Nootropics Brain Health News New Male Contraceptive Gel Has 100% Success Rate in Monkey Trials

New Male Contraceptive Gel Has 100% Success Rate in Monkey Trials

Male Contraceptive Gel Monkey Trials

A male contraceptive called Vasalgel just posted a 100% success rate in trials involving monkeys. Researchers from the study believe the gel can be a successful long-term, reliable male contraceptive.

Vasalgel is labeled as a “contraceptive gel”, although that term can be a bit misleading: the gel needs to be injected into the tube connecting the testicles to the rest of the penis (the lumen, or interior, of the vas deferens).

Males undergo the procedure once, then enjoy long-term contraceptive benefits. The contraceptive can be reversed using an ultrasound to dislodge the gel.

The gel is also non-toxic and non-hormonal. It simply works by physically blocking sperm from exiting the body. The sperm hit a semi-permeable gel barrier in the penis, causing the sperm to be re-absorbed by the body.

Researchers believe the contraceptive could be an effective alternative option for human males in the future. Researchers published this latest study in the open access journal Basic and Clinical Andrology.

How Does Vasalgel Work?

Vasaslgel works using the following four step process:

Step 1. Sperm produced in the testes are transported through a duct (a tube) called the vas deferens

Step 2. Vasalgel is injected into the lumen (the interior) of the vas deferens

Step 3. Vasalgel fills the interior of the cavity in order to form a soft, semi-permeable gel barrier. The gel “nestles into the tiny folds in the walls of the vas deferens”, according to the researchers on this latest study.

Step 4. The sperm are too big to get through the gel barrier. Instead of exiting the body, the sperm turn back and are reabsorbed by the body.

After the gel has been injected into the penis, you don’t need to repeat the procedure. The gel stays in place until it needs to be removed.

That’s why it’s being seen as a possible alternative to a vasectomy: males can still choose to avoid having kids for a brief period of time, while still having the option to reverse their decision in the future.

Study Of Vasalgel

In the latest study, researchers picked 16 rhesus monkeys to undergo the surgery. 10 of those monkeys had already produced offspring with female monkeys.

The monkeys underwent the surgical procedure, then were monitored closely after re-entering their family groups, including fertile adult females. Monkeys were monitored throughout the breeding season (6 months).

During this entire 6 month period, there were no pregnancies. Typically, researchers find that in normal conditions, fertile females will have a pregnancy rate of approximately 80% over the same time period.

The monkey study reinforced results from a similar study involving rabbits, where Vasalgel effectively demonstrated its effectiveness as a male contraceptive.

Vasalgel: Alternative For Vasectomies And Condoms

The two most common options for male contraceptives are condoms and vasectomies. Vasalgel is one of several major male contraceptives currently working its way through research trials.

After tests on monkeys, Vasalgel would likely go through human trials to demonstrate its effectiveness.

If successful, Vasalgel would be an alternative to condoms and vasectomies. Vasalgel would have the advantage of not affecting sperm production or hormone levels while still being totally reversible.

Researchers believe they can reverse the gel procedure using ultrasound. However, the reversal has only been tested in rabbits – not monkeys.

Could Vasalgel be the male contraceptive of the future? Stay tuned for more information about the release of Vasalgel as we move forward.

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