Product Review Camping & Outdoors John Kohler’s Recommendations for Organic Pest Control

John Kohler’s Recommendations for Organic Pest Control

organic garden pest control

John Kohler is a major youtube celebrity in the organic food and health lifestyle niche. Dispensing expert advice to over 164,000 followers, Kohler operates, Kohler helps health enthusiasts all over the world with detailed information on the best tips, practices and skills for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

One of the most interesting new videos released by Kohler is a guide on the best methods of protecting your organic garden from pests with non toxic, chemical free pest control.

A major aspect of Kohler’s youtube channel deals with the best agricultural methods for chemical-free farming in your own backyard. Originally turning to organic foods to help del with ongoing health complications, Kohler contracted spinal meningitis at an early age.

Doctors told Kohler that he may not have very long to live, advising that there were no treatments for his condition. Refusing to give up, Kohler committed to radical lifestyle changes that removed chemicals, toxins and other disease-causing elements from his life.

Beginning with a dietary change that focused on consuming primarily fresh fruits and vegetables, Kohler filled his backyard with raised garden beds and began growing his own pest-free food.

After achieving success in growing his own food, he converted his entire backyard into a raised edible garden. This change, combined with his new eating habits, gave Kohler a new lease on life. His successes in home agriculture led to him wanting to share his insights with the world via a youtube channel.

In this video, Kohler dispenses some valuable information on the best practices for keeping your garden pest-free without the need for damaging or hazardous chemicals or poisons. Skip to the 8:27 mark to hear Kohler present the best modern alternatives to synthetic pest control.


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