Product Review Organic Gardening Shop – Natural Plant Nutrients For Gardening?

Organic Gardening Shop – Natural Plant Nutrients For Gardening?

Organic Gardening Shop

Today's modern households are packed with toxic and harmful products that are ironically designed to make domestic life easier. These products are chemically based and can cause long term damage over extended periods of time. Because every 1 in 3 people suffer from chronic conditions such as asthma, allergies, bronchitis, and more, exposure to these harsh chemicals can cause concerns for everyone in the household, especially children.

In addition to harming residents in the household, products used both inside and outside of the house can cause damage to the environment. In order to eliminate the use of toxic products, individuals should take steps to reduce the usage of synthetic chemicals in the home environment. Due to increased education on the risks of household cleaners, there is now a variety of commercial non-toxic cleaning products available for purchase.

For any household chores, lawn, and gardening needs, the Organic Gardening Shop is the answer. Providing organic and natural products since 1999, the company offers a healthier and environmentally responsible alternative. By using these products, individuals are helping to promote the growth of sustainable businesses, ultimately contributing to a sustainable economy.

About Organic Gardening Shop

Owned and operated by Avante-Garde Organics Inc., the Organic Gardening Shop is unlike any other “green” company. Offering a complete line of products, the company sells herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, and fertilizers. Additionally, they also sell garden tools, insect repellants, bio stimulants, and compost supplies.

The Organic Gardening Shop works with a variety of distinguished manufacturers in order to ensure that they can deliver the highest quality products. By associating with businesses that have long-standing reputations in sustainability and organics, the Organic Gardening Shop provides customers with the latest and most effective products that are currently on the market.

Operating fully on their website, customers can explore the products in a variety of ways. For example, if wanting to find a specific solution for household chores or to identify a pest, users are directed to the Solution Finder that can be found on the Home Page. In this section, customers will be able to explore thorough descriptions and lists of natural pest control remedies.

For those who already know what products they are looking for, they can easily use the category buttons in order to narrow down the search. For specific searches, customers can use the Search Box to find insects and bugs, categorized by name and type, and also find specific products, categorized by manufacturer, item number, or ingredients. Offering high quality products at low costs, the bargains at the Organic Gardening Shop are unbeatable.

How Organic Gardening Shop Works

As mentioned previously, the Organic Gardening Shop carries products from over 40 different manufacturers. These manufacturers vary in their areas of expertise. Some create skin care and beauty products, like Prickly Pear Skin or Wildflower Soaps. Other manufacturers specialize in plant foods and soil rejuvenators. By offering such an extensive list of products from so many leaders in the organic gardening industry, the Organic Gardening Shop is able to meet the needs of every customers, offering exactly what they need, no matter which company from which they prefer to shop.

In order to provide inexpensive products that are effective enough to meet household needs, developers have had to create formulas that can stand up against their chemical counterparts. Many non-toxic household products use a combination of safe ingredients that can be used alone or combined. The key was finding the best natural replacement ingredients to use instead of synthetic options. This is where the power of these organic options really show themselves.

A list of the common alternatives found in these formulas, and a brief description of their benefits, can be found below.

  • Citrus Solvent: Used to clean tough stains, grease, oil, and paint.
  • Baking soda: Often used to clean, deodorize, and clean a variety of objects.
  • Cornstarch: Used to polish furniture, clean carpets and rugs, and clean windows.
  • Soap: Usually used unscented and in liquid form, bars, flakes, or powders, it is capable of cleaning most everything.
  • Isopropyl Alcohol: Used as a highly effective disinfectant.
  • Lemon: A strong food acid that is effective in fighting off most household bacteria.
  • White Vinegar: Used to remove mildew.

What makes these products even better is that they are able to offer the same or better results than their synthetic counterparts.

Purchasing Organic Gardening Shop Products

All of the products featured on the Organic Gardening Shop website ( can be purchased online 24 hours a day. Shipping to all areas within the United States, orders can be tracked and monitored at any time using the Order Tracking Button. In order to make sure that customers are 100% satisfied, the company employs great customer service. For further information, discounts, and updates, customers can join the Preferred Customer List to receive updates and exclusive deals.

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