Supplement Review Muscle Growth MuscleTech Clear Muscle SX-7 Revolution – Legit Muscle Builder?

MuscleTech Clear Muscle SX-7 Revolution – Legit Muscle Builder?


MuscleTech Clear Muscle SX-7 Revolution is a supplement designed to help increase muscle mass in the body. It will give ultimate strength and help with power as well without compromising health.

How Does MuscleTech Clear Muscle SX-7 Revolution Work?

There is an Advanced Dual Capsule Technology that will help with promoting healthy lean muscle mass. CLEAR MUSCLE SX-7 REVOLUTION is one of the most powerful supplements on the market apparently for helping you grow in strength. It’s been shown to help build more muscle than any other nutrition supplement on the market.

The inner pill is designed to harness some of the highest-quality ingredients combinations on the planet. These make it one of the leading sports nutrition supplements you’ll ever find. The key to building massive amounts of muscle is said to be a result of active states the muscles go through. And in CLEAR MUSCLE SX-7 REVOLUTION, there are ingredients like BetaTOR that are said to put your muscles into these active states to help promote and grow healthy, lean muscles.

The ingredients in the supplement together are said to be one of the most powerful you can find. And are designed for ultimate levels of bioavailability. They’re suspended in a complex liquid ideal for enhancing your ability to improve muscle mass and burn fat. Along with BetaTor, there is also Peak ATP and KIC, all registered, trademarked ingredients that are 100% exclusive to MuscleTech. They claim this is one of the leading, cutting edge breakthrough systems that will give you results not seen with other supplements on the market.


The ingredients are in an advanced liquid containing capsule and were clinically designed. It’s a revolutionary type of supplement that will help your body metabolize the ingredients in a rapid way without adding harmful toxins or acids to the body. Leucine, and HMB are groundbreaking ingredients that when used in conjunction with have helped people pack on as much as 18.7 pounds of muscle. The muscle is said to be completely pure and lean and can give you results like these in as little as 12 weeks.

Whether you’re bench pressing or deadlifting, CLEAR MUSCLE SX-7 REVOLUTION is a high-quality supplement. This is a very bold statement, but they claimed people added as much as 212 pounds to their bench, deadlift and squat in only 90 days when using CLEAR MUSCLE SX-7 REVOLUTION.

The micronized pills are a dual capsule technology that delivers ingredients to the body in a highly active and effective state. Essential, as the manufacturer put it, it’s a pill within a pill technology that is said to be revolutionary. This makes the pills highly bio ready so your body can easily absorb the nutrients.

The rapid release liquid in the capsules helps to make the body limitations that are commonly found when taking other pills disappear completely. It’s an extremely advanced technology that is going to out-date the delivery systems currently being used in other supplements of this type. The two capsules work in a synergistic way to help give your body exactly what it needs to reach peak levels of fitness.


You can currently pick up a bottle of the CLEAR MUSCLE SX-7 REVOLUTION capsules on the GNC website. They’re definitely not intended for children or pregnant/nursing women. But seems to be a very powerful supplement for packing on lean muscle.


Basically, if you want to accelerate the growth of your muscles, then CLEAR MUSCLE SX-7 REVOLUTION is a great product that will help pack on lean muscle fast. It’s also said to be safe for pretty much everyone.

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