Methylene Blue

Methylene Blue Review

Methylene Blue is a new nootropic compound currently being studied as a potential cure for Alzheimer’s by a company called TauRx.

Find out if Methylene Blue is the real deal today in our review.

What is Methylene Blue?

Methylene Blue

Methylene blue is a chemical compound that is thought to work by creating enzymatic effects in the brain.

Prior to being used as a “brain drug”, methylene blue was actually used as a dye in diagnostic applications, which is where the “blue” part of the name comes from. Researchers eventually discovered that methylene blue can also act as a potent, reversible monoamine oxidase inhibitor, which could make it an ideal treatment for various neurological conditions.

The chemical itself is officially called methylthioninium chloride.

Methylene blue goes to work and specifically improves three aspects of brain functionality, including:

— Acts as a potent, self-regenerating antioxidant that can easily cross the blood-brain barrier

— Improves the efficiency of mitochondria, which are the powerhouses of the cells and responsible for physical and mental energy

— Normalize the activity of an enzyme called Monoamine Oxidase A that increases in prevalence with aging and is associated with depression

Together, these three unique benefits have made methylene blue one of the most sought-after nootropic compounds on the market today.

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Scientific Studies on Methylene Blue

A search for methylene blue on reveals 14,546 studies on the chemical compound. In 2006, there were 359 studies published on methylene blue. In 2014, that number rose to 741. The number of studies performed so far in 2015 is on pace to break 2014’s record.

Here are some of the most significant studies on methylene blue performed to date:

2011 Study Shows Methylene Blue May Be Able to Treat Dementia After It’s Already Appeared

One study from 2011 analyzed an alternative form of methylene blue created by TauRx Therapeutics. That alternative form, called LMTX, was designed to combat some of the complaints of the original Rember formula. Researchers found that LMTX was effective at delaying the advance of dementia after dementia has already been diagnosed.

This is important because other modern treatments – including antioxidants and mitochondrial antioxidants – only work prior to the onset of dementia. LMTX could potentially treat the disease after it’s already been diagnosed.

Researchers concluded that the study was an overwhelming success:

“Ultimately, although the majority of therapeutics will require a long process of clinical development, the overall successes described in this review indicate that an effective prevention treatment or cure for AD [Alzheimer’s Disease] is possible.”

2011 Study Indicates that Methylene Blue Works By Inhibiting Tau Protein Aggregation

Tau protein is one term that frequently appears in methylene blue studies. That’s because in a 2011 study, researchers demonstrated that methylene blue works by inhibiting Tau protein aggregation. It also has a “great effect” on the dissociation of amyloids while affecting mitochondrial function as well. Together, these mechanisms are thought to delay the progression of Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s dementia, and other degenerative neurological conditions.

2007 Study Shows Methylene Blue Can Extend the Lifespan of Certain Cells

One landmark study on methylene took place in 2007. That study showed that methylene blue, referred to as MB in this study, can increase the lifespan of cells:

“MB increases mitochondrial complex IV by 30%, enhances cellular oxygen consumption by 37–70%, increases heme synthesis, and reverses premature senescence caused by H2O2 or cadmium.”

If you don’t know what “complex IV” is, then that’s okay. The most important thing you need to know about it is that lower mitochondrial complex IV levels are associated with worsening Alzheimer’s conditions.

Methylene blue has been shown to increase mitochondrial complex IV, which is an important benefit on its own. Methylene blue is particularly beneficial because it increase mitochondrial complex IV while also boosting oxygen consumption in the cells and reversing premature senescence. Together, these benefits extend the lifespan of cells in your body.

Researchers concluded the study by stating that:

“MB may be useful to delay mitochondrial dysfunction with aging and the decrease in complex IV in Alzheimer disease.”

More studies are being performed on methylene blue every month. As researchers learn more and more about methylene blue and its benefits, it’s getting closer to reaching the market and becoming a publically-available drug.

What is Blue Brain Boost?

Blue Brain Boost is one of the first companies to capitalize on the methylene blue hype. Found at, the company sells a 1 gram package of methylene blue for $10.

Blue Brain Boost promises that its supplement contains the following benefits:

— A Purity Of 99.8% Methylene Blue
— “Virtually Free” Of Contaminants, Including Heavy Metals And Toxic Solvents
— Expedited Shipping From The North Bay, California

One of the problems with selling methylene blue at this time is that it’s only legally allowed to be sold for research purposes. The FDA has mandated that it’s not to be used outside of a professional research setting.

Nevertheless, doesn’t require you to prove your research credentials or do anything else to verify your reasons for ordering the compound.

In fact, on the ordering page for its methylene blue supplement, Blue Brain Boost claims that the supplement can benefit healthy individuals who don’t suffer from Alzheimer’s – so it’s basically advertising the compound to anyone who wants to improve their concentration and memory.

What Is TauRx Therapeutics?

A company called TauRx Therapeutics is currently studying the effects of methylene blue and attempting to determine whether or not it could be an effective treatment for Alzheimer’s.

TauRx Therapeutics is incorporated in Singapore but maintains its primary research facilities and operations in Aberdeen, Scotland.

If TauRx Therapeutics is able to demonstrate the validity of methylene blue as a treatment for Alzheimer’s, then it will be sold on the market under the trade name “Rember” or under the alternative name of LMTX.

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  1. Hmmm

    The company which has done the most research on this drug to date is TauRX Therepeutics. They just published the results of their phase II human trials. The dosages given were many times higher than suggest here and elsewhere. Dosages somewhere in the neighborhood of 2mg/kg where administered. And as they stated it turns out that absorption issues in the gut actually cut the amount to the brain in half. They are therefore going significantly increase the dosages for phase III. 1 gram is therefore perhaps 2-3 dosages at best for an adult male. Which would make your $10 a gram prohibitively expense for most of us.

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