Supplement Review Lyriana Female Libido Enhancement – Natural Hormone Booster?

Lyriana Female Libido Enhancement – Natural Hormone Booster?

Lyriana Female Libido Enhancement

Lyriana Female Libido Enhancement is a dietary supplement designed to help women regain their libido. It is available on the company website and on Amazon.

What is Lyriana Female Libido Enhancement?

Supplements are available to help with many of life’s problems. They are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration. For that reason, it is important to research supplement ingredients before using them.

There are times in a woman’s life when she may suffer from low libido. Though not life threatening, these times can be detrimental to her relationship with her partner.

Lyriana Female Libido Enhancement claims to be the #1 female libido supplement on the market today. They do this using four methods.

They are:

  • One – balancing dopamine levels. This powerful neurotransmitter controls body functions and acts as a chemical messenger, controlling reward/motivator behavior and desire/arousal which promotes a healthy libido. When you improve dopamine levels, you can enhance the sex drive.
  • Two – improving sensitivity. Using l-arginine to increase blood flow, Lyriana claims to specifically target female sexual organs to increase sensitivity.
  • Three – balance hormones. Lyriana promotes estrogen production to balance hormone levels and increase women’s sex drive.
  • Four – a powerful aphrodisiac. Phytochemicals in Lyriana act as powerful aphrodisiacs. It stimulates the production of chemicals that produce sexual desire and increases blood flow throughout the body in an effort to increase sensitivity.
Lyriana promises to:
  • Dramatically increase libido in 30 days
  • Boost a woman’s sex drive for better quality sex
  • Increase lubrication
  • Experience an intense sensation and sexual urge
  • Increase the level of passion in your sexual activity
  • Increases the number and intensity of your orgasms
  • During menopause, reduce the incidence of hot flashes, regulate periods, increase energy, and lessen mood changes and irritability

How Does Lyriana Work?

Lyriana Female Libido Enhancement combines ingredients that are known to influence libido. These ingredients include:

  • L-Arginine used in many supplement due to its ability to causes blood vessels to open wider for improved blood flow. Sex drug makers use this to claim it improves blood flow to the genital region in both men and women, though this specifically is unproven.
  • Horny Goat Weed this herb has been used in ancient China as a powerful aphrodisiac, and sex-enhancer, for increasing libido in men and women.
  • Maca a plant believed to deliver energy and mental clarity. It is also used to enhance sex drive for men and women, and believed to lead to increased orgasm strength
  • Yohimbine Extract – reported to improves energy, stamina and sensation from touch
  • Damiana – believed to strengthen the hormonal system, leading to enhanced sexual performance and increased libido

Using Lyriana Female Libido Enhancement

To receive the maximum benefits from taking your Female Libido Solution, begin by taking one capsule a day for a few days to judge your tolerance to this supplement. As you asses your tolerance, you may increase your daily intake up to three capsules.

Follow intake with a ten-ounce glass of water. To prevent stomach upset, take Lyriana after your meals.

Pricing For Lyriana Female Libido Enhancement

To purchase your supply of Lyriana Female Libido Enhancement, go to where they offer:

  • One Month Supply, Starter Package includes one 60-capsule bottle for $59.95
  • Three Month Supply, Most Popular Package includes purchase of two bottles, get the third free (total three bottles) for $99.95, a savings of over $80.00
  • Six Month Supply, Best Value Package includes six 60-capsule bottles for $149.95, a savings of over $200

Contacting Customer Service for Lyriana Female Libido Enhancement

To contact a customer service representative, available 24 hours a day, regarding your Lyriana purchase, phone 1-800-245-6004, or email

Lyriana Female Libido Enhancement Conclusion

Lyriana Female Libido Enhancement is advertised to increase the female libido. Most of the ingredients are also used in workout supplements claiming to boost stamina and male libido, when what they actually do is increase blood circulation by opening blood vessels. Use caution and do your own research before using this product.

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