Smart Drugs Brain Booster Noogenix – Ultimate Nootropic Brain Enhancement Pill Benefits?

Noogenix – Ultimate Nootropic Brain Enhancement Pill Benefits?

The last five years has seen the nootropic industry develop from a relatively niche market to a fully-fledged industry, which can be partially attributed to the popularity of the 2012 film “Limitless”, a movie that brought brain health enhancing supplements to the forefront of the consumer zeitgeist. Defined as “smart drugs” and dietary aids that boost cognitive function, nootropics are substances that can increase executive mental functions such as recall, memory, and creativity.

The nootropic industry explosion, however, has led to the market becoming flooded with many ineffective products that don’t contain any effective ingredients, such as herbal extract supplements that don’t deliver any measurable benefits. Some supplements have even been discovered to contain dangerous and untested chemical compounds that can cause serious negative side effects.

Despite the large influx of inferior products, there are still a wide range of nootropic supplements that have a real, powerful, and completely safe ability to dramatically increase cognitive function if sourced from a reputable manufacturer. When looking for an effective nootropic supplement it’s important to examine the ingredients contained in the product formula to ensure they are safe and clinically proven.

Noogenix is a groundbreaking new nootropic supplement that represents the fourth wave of consumer nootropics to hit the market. Clinically tested, safe for extended use, and backed by a large amount of scientific evidence, the Noogenix formula is one of the most promising and popular nootropic supplements of 2017. In this article, we’ll break down the ingredients in Noogenix and examine the clinical evidence that supports them to help you determine whether it’s the right mental performance enhancer for you.

What is Noogenix?

Noogenix is a new nootropic supplement that promises to deliver increased memory recall, enhanced focus and extended mental clarity, and an overall boost in brain processing speed. One of the major draws of the Noogenix formula is that it contains only 100% natural ingredients and is free from any synthetic chemicals that could present a negative health impact.

The health risks of sourcing nootropic supplements from unknown or unreliable suppliers are very real. Untested chemical nootropic cocktails have recently become commonplace in high mental performance environments such as Silicon Valley, the Ivy league, and Wall Street.

The loose regulation of many nootropic compounds makes it possible for irresponsible users to order bulk amounts of untested chemicals online and consume them in large amounts, which has led to a number of hospitalizations.

The difficulty in legislating the distribution of these chemicals is compounded by the rate at which many of the Chinese and Eastern European manufacturers of the more dangerous nootropic compounds are creating analog derivatives of FDA banned substances almost as fast as they are restricted.

Noogenix offers nootropic users a supplement that is composed from only naturally-sourced ingredients that are manufactured in a cGMP production facility in the United States, making it one of the safest and most reliable supplements on the market.

Noogenix contains three primary nootropic ingredients that have a proven track record of offering a dramatic boost to mental performance without any unwanted side effects. In addition to these three elements, Noogenix also contains a vitamin stack and a number of botanical extracts that have been demonstrated to enhance overall bodily health and metabolic function, increasing the amount of energy available to the brain.

Are the ingredients in the Noogenix formula able to back up the promises made by the product, however? To find out, let’s take a look at the scientific evidence that supports them:

The Noogenix Formula

The Noogenix formula can be broken down into three separate sections- a nootropic complex, a B vitamin stack, and a herbal extract complex. The first element of the formula is the most important, and is composed of dimethylaminoethanol, glutamic acid, and acetylcholine. We’ll proceed to break down the clinical evidence that supports these ingredients to assess their efficacy in enhancing brain function:


Dimethylaminoethanol, commonly referred to as DMAE, is found in many foods such as anchovies, salmon, and other seafood products. There have been several clinical studies that show that DMAE is able to increase reaction speed[1] and increase the levels of key neurotransmitters, increasing memory efficiency and function[2].

Glutamic Acid

Glutamic acid is an amino acid that the body manufactures by itself, but there are numerous studies that demonstrate its ability to modulate brain function. Most meats, poultry products, and protein-rich plant foods contain glutamic acid, but supplementing it into the diet has been shown to prevent neurodegeneration[3], increase clarity of thought, and promote faster learning[4].


Acetylcholine is another organic chemical that the body is able to manufacture from dietary sources such as egg yolks, fatty cheeses, and avocado. The body uses acetylcholine as a neurotransmitter to propagate signals through brain tissue. Increasing the levels of acetylcholine in the body via dietary supplementation has been conclusively proven to boost attention span and focus[5] as well as improve performance on creative tasks[6].

The Noogenix Verdict

The three primary ingredients in the Noogenix formula alone have a proven ability to boost brain function and are potent nootropic compounds. Combined with the highly nutritious B vitamin complex and effective herbal extract composition of the Noogenix formula, it’s safe to say this is one of the most trustworthy, safe, and effective nootropic supplements available on the market today.

If you’re looking for a side effect free, clinically proven and powerful nootropic stack for increasing your everyday mental performance, Noogenix is a reliable and cost-effective option.

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