Supplement Review Cannabidiol (CBD) MedCBD Chewing Gum – BluDog CBD-Infused Hemp Oil Pet Aid?

MedCBD Chewing Gum – BluDog CBD-Infused Hemp Oil Pet Aid?

MedCBD Chewing Gum

You may, or may not, be familiar with the benefits and positive effects of CBD oil. As this industry continues to grow in its availability, and familiarity, there are many different ways in which you can take these products. Mainly, the delivery is through liquid form or capsules that you can take daily.

BludDog Products have introduced something a little different, chewing gum. It is said, that chewing gum allows for better delivery for active ingredients because it is absorbed through the oral mucosa up to five (5) times faster than conventional methods – such as digestion.

This gum looks a little different than gum you may be more familiar with seeing but it chews and tastes the same. Consumers have described this method of delivery as more convenient especially with those who have discomfort taking pills or capsules.

Benefits of MedCBD Chewing Gum

Mentioned above, is the absorption rate is up to five (5) times faster, and for those looking for relief faster and more effectively, this is a huge asset to MedCBD Chewing Gum. In addition, cannabinoid products that are commonly digested, are less than 10% bioavailable to the body – so being able to increase that through chewing gum is another great benefit.

Research has discovered that up to 40% of the population does not like to take pills – so being able to offer a product that was desirable to majority of the population was important.

Chewing gum is a better delivery mechanism for active ingredients – and, this is the whole point of taking CBD after all, isn’t it? Chewing gum has been shown to be more effective than oral dosages like capsules or beverages even.

There are many reasons people seek out CDB to add to their alternative medicine arsenal, many of which include people who may have difficulty swallowing or are already consuming enough pills in their lives that adding another one is the last thing they want to do. With the CBD Chewing Gum, this obstacle is eliminated completely.

In addition, we mentioned high bioavailability – where when we consider it with this product, we know that it avoids hepatic first pass metabolism which is though the stomach and liver. Another huge asset not to mention how fast acting it makes it too.

Some people still prefer discretion, and popping a piece of gum is not only convenient to carry with you but is equally as convenient to pop a piece in and no one would have any idea. Now, as CBD becomes more and more common, the discreet factor may not be as key, however until then – this is a huge benefit to the delivery here.

What Makes MedCBD Chewing Gum Special?

MedCBD Chewing Gum is made from a patented powdered gum manufacturing process that allows for custom formulas to be used with a wide range of bioactive ingredients. The gum is manufactured at room temperature with helps protect the ingredients whereas in higher temperature manufacturing, ingredients could be compromised in effectiveness.

Because the package of chewing gum contains 10 milligrams per piece, there is no room for error in dosages, and you can feel confident that the same amount of CDB is found in each piece.

There are several patents filed for this CBD chewing gum, which speaks to their formulations and manufacturing processes alike.

Lastly, this gum is described as a cool mint flavor.

How to Order MedCBD Chewing Gum

The MedCBD Chewing Gum can be ordered on their website for only $19.99 per package. As mentioned above, there are eight (8) pieces of gum per package.

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