Supplement Review Life Extension Mix – Natural Multivitamin Extracts?

Life Extension Mix – Natural Multivitamin Extracts?

Choosing the right health supplement for your body can be a long and difficult process.

There are dietary supplements designed for almost every purpose imaginable, from weight loss enhancers to strength-boosting sports endurance powders. With such a wide variety of choice, finding out if the supplement you’ve selected is going to provide the results you want can require a lot of trial and error.

Nutritional supplements aren’t limited to fat burners or power boosters, however. Recent studies conducted in the United States show that two in three adults aren’t getting the correct amount of daily vitamin and mineral intake, causing a wide variety of negative health effects that can have long lasting and debilitating consequences.

The best way of balancing your dietary intake and ensuring that your body gets all of the micro and macronutrients it requires to function in the healthiest possible way is by supplementing your diet with natural, chemical free daily multivitamin capsules.

Millions of people across the world take a daily multivitamin to promote overall better health and help their bodies heal faster, increase endurance, cognitive function, boost the immune system and protect against degenerative diseases such as osteoporosis or Alzheimer's.

As there are a great many different daily multivitamin solutions available on the market, it’s best to keep several factors in mind when selecting the best product for you.

Many of the products that are available on the market today contain synthetic additives, inert fillers and toxic chemical compounds that can build up in the body and contribute to poor long term health.

Some solutions hide their ingredients behind complicated chemical names or proprietary formulas that disguise the contents of the daily supplement, making it impossible for consumers to determine whether the contents will cause irritation in their digestive system or assess their effectiveness.

The best daily multivitamin supplements contain a well balanced mix of the recommended daily intake of vitamins, minerals and essential nutrients that work in harmony to promote an overall state of health and wellbeing.

Life Extension Mix is a scientifically designed multivitamin solution that has been specifically formulated to offer a composition that includes a broad spectrum of all of the different elements the body needs as part of a balanced diet. With a huge range of natural herbal ingredients, botanical extracts and minerals, Life Extension Mix is created with raw materials of the highest quality that have been clinically proven to have a profound and immediate effect on the health of the body.

In this article we’ll break down the Life Extension Mix formula and provide a detailed analysis on the ingredients to determine if this daily multivitamin supplement is the best solution to help you reverse the effects of age on your body and protect your health over the long term.

What is Life Extension Mix?

Life Extension Mix is a comprehensive daily supplement that provides the body with an array of water and fat soluble vitamins that are dramatically more bio-available than other vitamin complexes available.

Other daily multivitamins often include minerals and nutrients such as potassium or magnesium in oxide forms due to the lower manufacturing cost, neglecting the fact that the hydrochloric acid in the digestive system of the body cannot break down the covalent bonds in these compounds to release the nutrients into the body, rendering them effectively useless.

Formulated by a team of nutritionists, dietitians, health experts and physicians, Life Extension Mix has been created with high bio-availability at the forefront of the composition, ensuring all of the nutrients offered by this revolutionary supplement can be easily digested and utilized by the body. With over forty active and clinically proven dietary necessities included in each gel capsule, the ingredients of Life Extension Mix are completely natural, non toxic, organic, vegetarian friendly and suitable for all body types of all ages.

The Life Extension Mix Formula

The composition of Life Extension Mix is one of the most diverse solutions available on the market.

Manufactured in a production facility that adheres to stringent GMP standards and created from only the purest and highest quality raw ingredients, Life Extension Mix offers unparalleled levels of exacting and rigorous precision in nutritional supplementation. With a complex of enzymatically bioavailable b vitamins and folates, this revolutionary supplement delivers protection against glycation and related disorders as well as reducing the effects of age on the body.

Green tea extract provides a fat burning boost in addition to protecting against LDL oxidation which contributes to neural degradation and cognitive disorders such as alzheimer's. An extract of the broccoli plant provides users with enhanced DNA health and helps to protect against cancer, while olive oil extract offers health promoting polyphenols.

Other flavonoids derived from parsley, artichoke and basil are included in the Life Extension Mix formula to help the body restore natural homeostasis which works in synergy with lycopene extract from tomatoes, rebalancing unhealthy lipid profiles into normal ranges.

Wild blueberry extract enhances mental health and neuronal function, and D-Glucarate, a potent nutrient found in oranges, grapefruit and apples deliver clinically proven anti ageing and healthy gene expression benefits.

Taurine is added to function as a powerful antioxidant that can cross the blood brain barrier and flush built up heavy metal deposits from the brain, and along with sodium selenite, Life Extension Mix provides a potent boost to mental clarity and overall concentration.

Mineral additives such as zinc and magnesium are included in the Life Extension mix in an easily digestible and bioavailable chelate form that is quickly broken down by the digestive system to protect the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

With these critical nutrients as well as sixteen other accessory elements that help the body take advantage of these powerful antioxidants and nutritional boosters, Life Extension Mix is the most comprehensive vitamin supplement that can be found.

Life Extension Mix Pricing & Availability

Life Extension Mix is far more competitively priced than any other product on the market, with a retail price of $67.50 USD for 490 capsules.

If you’re looking for a safe, natural daily multivitamin that includes absolutely every macro and micronutrient the body needs and then some, Life Extension Mix is the most effective and all-inclusive solution.

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