments. A study revealed that apigenin is the best natural phytoestrogen for the treatment of breast cancer, and the natural compound works by reducing the growth of the cancer cells.

2. Promote A Healthy Heart

Phytoestrogens have been demonstrated to promote a healthy cardiovascular system, especially for aging men. The natural compound can be used to treat different heart diseases, such as arteriosclerosis, which is characterized by the accumulation of fats in the arteries. Phytoestrogens act by regulating the availability of certain hormones and chemical levels in the human body.

3. Boost Male Libido

According to some studies, phytoestrogens may help delay ejaculation and increase libido in men. They produce mild estrogenic effects that help improve premature ejaculation and increase libido.

4. Improve Blood Sugar Control

The different types of phytoestrogens, such as resveratrol and the soy isoflavones, can help stabilize the blood sugar concentration.

5. Lower Inflammatory Responses In The Body

Studies have revealed that lignans and the soy isoflavones can help prevent the production of CRP, which is an inflammatory marker found in the human body. High CRP levels are commonly found in post-menopausal women.

6. Promote Weight Loss

A study was conducted to find out the effects of phytoestrogens in obese men. The study concluded that genistein could regulate obesity, although the exact mechanism is not clear. The effect of phytoestrogens is not yet clear. More studies need to be performed before concrete conclusions can be drawn.

Harmful Side Effects Associated With Phytoestrogens

1. May Adversely Affect Fertility

According to studies, diets that are rich in phytoestrogens can lower the chances of becoming pregnant. The exposure to some forms of phytoestrogens, such as genistein and coumestrol in early stages of human development, can lead to fertility issues later in development.

Phytoestrogens can also cause decreased sperm levels in men. However, this is not clear based on different research studies.

2. May Cause Hormonal Imbalance

Research indicates that genistein may increase the risk of boys being born with hypospadias. Other effects may include increased occurrence of allergic reactions to medicines and severe menstrual bleeding to girls.

However, there is conflicting information on whether or not phytoestrogens have long-term complications. More studies need to be carried out to find out if phytoestrogens have any long-term effects.

3. May Increase The Risk Of Developing Dementia

Consumption of a lot of phytoestrogens has also been linked to an increased risk of developing cognitive decline. Although the evidence remains inconclusive, research has suggested a strong link between the development of dementia with the intake of phytoestrogens.

An excessive intake of these natural compounds can also lead to cognitive decline. Factors that may enhance the development of these health defects vary depending on age and thyroid health.

4. May Interfere With Thyroid Health

Some studies have suggested that the intake of these natural compounds may interfere with the functioning of the thyroid gland. The suppression of the thyroid function is commonly seen when the intake of iodine is inadequate.

Isoflavones may also suppress the function of the thyroid gland in individuals who have hypothyroidism. However, studies in healthy individuals have not demonstrated the association between isoflavones intake and the suppression of thyroid function.

Effects Of Phytoestrogens In Male Fertility

According to scientists, an excessive intake of phytoestrogens can reduce male fertility. A study that was conducted on cheetahs found that a high consumption of the natural compounds may have adverse effects on male fertility.

However, some studies suggest that the effects of phytoestrogens on carnivores might be different from those seen in omnivores, such as human beings. There is no strong evidence that associates the high intake of phytoestrogens to the development of male fertility problems.

Most studies about phytoestrogen relate to male fertility and the soy isoflavones. A study revealed that soy isoflavones do not cause any significant changes to testosterone levels in the body. Another study found out that a daily intake of 40 grams of isoflavones supplements for a period of two months does not impair the quality of men's semen.

Another different study suggested that an excessive intake of isoflavones is linked to low sperm count in men. However, the results of the study were not conclusive.

Phytoestrogens Health Benefits Or Side Effects Conclusion

Most of the studies indicate that isoflavones do not adversely affect men’s fertility. Although the study that was performed on cheetahs suggested that the high intake may affect fertility, the same results do not apply to humans.

The natural compounds are abundant in several plant foods. The benefits of eating these foods can currently be considered to outweigh the possible health risks.

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