Product Review Hair Products John Masters Organics – Healthy Natural Skin, Hair & Body Care?

John Masters Organics – Healthy Natural Skin, Hair & Body Care?

John Masters Organics

John Masters Organics (or “JMO” for short) is a line of hair, skin, and body care products with a focus on organic ingredients. Here’s our JMO review.

What is John Masters Organics?

JMO is a full line of salon-quality personal care products with a primary focus on hair. JMO products are purposely created with organic and all-natural ingredients wherever possible in order to provide a healthier overall salon experience while also being conscious about the role salon products can play in protecting the environment.

John Masters Organics Features: How Does It Work?

JMO features hair, skin, and body care products that have all been formulated to exacting standards that require organic, non-toxic ingredients that are as biodegradable as possible and that do no lasting harm to the human body.

Who Makes John Masters Organics?

JMO was founded by John Masters, a native of Niagara Falls, New York who rose to fame during the 1970s as a top stylist and pioneered the first “clean-air” hair salon in Manhattan after growing concerned of the health effects of being inside a salon filled with harsh chemicals every day, and of the environmental impact of excessive use of aerosols on the environment – evidenced by the damage done to the ozone layer in the latter part of the 20th century.

JMO has exclusive partnerships with farmers and harvesters of organic and wild-crafted ingredients to ensure the ingredients in its products are as safe and non-toxic as possible.

The company is also dedicated to using 100% recyclable packaging and earth-friendly production methods in order to provide guilt-free luxury to its customers.

John Masters Organics Ingredients

It’s impossible to go over every single ingredient in every single salon product made by JMO. However, the company has very strict and rigorous ingredient guidelines.

JMO makes extensive use of wild-harvested ingredients, cold-pressed and steam distilled extracts, and all of the organic ingredients used in JMO products are certified organic by EcoCert, Quality Assurance International, California Certified Organic Farmers, or Organic Crop Improvement Association. All are recognized by the National Organic Program for the USDA.

In addition, the parameters for JMO ingredients include being non-GMO, contain no artificial fragrances, colors, or fillers, have no sodium lauryl sulfate, parabens, DEAs, MEAs, or TEAs, not subjected to animal testing, and be made with a minimum of 70% organic content.

This latter requirement bears an important distinction – only a few of JMO’s products are certified organic under the USDA’s National Organic Program. Part of the reason for this is that this program is exclusively for food products – in other words, things that meet the USDA’s edible food standards.

Cosmetics are obviously not meant to be consumed, but there is no separate USDA organic program for cosmetics.

John Masters Organics Pricing

There are quite literally dozens upon dozens of JMO products for sale and available both directly from the company website and through the JMO flagship store in Manhattan as well as retail outlets like pharmacies and high-end hair and beauty shops.

In addition, many salons and spas also use John Masters Organics products as well, and many of these places sell these products to interested customers. This makes it difficult to provide exact pricing as the list would be exhaustive.

However, we can provide some price ranges. John Masters Organics' line of hair care products, for example, can range from as low as $10 per bottle of product to as high as $90, but the average product price is usually between $25 to $35.

Skin care products range from $9 to $48, with most falling in the $25-$30 range, while most body care products are more modestly priced from between $6.50 to $38.

Purchasing anything through the John Masters Organics website comes with free ground shipping on all orders in the United States. Ordering John Masters Organics products from overseas requires a participating independent distributor.

John Masters Organics Reviews: What Do Customers Have to Say?

John Masters Organics products are widely well-regarded, with Amazon ratings generally between 3.5 and 4.5 out of 5 stars. The majority of products are moderately popular, with anywhere from 20 to 50 reviews each, though many have well over 100 reviews.


  • Organic, Generally Safe Ingredients – Reviewers love the fact that the ingredients used in JMO products are organic and generally safe, unlike some of the harsh chemicals used in many hair care and skin care products.


  • Expensive Product – John Masters Organics is certainly a premium product line, considering its pedigree and the fact that its production methods and ingredient criteria are so exacting. This leads to products being much more expensive than what you’d find in the shampoo aisle of your local supermarket – something that was a sore point for more than a few reviewers.
  • Possibly Not as Effective – Generally, JMO products are seen as effective, but sometimes there are a few instances when those harsh, artificial chemicals might actually result in more effective end results. However, this is usually seen as an acceptable trade-off for health-conscious consumers or those who want to support a cleaner environment.

John Masters Organics Review Summary

John Masters Organics products are certainly high-end, and they’re at least moderately effective treatments for hair, skin, and body. They may also be ideal for anyone who has allergies or sensitivities to the more commonly-used chemicals included in most other personal care products.

If you can afford the higher price for these products and you feel your hair or skin could use the extra, all-natural support, you’re certainly in the target demographic for John Masters Organics.

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