Home & Office Cleaning Supplies K-BOC Antibacterial Entryway Door Mat – Silver Ion Germ Killer?

K-BOC Antibacterial Entryway Door Mat – Silver Ion Germ Killer?

K-BOC Antibacterial Entryway Door Mat

When it comes to homecare and the rules that one implements in their personal space, some find it best to keep shoes off, while others keep them on.

For the latter group, there is always the overlooked fact that wearing shoes in the house tacks bacteria, grime, germs, and dirt into the home and exposes the homeowner and family to serious health issues. While people don’t necessarily need to change their policy for wearing shoes in the house, what they can do is find a product that provides a level of cleanliness and care.

With that, this review would like to introduce the K-BOC Antibacterial Entryway Door Mat. This product, which uses Silver Ion Technology, may be just what people need before walking into the home.

About K-BOC Antibacterial Entryway Door Mat

The K-BOC Antibacterial Entryway Door Mat that uses silver ion technology is a new product that was recently released on Kickstarter and that is going through the funding campaign.

The brand behind the product recognizes that when wearing shoes in the home, people bring in germs, bacteria, and other substances that stick to the floor, carpeting, and everywhere else.

For that reason, the brand created this nifty mat that is able to clear all of those substances away so that people can still wear shoes indoors, without exposing the space to the toxins from the outside.

SGS International Labs Certified

When choosing a product, it is best to opt for one that has received certifications form legitimate bodies that prove the product works well.

In this case, K-BOC Antibacterial Entryway Door Mat has been certified by SGS International Labs. The process ensures that 99.9 percent of the bacteria causing illnesses and poor exposure are eliminated, leaving the shoe cleaner and the space safer.

The results of the certification process are available on the website and they identify the exact types of bacteria that are removed from the shoes prior to entry. For example, the report identifies that are 650 types of bacteria that are rid of when one uses the mat and a few of the most dangerous that are eliminated are anerobes, e. coli, streptococcus, and resistant enterocci.

Benefits Of K-BOC Antibacterial Entryway Door Mat

There are many benefits to be had when one adds K-BOC Antibacterial Entryway Mats. Here are the main advantages of this product so that users know what to expect:

Silver Ion Threading

As previously mentioned, this product features silver ion technology that is present in the threading. This type of threading is responsible for effectively destroying and eliminating bacteria that thrives in the shoes when users are outdoors.

As the brand explains, this type of threading enables users to rest assured that their space is completely safe and clean from harmful substances.

A Durable Mat

Second, the mat offered by the brand is completely durable. The mat is meant to stay in top quality shape for 5 years of consistent use. In addition, the mat is flame retardant so that in case of an issue, it does stay in good condition.

Soft and Safe

Finally, the product is soft and safe. Those who use the mat will appreciate how comfortable it is, how well it comports with the style of the space, and how easy it is to provide users with the qualities that that they need to ensure that their space is bacteria-free.

Clearly, there are many benefits to be had when one adds the K-BOC Antibacterial Entryway Mat to their lifestyle. The mat is a durable, high-quality, and effective piece of equipment that users can place outside any doorway to protect the inside.

Featured In The Media

When choosing a product, another consideration to take into account is media mentions. After all, products featured by the media tend to be more reliable than those who don’t. In this case, the product was praised by various media sources such as Digital Trends, A Nation of Moms, and Honest Reviews.

K-BOC Antibacterial Entryway Door Mat Review Summary

Ultimately, those who are interested in improving the cleanliness and safety of their home may want to consider the K-BOC Antibacterial Entryway Mat.

The K-BOC Antibacterial Entryway Door Mat may be just what users need to ensure their space is the optimal place for their friends and family. To learn more, just visit the brand’s Kickstarter page today.

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