Product Review Naya Health Smart Breast Pump – Hospital Grade Nursing Comfort?

Naya Health Smart Breast Pump – Hospital Grade Nursing Comfort?

Naya Health is a company that is passionate about creating health products for modern mothers. Incorporating innovative technology, Naya Health has engineered health products that are designed to make life easier for families. The first product in the lineup is the Naya Smart Breast Pump.

Named one of the top ten innovations of 2016, the Naya Smart Breast Pump features unique components that are designed to suit busy lifestyles. Made to improve the lives of breastfeeding women, the device is significantly less expensive than other alternatives. According to recent data, the leading hospital-grade breast pumps currently costs between $1,200 and $1,500.

For formula-fed babies, the average spending costs are approximately $5,475 yearly. With the Naya Smart Breast Pump only costing a portion of those estimates, it is the most practical choice for any budget.

About Naya Health

Co-founded by husband and wife, the idea for Naya Health was born when Janica Alvarez began looking for portable breast pumps. Wanting to provide breast milk for her infant baby as she returned to work, while looking into practical solutions, she realized that every breast pump was fitted with outdated technology.

Suddenly inspired to transform the inefficient designs into something more practical and modern, Janica consulted with her husband Jeff. A medical device engineer, once Jeff had taken apart breast pumps, the couple decided on creating a new, comfortable and discreet breast pump that utilized advanced technology.

Today, the Naya Advisory Health Team consists of world-renowned physicians, lactation experts, and healthcare technologists. Naya Health is bringing positive change and improving the lives of families worldwide.

To help customers cover the costs of the Naya Smart Breast Pump, Naya Health is HSA and FSA approved. In accordance with the Affordable Care Act, all health insurance policies must include the costs of a breast pump. However, the Naya Smart Breast Pump is considered an out-of-network breast pump.

To change this, the company is working with insurance companies to provide women and families with access to their products. Focused on affordability, Naya Health provides customers with information on how to access insurance benefits through their providers. To discover eligibility, Naya Health encourages customers to contact select insurance providers.

How Naya’s Smart Breast Pump Works

Made for the modern woman, the Smart Breast Pump by Naya is the first device of minimalistic, user-friendly health products created by the company. A comfortable and compact system, the device allows women to pump more milk. Lightweight and convenient, the Smart Breast Pump only weighs three pounds and can easily be transported.

Gently massaging the breasts, the device helps women relax and release the optimal amount of milk to feed their babies, with users reporting a 25% increase in milk discharge. Naya’s soft silicone flanges also eliminate the occurrence of dry, cracked, and sore nipples.

Unlike market leading brands, Naya’s Smart Breast Pump features a HydroComfort Technology that uses water to gently express milk. Instead of the traditional use of air, the technology creates a more productive and quieter pumping experience. A certified, double-electric hospital-grade breast pump, the water-based system is travel-ready and includes a rechargeable battery.

Battery life lasts up to 180 minutes, approximately two days of pumping sessions. Easy-to clean, the Naya Smart Breast Pump saves time in washing pump parts. With fewer parts, the device ensures that the pumping experience is simple, efficient, and hygienic.

In addition to HydroComfort Technology, the Naya Smart Breast Pump can sync to smart devices and automatically track pump sessions and milk supply. Allowing women to receive personalized advice through the Naya Health Tracker App, users can view inventory and weekly trends.

The Naya Smart Breast Pump includes the pump, breast-shield assembly, storage bag, and classic bottles. Using high-grade materials and sleek designs, the device is made to meet high-quality manufacturing standards.

Benefits of Naya’s Smart Breast Pump

For stay-at-home and working mothers, breastfeeding can cause some limitations. Without a balance of daily responsibilities, breastfeeding can become unmanageable and tiring outside of the home. With the option of breast-pumps, women are able to make an informed choice.

Today, breast pumps are often used for effectiveness and convenience. Allowing nursing mothers to pump and store breast milk, the Naya’s Smart Breast Pump helps infants enjoy the benefits of breastfeeding even in times when the mother is absent.

There are many advantages of pumping. Ideal for babies who are not able to latch well, pumping a sufficient amount can help provide milk for premature babies around-the-clock.

Offering an adequate supply of breast milk, the Smart Breast Pump relieves women from the pain caused by the engorgement and heaviness of breasts. Based on the needs of each individual mother, the device can be used as many times throughout the day as needed.

Purchasing Naya Health Smart Breast Pump

The Naya Smart Breast Pump is available for purchase on the company website ( Costing $999, customers can pre-order for delivery by June 2017.

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