Healthy Living Physician Therapeutics – Medical Food Nutritional Supplements?

Physician Therapeutics – Medical Food Nutritional Supplements?

Physician Therapeutics

There are some severe chronic illnesses that can change your dietary requirements. These illnesses do not just manifest themselves physically but can weigh you down at the cellular level. They change your entire lifestyle, giving you different nutritional requirements in order to survive.

Some of these chronic illnesses may include sleep disorders, obesity, high blood pressure, fatigue, and chronic pain. These new dietary requirements have to be met in order for you to resume your life as an ordinary person.

Common drug therapies may not be as effective because they lack the capacity to address the unique dietary needs of the people living with chronic conditions. They can only manage the symptoms of the illness.

Addresses Specific Needs Of The Patients

Taking medical foods might help to address the unique needs of these people. This is owing to the fact that they address the special dietary requirements by bridging the gap that the drug therapies miss. In this way, they provide the fuel required to meet the enhanced nutritional requirements of the chronically ill.

It is these same medical foods that are recommended by physicians. These recommendations have been ongoing in the United States for at least a decade now. They help people who are chronically ill to address their conditions.

Made In The USA

These medical foods are what Physician Therapeutics produces. All of the products of the company are made in the USA. They are specifically manufactured in a cGMP facility. All the ingredients that are used in the manufacture of all these foods have been considered safe by reputable medical authorities. You are therefore assured of the medical safety of these foods.

The products, before hitting the market, are thoroughly evaluated. This is to make sure they meet all the standards of quality and safety. All this is for the benefit of the consumer.

Patented Absorption Technology

The company has also come up with a new trick that they had to patent. It is a new absorption technology. These foods have been input with certain agents that make its absorption in the body as rapid as possible. With a rapid rate of absorption, you are sure to get the benefits of these foods as soon as you actually consume them.

The foods produced by the company also recognize that the dietary needs for the chronically ill begin at the cellular level. It is for this specific reason that all their products are designed to address ailments at the cellular level.

Why Physician Therapeutics Is Needed

The following are conditions that the medication is tailored to handle:

Chronic Pain

This can be defined as a type of pain, severe or not, that persists for at least 12 weeks. There are many causes of chronic pain and one of them could be an injury. Such an injury can be a sprain to the back. Chronic pain could also be the result of a viral infection or any other illness. However, in some rare cases there could be no clear cause of the pain.

It is a condition that affects the nervous system, and a condition that alters the metabolism of nutrients and neurotransmitters. There has been a lot of research into the physiological causes and remedies of the conditions and research has come up with a solution.

It has been discovered that taking certain amino acid-based foods can help to alleviate the pain and inflammation from within the body itself. The medical foods such as theramine and percura can help to rapidly alleviate the pain and inflammation.

They have been recommended by the experts and therapists and have been proven successful in alleviating the symptoms of the same. This will result in improved functions of the patients. These products are all drug-free and are designed to give the nervous system all that it requires. The foods have shown a very high success rate without the possibility of dangerous side effects.

Physician Therapeutics is a company that provides you with the highest quality theramine there is on the market. As you use all these products, make sure it is under the supervision of a therapist. They also manufacture other foods to deal with the chronic pain, including trepadone and percura.

Sleep Disorders

Sleep dysfunctions could really disrupt your life cycle. This is because you will get repetitive nights of insomnia that will lead to a tired and stressful day.

Most people suffering from the chronic sleep disorders tend to wake up extremely tired or are extremely sleepy during the day. Numerous conditions could contribute to this disorder, including chronic pain and obesity.

There are numerous types of sleep disorders and some of them include the following:

  • Sleep apnea, where someone gets breathing interruptions while sleeping
  • Insomnia, where the patients have an extremely hard time either falling asleep or staying asleep
  • Restless leg syndrome, where a prickling or tingling sensation in the legs occurs while you are trying to get some sleep

A patient with a sleeping disorder will have specific nutrient requirements that include certain amino-acids and specific antioxidants. There are medical foods specifically tailored to meet the needs of people with sleeping disorders. These include Sentra PM and GABAdone.

They are specifically constructed to meet the exceptional dietary requirements of people with sleep disorders. These same medical foods are what the company sells to its consumers. You can get the top of the range Sentra PM and GABAdone from Physician Therapeutics.


Hypertension is also called high blood pressure. It is a condition that results in the blood moving through your veins at a more rapid rate than normal. There are numerous things that contribute to hypertension including poor dietary choices, smoking, or genetic factors. If the pressure of your blood stays high for too long, you could get a myriad of health related conditions.

High blood pressure does not manifest its symptoms and that is why it is vital to have your blood pressure checked regularly. It is because of this lack of symptoms that hypertension is often referred to as a silent killer.

A hypertensive patient generally has very specific nutrient requirements. They need some specific anti-oxidants and amino acids. It is for this reason that Physician Therapeutics has come up with Hypertensa.

This is a medical food that is specifically tailored to meet the unique medical requirements of patients with hypertension. It has been clinically proven to improve the rate of blood flow and to reduce high blood pressure.


This is a condition that requires very little introduction. It is generally an excessive accumulation of fats in the cells. Generally, there is a use of the Body Mass Index to classify the rate of obesity in adults.

If your BMI is either equal to or above 25 you are considered overweight. If it is over 30 then you will be considered obese. Obesity is linked with the deficiency of certain nutrients and amino acids.

It is for this reason that the company has produced AppTrim. This is a product that is tailor made to address the specific nutritional requirements of most obese people.

Benefits of Physician Therapeutics

  • The products function to reduce the effects of chronic illnesses. These include the pain and inflammation brought about by chronic pain.
  • The products made by the company are tailored to replace all the amino acids and neurotransmitters that have been depleted by the particular conditions.
  • The products by the company function to restore the functionality of the nervous system.


  • All of the products are not guaranteed to have the same results in everyone.
  • The science behind them is shallow and not fully proven.
  • All the products must be taken under the advice of a doctor.

Physician Therapeutics Conclusion

The products made by Physician Therapeutics are tailored to save you from all the effects of a chronic condition by addressing the condition from the root cause. They address chronic conditions at the cellular level, thus increasing your quality of life.

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