Product Review Beverages & Drinks LGND Original Nootropic Energy Drink – Legendary Brain Drink?

LGND Original Nootropic Energy Drink – Legendary Brain Drink?

lgnd original nootropic energy drink

There are many different ways to elevate your energy levels in order to meet deadlines faster, increase performance at the gym, or push through tiring, intensive work days. One of the most popular methods of increasing energy levels, apart from the traditional cup of coffee, is the use of energy drinks.

Offering an instant energy boost in the form of caffeine and other additives such as taurine, these solutions are highly effective and fast acting. Most energy drinks, however, are extremely unhealthy. Apart from containing as much caffeine as several cups of coffee, energy drinks often contain high levels of sugar.

The average can of red bull, for example, can contain as much as 45 grams of processed sugar. The World Health Organization recommends consuming fewer than 20 grams of sugar in a single day, so just one can of this unhealthy beverage can more than double your daily recommended sugar intake. A new form of dietary supplementation, however, is providing consumers in need of mental focus with a new way of boosting brain power.

Nootropics are supplements that have a proven, clinically observed effect that increases focus, memory functions, creativity, concentration, and other executive brain functions. These solutions have recently become extremely popular with Wall Street CEOs, startup entrepreneurs and university students for their ability to dramatically increase brain power with no negative health impact.

Nootropic supplements typically consist of naturally occurring amino acids, neuromodulator precursors, and other organic compounds that the brain uses as “brain food”. Nootropic supplementation, however, is a relatively new science, and finding out which supplements are the right ones to include in your diet can require a significant amount of research and time-consuming investigation.

A revolutionary new energy drink solution, however, is offering consumers the best of both worlds- incorporating proven, safe, and reliable nootropic ingredients into a potent and healthy energy drink formula, LGND Original is the world’s first nootropic energy drink and promises to deliver a double-edged boost to both physical and mental capacity.

In this article, we’ll take a look at the LGND formula and find out how it works to help you decide whether it’s the right brain-boosting energy drink for you.

What Is LGND Original?

LGND Original is the world’s first globally-marketed nootropic energy drink, and delivers a wide range of performance enhancing properties that dramatically boost both the physical and mental abilities of the body. Apart from containing many of the most common energy drink ingredients in healthy doses, such as caffeine, LGND Original contains a number of proven ingredients that act as nootropics.

The LGND formula takes the guesswork and experimentation out of nootropic supplementation, making the most effective, safe, and reliable nootropic supplements available in a tasty, refreshing daily beverage.

The LGND Difference

Instead of containing extremely high levels of caffeine and sugar, the LGND original formula contains a number of naturally-occurring ingredients that not only boost energy and mental levels, but also increase the overall health of the body.

The physical energy boosting element of the LGND formula consists of the standard caffeine dose, but instead of taurine, uses an extract of green tea. Green tea extract, apart from significantly improving physical strength, endurance, and output, offers a number of properties that makes it a powerful nootropic supplement.

Green tea extract contains potent polyphenolic antioxidant compounds that are able to isolate and neutralize the free radicals that cause oxidative stress cascades in the brain, significantly improving mental clarity and function. Supplementing the diet with green tea extract has also been proven to increase the natural ability of the body to burn fat and induces thermogenesis, a higher energy state that delivers increased energy levels.

One of the biggest advantages of the LGND Original formula is that, unlike most of the other energy drinks available on the market today, LGND contains no artificial ingredients and is composed of entirely natural amino acids, botanical extracts, and organic compounds. The LGND formula is also completely free of GMO products, as well as free from gluten and soy, making it suitable for a wide range of dietary restrictions.

How LGND Original Works

The LGN formula works by increasing the levels of key neurotransmitters in the brain. Neurotransmitters are the “messengers” of the brain, and are used to modulate neuronal activity. By providing the body with the precursor elements necessary to synthesize a range of potent neurotransmitters, LGND Original is able to kick the brain into overdrive and deliver a significant mental boost to function, clarity, memory, and creativity.

In order to assist the brain with maintaining a high level of operation, the LGND Original formula also provides a powerful antioxidant boost of polyphenolic compounds that are able to cross the blood-brain barrier and flush away neurotoxins, keeping the brain clear and providing clarity of thought. In addition to increasing the levels of neurotransmitters in the brain, LGND Original also increases the amount of neurons that are modulated by these neurotransmitters, increasing brain growth and health.

All of the ingredients in the LGND formula are backed up by a large amount of clinical evidence and have been proven in scientific trials to deliver a significant boost to mental focus and energy, making it one of the healthiest and most effective energy drinks available.

LGND Original Review Summary

The LGND original formula is the only globally marketed nootropic energy drink available, and offers an innovative formula that actually increases the health of the body. If you’re looking for a potent brain-boosting energy drink, LGND Original has you covered.

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