Supplement Review Sleep Aid Phi Naturals Natural Sleep Aid – Fall Asleep Faster & Deeper?

Phi Naturals Natural Sleep Aid – Fall Asleep Faster & Deeper?

Phi Naturals Natural Sleep Aid

Poor sleep, lack of sleep even insomnia affect people all over the world. And sure, there are a plethora of reasons that this might be happening, physical ailments, stress, mental health, etc. But, what if what seemed like a huge issue could actually be helped, supported or relieved through a natural sleep aid, like this one by Phi Naturals.

Phi Naturals Natural Sleep Aid is designed to help in a few different areas:

To some degree, it sums up all the areas in which people suffer from when it comes to sleep.

What Makes Phi Naturals Natural Sleep Aid Different?

The ingredients included in this sleep aid supplement, are both of quality and proven results.

Melatonin – this is a hormone made by the pineal gland which is found in the brain. Melatonin is produced in the body naturally, however many people find they are deficient in this area. It is responsible for controlling our sleep cycles and wake cycles alike. It is not common to receive Melatonin through our diets, so using it in supplement form is ideal to assist in the areas of improving the quality of sleep.

GABA – Also known as, Gamma-Amino Butyric Acid, is an amino acid that helps the neurotransmitter in the central nervous system. It helps calm nervous activity and is also described as a natural tranquilizer. It is what encourages relaxation, and is ideal when needing assistance falling, and staying asleep.

Valerian Root – This is an herb that is most commonly used for sleep ‘disorders’. It is especially effective in those who suffer from insomnia and may cause a slight feeling of drowsiness.

Passion Flower Extract – This plant, is commonly used for sleep problems like insomnia. It has a plethora of other health benefits, but all are primarily related to helping the body relax and enter a calming state.

Other ingredients included in Phi Naturals Natural Sleep Aid are Hops Flower, Skullcap and Chamomile. All of these ingredients are known as well, for their abilities to help the body relax naturally.

The idea behind using this product is not only to fall and stay asleep, but wake up feeling energized because this is a non-drowsy formula.

Each capsule (which are not vegan friendly because the gelatin is derived from animal products) contains 500 mcg of Melatonin – what this means is that although the dosage is set to help you with sleeping optimally, it is low enough that it will not cause that drowsy, hangover like feeling in the morning.

You want to enjoy yourself after a great night sleep – not pay for it the next day!

If you have any questions or concerns about taking this product, you should consult with your health practitioner to ensure its safety in the event you are taking other medications, or suffering from any other ailments.

This product is not suitable for children and has not yet been evaluated by the FDA.

How To Order Phi Naturals Natural Sleep Aid

The Natural Sleep Aid by Phi Naturals, can be ordered online at Amazon for %15.95 and are eligible for prime or free shipping with orders more than $25.00. The shipping rates are calculated upon checkout if this is not a qualified order.

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