Nootropics Memory Boosters Neumentix – Phenolic Complex For Cognitive Enhancing Support?

Neumentix – Phenolic Complex For Cognitive Enhancing Support?

The world is busier today than it has ever been before. It seems like there is constant movement everywhere, with people always on the go or working.

Because the world has become such a global market, the connections between continents has caused people to become even busier than before, working hard to stay on top of the growing economies across the world. More and more now than ever, adults are constantly working and pushing themselves to become better.

In order to stay afloat in the busy world today, people have had to perfect the process of multi-tasking.

Even though multi-tasking has been an essential part of life since the beginning of time, it is needed more now than ever. With people constantly on their computers and phones, the ability to simultaneously do more than one thing at the same time is almost a necessity.

Unfortunately, in order to keep up with these strenuous daily tasks and keep multi-tasking properly, people need their minds to be sharper and faster than ever.

Cognitive functions are more important now than ever. Even though technology has made staying organized and proficient easier, people still need to stay on top of their busy lives.

And this requires having a sharp mind and, more importantly, a good memory. Unfortunately, when people get exhausted keeping up with their busy lives, memory is often the first thing to go, making it harder than ever to stay sharp and able to multi-task.

Neumentix Phenolic Complex is a natural supplement that provides users with the support they need to keep their memory and multi-tasking capabilities sharp.

Using Neumentix will give users who are feeling sluggish and unfocused the boost they need to stay on top of things in this busy, crazy world.

What is Neumentix?

Naturally supporting the memory and overall sharpness of users, Neumentix is a natural complex that can improve how well people remember things and function while multi-tasking.

Neumentix is a proprietary complex made out of ingredients derived from the spearmint plant, creating a blend that has been clinically proven to provide users with a boost in their working memory.

For those who are struggling to make it through the day, constantly forgetting things or failing to stay as sharp as they should, Neumentix provides a welcome support that will get users back on top of things.

In order to understand what Neumentix does, a better understanding of working memory is needed. While most people know that memory is being able to recall past events, working memory is a bit more dynamic in nature.

Rather than being a long-term recollection process, working memory is short-term and allows users to store and mull over this information while focusing on something else.

For example, a person can be typing up a report, but thinking about the groceries they need to make dinner. This is an example of working memory being used.

Working memory plays a huge role in attention, complex thought processes, and multi-tasking, making it vital for people to thrive in the modern world. Unfortunately, because working memory is so important, when it starts to fail for people, it can cause a horrific chain reaction.

People who have failing working memory aren’t able to move between tasks as easily, making it harder for them to process information and, of course, multi-task.

Neumentix works to support working memory in users, so they are able to function at their best levels. The supplement contains a blend of key phenolic molecules that are found in spearmint to increase the amount of antioxidants in the body.

As these levels increase, they are able to protect cognitive functions, increasing the levels of neurotransmitters while also protecting neurons. Neumentix is the nutritional supplement for the brain that so many people have been longing for, allowing them to keep ahead of their tasks.

Benefits of Neumentix

The biggest benefit of Neumentix is that it is able to help users stay ahead of their daily tasks, keeping them on top of all the work, projects, and events that happen in their lives. Using a unique Phenolic Complex, Neumentix is able to provide support that no other cognitive supplement has been able to provide in the past.

Neumentix is so effective that it has been clinically tested and proven to support the working memory in adults, making it one of the first natural cognitive supplements to have research to support its claims.

By providing users with the real help they need to multi-task, Neumentix is changing how people support their memory.

What makes the results that Neumentix offers even better is that they come without using synthetic, dangerous ingredients.

Neumentix is a natural supplement, offering the results it does using molecules from the spearmint plant. For those who are diligent in their care for their bodies, being careful about what they put in their bodies, Neumentix is the perfect solution.

The supplement is able to offer amazing benefits, but without the use of fillers or other questionable ingredients that could compromise the health of users.

While the phenolic molecules used in Neumentix are paramount to how well the product works, the supplement also offers another benefit. Neumentix has been found to provide sleep support to users, allowing them to get the deep, full rest they need each and every night.

What makes this aspect of the supplement even better is that even when it’s taken in the morning, to provide cognitive support throughout the day, it is still able to offer better sleep.

And when users are better rested, they are sharper and more alert in the morning, which will also improve their cognitive functions.

Ingredients in Neumentix

As mentioned above, the driving force behind Neumentix is found in its phenolic molecules, which are taken from spearmint.

In order to find just the right phenolic molecules, the company behind Neumentix, Kemin’s Specialty Crop Improvement, or SCI, had to breed two of their own lines of spearmint, which currently have patents pending on them.

This means that the phenolic molecules from these lines of spearmint are much more powerful than those found in a regular leaf of spearmint.

The phenolic complex made from the specialized lines of spearmint used in Neumentix is a combination of 50 different, unique compounds. Some of these compounds include:

  • Rosmarinic Acid
  • Salvianolic Acid
  • Lithospermic Acid
  • Caftaric Acid

As these different compounds work together, they are able to provide a wide range of benefits, which are only amplified by the purity of these ingredients. Some of the benefits these compounds offer include:

And all these benefits come from ingredients that are natural and offer no side effects. Plus, the ingredients used in Neumentix are sustainable grown in the United States, providing jobs and support for Americans across the country.

Purchasing Neumentix

At the moment, the ingredient Neumentix is available in several different supplements. Some of the supplements that include Neumentix are listed below.

  • Memory Matters by Bricker Labs
  • Spearmint Phenolic Complex and Neumentix by Swanson Health Products
  • CogniBrain by NutriCology
  • Advanced NeuroPlus by Allergy Research Group

In order to purchase these products online, or to find more information on where to find Neumentix, customers can visit the Kemin website ( Here, users will also find detailed studies and research on Neumentix.

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