Muscle Growth Protein Powders Now Sports Whey Protein Isolate – High Quality BCAA Booster?

Now Sports Whey Protein Isolate – High Quality BCAA Booster?

Protein supplements have been recognised as one of the fastest ways of cultivating muscle mass in one’s body. They not only help in the faster synthesis of muscle fibres, but also target specific mechanisms in our system which are associated with the quicker formation of pure lean muscle mass.

Apart from the muscle development aspect, many protein based products also assist in improving one’s circulation and nutrient transport capacity, this allows for optimal protein absorption allowing our cells to work faster and more efficiently.

From a biological standpoint, proteins can be thought of as the basic building blocks of our entire body. They make up a majority of our muscles, tissues, tendons and also assist in the release of energy via an increase of blood and oxygen transportation to the key metabolic centres in our bodies

About Now Sports Whey Protein Isolate

Now Sports Whey Protein Isolate is an all new protein supplement that has been derived using some of the finest protein compounds available in the market today.

All of the ingredients have been identified and found to deliver efficacious results in a small duration of time. Some of the key features of Now Sports Whey include:

(i) Mixability: many users know how tough some protein blends can be to dissolve in liquids, this is because these blends are not highly pure and thus their mix ratio is low. Now sports Whey contains only highly pure proteins which are known to easily break down in warm/cold liquids, and provide a thick solution that is ready for consumption immediately.

(ii) Microfiltered: while many supplements can boast about using whey isolates, the manufacturing of Now Sports Whey is done using a patented micro-filtration technology. This specialised process is known to break down the whey into fine particles which cannot only be easily broken down by our digestive system, but can also be transported and absorbed by our intestines and muscles more readily.

(iii) No additives: there are no additives, fillers, binders or chemicals that have been added to the mix to improve taste, texture or potency. All of the added nutrients have been clinically studied and are known to provide a plethora of benefits.

(iv) BCAA content: it contains high quality protein that is both bioavailable and easily digested. Whey protein has naturally occurring Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAA's) which are known for their fitness benefits and are especially useful for individuals leading an active lifestyle.

Compositional Information

(i) L-Histidine: this compound is an essential amino acid and is part of the 23 proteinogenic amino acids which are important for human beings. In terms of its chemistry, it has an imidazole functional group, which is typical for an aromatic amino acid. The compound is primarily involved in the formation of proteins and influences several of the metabolic reactions that take place in our bodies.

(ii) L-Isoleucine: this compound is also referred to as a branched-chain amino acid (BCAA). It is one of the three branched-chain amino acids in the body (along with L-Valine, L-Leucine), and is known to help promote muscle recovery after exercise. The compound is also physically broken down for energy within the muscle tissue when the body needs to perform some strenuous activity.

(iii) L-Leucine: it is an important BCAA that has been found to be highly effective for stimulating skeletal muscle protein synthesis. In relation to its potency, it has much greater power on stimulating protein synthesis compared to any other amino acid known to man.

(iv) L- Lysine: it is an important amino acid that people in many cultures have used to make medicine. Lysine is most commonly used for preventing and treating cold sores (caused by the virus called herpes simplex labialis). Supplements containing L-Lysine are usually taken orally or are applied directly to the skin.

(v) L-Alanine: this compound is a non-essential amino acid that plays a crucial role in building up the protein content within our bodies. Alanine is primarily synthesised by the muscle cells from lactic acid, and is considered to be one of the most important nutrients for the body’s ‘amino acid metabolization’ together with L-Glutamine.


  • 1 scoop of the supplement should be added to 8 oz. of cold water, milk, or your favorite juice, and blended. The blending should be carried out for an adequate amount of time so that all of the powder has been dissolved.
  • The dose may be varied depending on factors like one’s body weight, BMI, height.
  • The supplement should be used for exercise purposes rather than as a weight loss agent.

Now Sports Whey Protein Isolate Pricing And Availability

Now Sports Whey Protein Isolate comes in small orange containers which possess various quantities of the supplement. Package sizes of 1.5, 5, 10 pounds are available for purchase.

  • 1.2 pound packages are priced at $32.99.
  • 5 pound packages are priced at $109.90
  • 10 pound packages are available for $189.90.

In terms of where to buy, the easies way is to place an order online at the official company website.

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