Supplement Review Anti-Aging Mederma – Stretch Marks, Acne & Wrinkle Skincare Solutions?

Mederma – Stretch Marks, Acne & Wrinkle Skincare Solutions?


Treating Scars and Stretch Marks

Many believe that behind every scar and stretchmark, there exists a story to be told. While some stories might bring happiness to one, others might frighten them by simply looking at the scars and stretch marks left behind. It is very rare to find a brand that focuses solely on eliminating scars and stretch marks because most brands try to cover every skincare concern.

Mederma is unlike others, they believe that there’s so much research to be done to permanently eliminate any signs of scars and stretch marks. Their expertise in this field has allowed them to come up with products that heal all sorts of scars and stretch marks. Mederma products have the ability to reduce the sign of scars, boost one’s confidence, and bring great comfort. Prepare to be amazed, as the journey into Mederma’s successes will be assessed in this article!

What is Mederma?

Mederma is a #1 doctor and pharmacist- recommended brand that has brought two lines of products that work to reduce the appearance of all sorts of scars and is currently working their way up the ladder in redefining a solution for stretch marks. This brand is aware of the price people have to pay when their scars do not easily heal away. What is the price? It is none other than one’s self confidence and one’s overall happiness. While some people do not take into consideration what others might say, many people are affected when someone judges them based on the marks found on the body. To ease their burden and to ensure that everyone sees the positive out of the negatives is what Mederma strives to achieve.

Currently, Mederma has managed to combine all sorts of researches and knowledge gain to provide the following products:

  • Mederma PM Intensive Overnight Scar Cream
  • Mederma Advanced Scar Gel
  • Mederma Scar Cream Plus SPF 30
  • Mederma for Kids
  • Mederma Stretch Marks Therapy

How Does Scarring Occur?

When a tissue or inner layer of skin is hurt or damaged, a protein, known as collagen, is released from the body to work as a healing mechanism. Collagen attaches itself to the wounded area and while the mending process is taking place, a smooth crust starts to form to protect the wound undergoing the healing process. That crust eventually falls off, as the skin is completely repaired, but leaves a mark known as the scar afterwards. Fascinating isn’t it? Most people see the crust as such a bad thing that they do not realize that it is actually doing the contrary.

How do Mederma Products Help?

There are 3 types of scars: Atrophic, Keloid and hypertrophic scars. Atrophic scars occur when so much damage has been done to collagen (the protein that tries to heal the scar). When too much protein is produced during the healing process, the skin experiences a sunken area, which is the Atrophic scar. Keloid occurs when there’s a growth in cells at the wound (the scarring is at times a reddish purple color. Lastly, the hypertrophic scar takes place, but to the extent of the first two and can be healed without additional treatment.

Let’s take a closer look at the benefits of using Mederma products:

  1. Mederma PM Intensive Overnight Scar Cream: a lot takes place, while people are in sleep mode. This is when the body heals of all sorts of pain and helps to rejuvenate oneself. In terms of the skin, the body works much harder during sleep mode to repair damaged skin cells. This product will complement this process, by speeding up the process and promoting a healthier looking skin.
  2. Mederma Advanced Scar Gel: this product has been proven to reduce the color, texture and appearance of any scars with one application per day. It is recommended to apply once daily for 8 weeks for a new scar and approximately 3 to 6 months on an older scar. A small quantity should be applied, as the smallest things make the loudest noises!
  3. Mederma Scar Cream Plus SPF 30: While a scar is undergoing the healing process, it needs to be protected from all potential harm, and that includes the sun as well. This product works to heal scars while ensuring that one does not experience sunburns. It is recommended to apply this cream three times per day and the timeframe depends on the freshness of the scar. For best results, 15 minutes prior to going outdoors, apply the cream and then reapply every two hours or so.
  4. Mederma for Kids: It is always best to ensure that a child’s scar does not affect them in the future. Mederma for Kids is engineered in a way that is suitable for their gentle and sensitive skin. Similar to all the Mederma scar reducing products, the time frame in which one should continuously apply cream is somewhere between 2 to 6 months depending on how fresh the scar is. The fresher it is, the less time it takes to heal compared to older scars.
  5. Mederma Stretch Marks Therapy: Is the only one of its kind within Mederma’s stretch mark product line. This product works to reduce signs of stretch marks, provides enough moisture in the skin to prevent future stretch marks and can be used during pregnancy. Mederma is confident that one will attain noticeable results within the first 12 weeks or so.

Mederma: Kicking things up a notch!

Mederma uses technology to their advantage that way they can build a solid a trust relationship with their customers. One of the tedious things of following such treatments is consistency. Humans give in and give up easy, as they feel results are prolonging. To ensure that customers are following the given directions, this app helps to keep track of the noticeable difference over time and also reminds them to use the cream!

There is so much to learn about scars and stretch marks that this article is not enough on its own. Scars and stretch marks do in fact tell all sorts of stories, and to have better knowledge on them, Mederma has come up with something called the learning center, where so much knowledge is available to consumers! For more information on how to get closer to a Mederma product and other fun facts, go to:

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