Supplement Review MaximFit Test Booster – Healthy Testosterone Strength Enhancer?

MaximFit Test Booster – Healthy Testosterone Strength Enhancer?

MaximFit Test Booster

There are many different supplements and dietary aids available on the market today, from protein powders to fat burners, but for the modern male, one supplement should take priority over all others- testosterone boosters.

Testosterone, also known as the male hormone, is incredibly important to male health and is the controlling factor in a wide range of bodily functions such as lean muscle mass, endurance, libido, and strength.

The male body is unable to create new lean muscle mass unless testosterone levels are sufficiently high. Many men are unaware, however, that every year their testosterone levels drop by between 2% and 4%, resulting in significant testosterone losses by the late 20’s.

Low testosterone causes a wide range of negative health conditions, from erectile dysfunction and sexual disorders to poor physical performance and high body fat percentage.

Concerningly, there are also many external pollutants in the modern environment that have been clinically proven to interfere with testosterone production.

Known as hormone disruptors or xenoestrogens, these chemicals are found in foods like soy, artificial sweeteners like aspartame, or even in BPA plastic containers such as those used in Tupperware or take away food containers.

It’s a scientific fact that the average testosterone level of the US population has dropped significantly over the last 30 years- even the municipal water we drink is flooded with estrogen due to widespread use of hormonal contraceptive solutions by the female half of the population.

The best way to promote healthy testosterone production is through the use of a testosterone boosting supplement that uses clinically proven natural ingredients to promote higher testosterone levels.

MaximFit, the fitness and health supplement arm of internationally-popular men’s lifestyle magazine Maxim, has recently released one of the most intelligently-formulated male testosterone boosting supplements available on the market.

Using a range of powerful natural herbal and botanical extracts, the MaximFit Test Booster formula is able to significantly increase testosterone production without side effects.

In this article, we’ll take a look at the MaximFit Test Booster Formula and find out what’s in it to help you decide whether it’s the right testosterone boosting supplement for you.

What is MaximFit Test Booster?

MaximFit is a new range of male health, sports, and performance supplements that have been released by the Maxim brand.

A long trusted name in the world of men’s style, fitness, and health, the Maxim brand has recently expanded into the world of sports nutrition, and the MaximFit Test Booster formula represents their first foray into the world of hormone management supplements.

For Maxim’s first attempt at a testosterone boosting supplement, the Test Booster formula is competitively formulated and scientifically accurate.

It’s clear that the research and development team behind the MaximFit brand have done their homework on testosterone boosting ingredients, as the Test Booster formula contains several potent ingredients that are rare and potent, and can usually only be found in higher-end test boosters.

MaximFit Test Booster offers a number of advantages over less natural testosterone boosting solutions such as testosterone replacement therapy, or TRT.

While injecting synthetic testosterone is able to rapidly increase testosterone levels, it disrupts the ability of the body to produce testosterone naturally and can cause serious health complications.

The natural ingredients used in the MaximFit Test Booster formula instead work in synergy with the body to promote higher testosterone levels naturally, with the added benefit of increasing overall health.

Boosting your testosterone levels with the MaximFit Test Booster formula will result in increased lean muscle mass gains, heightened libido and sexual performance, longer endurance and cardio, higher strength levels, reduced body fat, and better overall cognitive function.

The MaximFit Test Booster Formula

The MaximFit Test Booster formula contains eight different ingredients that have all been clinically proven to increase testosterone levels.

The basis of the Test Booster formula is built around Epimedium extract, which is also known as horny goat weed.

Epimedium is backed up by the inclusion of Tongkat Ali, which is a powerful Southeast Asian herbal extract that acts as an incredibly potent aphrodisiac and sexual health modulator.

Several clinical trials have been performed on the testosterone boosting abilities of tongkat ali.

Just six weeks of daily supplementation of tongkat ali extract was proven in a 2014 clinical investigation to significantly increase blood serum testosterone levels without interfering with the doping policies of the International Olympic Committee, making the MaximFit formula safe for use by professional sports players.

The two primary ingredients of the MaximFit Test Booster formula are supported by the inclusion of saw palmetto extract, which has powerful prostate health benefits, wild yam root, sarsaparilla root, nettle root, and boron acid chelate, all of which work together to promote the faster production of increased testosterone levels.

The only negative aspect of the MaximFit Test Booster supplement is the inclusion of magnesium stearate as a filler- the formula could be significantly improved by replacing the stearate form of this essential mineral as a chelate form, which would make it both bioavailable and effective.

MaximFit Test Booster Review Summary

The MaximFit Test Booster formula is an exceptionally strong entry into the testosterone supplement marketplace from Maxim, and offers a powerful formula at an extremely cost-effective price.

If you’re looking for a well-formulated and effective test booster that is able to deliver on the promises it makes, the MaximFit Test Booster formula has you covered.

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