Product Review Coffee Products NutPods – Vegan Non-Dairy Almond & Coconut Coffee Creamers?

NutPods – Vegan Non-Dairy Almond & Coconut Coffee Creamers?


Dairy free creamers are hard to come by these days. Most alternatives are either laced with unhealthy fats, sugars, or are horrible to taste. To find a solution that is not only nutritious, but also provides good taste is hard to find.

In recent years, almond, soy based creamers have gained immense traction among the general public. This is because, these agents not only deliver low caloric content, but also provide unique health properties. Almonds in particular have been the center of focus in many clinical studies.

Trials have demonstrated that, almonds when consumed in clinical portions can greatly increase the mental working capacity of an individual. Some beneficial results which have been observed include increased sharpness, enhanced memory retention, heightened cognition and reduced mental fatigue.

What Are NutPods?

Nutpods is an all new ‘deliciously wholesome dairy-free creamer’ that aims to satisfy all of our milk based needs. The product has been made using specially harvested, ‘heart-healthy almonds’ along with MCT-rich coconut extracts. Due to its intrinsic compositional nature, its taste profile is naturally nutty and delicious.

Also, for added convenience, Nutpods come in small packages which are convenient and extremely simple to use. Additionally, the products do not need any kind of refrigeration, and thus are ideal for use ‘on-the go’.

Why Nutpods?

When looking at Nutpods, a natural question arises. Is there really a need for this product? Well the answer is , Absolutely! If we were to look at the state of affairs today, there is not a single dairy creamer that is free of common ingredients which are not healthy for long term use.

Some of the key features of Nut Pod include:

Free Of Soy:

Many cheaper alternatives often employ the use of soy. However, Nutpods are made exclusively from coconut and almond extracts.

Non – GMO Based:

No GMO organisms have been used to tweak the efficacy of the products. All of the solutions are obtained through natural, organic extracts that are grown and sourced responsibly.

Free Of Sodium Caseinate (a milk protein):

This derivative often sneaks into many creamers to reduce overall cost of production. However, to maximize product quality, Nutpods has steered clear from using any casein derivatives.

No Mono/di-glycerides:

These greasy compounds are known to gradually accumulate within our circulatory passages and thus can cause constriction and other such issues. When left unchecked, excess intake of glycerides can also increase blood pressure levels, cholesterol levels etc.

No Artificial Flavors & Colors:

What you see on the label outside, is what you get inside the package. There are no additives, fillers, binders in the mix to increase visual appeal.

No Hydrogenated/Partially Hydrogenated Oils:

These volume enhancers are often used to give more thickness and consistency to creamers. However, they are not healthy and can lead to immense weight gain. Nutpods does not use any hydrogenated substances which can cause fat deposition issues at a later stage.

NutPods Key features

Extremely Portable:

The product comes in small pods which are easy to maneuver and use. The top plastic needs to be slipped back, and the solution added to one’s favorite beverage (be it tea, coffee or anything in between). It's as simple as that.

Simple Ingredients:

The prime constituents consist of just almonds, coconuts and other natural substances. There are no processed sugars, carbs or fats in the mix. Thus, Nutpods is a perfect alternative for someone looking to work towards a healthy/ sustainable lifestyle.


Using specially crafted ‘aseptic manufacturing processes’, Nutpods has been made to be highly shelf-stable. Also, there is no external refrigeration required to optimize overall quality.

Low In Sugar:

A key distinction which sets nutpods apart from other creamers available in the market today is the use of very little sweet based agents. This is deliberate on the manufacturer's part because according to market research ‘everyone’s preference on the level of sweetness in their coffee/tea differs greatly’. Thus, Nutpods leaves the sweetening up to the user.

Many Flavors:

There are many flavor options for users to choose from. Some of the prime variants include (Sweetened flavors) French Vanilla, Hazelnut. Other unsweetened flavors include Nutpods Original, French Vanilla. All variants can be purchased in different sizes.

NutPods Other Important Information


All product variants are completely vegan and do not contain any animal/ animal based compounds.

Gluten, Parve Free:

Nutpods is free of any wheat, soy derivatives. Thus people with gluten based allergies can safely consume this product. All creamers are also parve certified.

Carrageenan Free:

More and more research studies are pointing towards the detrimental health effects of carrageenan in recent years. Thus, all of the products available for purchase have been made free of any carrageenan based compounds.

Purchasing NutPods

All of the price listings and purchase options have been clearly delineated on the official website.

Upon clicking on a desired product, the compositional, size and pricing information can be obtained. Similarly, payments can be made using many safe techniques like PayPal, Mastercard and Visa.

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