Product Review Fitness & Sports HOVR Portable – Under Desk Leg Swing Increases Calorie Burn?

HOVR Portable – Under Desk Leg Swing Increases Calorie Burn?

HOVR Portable

It is estimated that over 40% of the world's adult population lead a dangerous trend of sedentary lives. And this is thanks to the demanding 9-to-5 desk job lifestyle that characterizes the job description of a majority of the working population. However, leading a sedentary is just as bad being morbidly obese – if not worse.

It is even worse when you factor in that nearly all adults today are not moving as much or hitting the gym as often as they ought to. On the flipside, leading a sedentary passive life not only predisposes you to cardiac ailments but also puts at a risk of some of the following little-known but serious side effects.

1. Mood Swings

Sedentary behavior has been linked to the likelihood of one developing psychological distress which could range from nervousness, restlessness, fatigue, and hopelessness.

It is easy to see why. The human body has been proven to secrete feel-good endorphins which have the capability to boost one's mood as effectively and efficiently as conventional antidepressants.

2. Puts You at a Risk of Contracting Cancer-related Ailments

A recent German-based study shows that was conducted in a study pool of over 4 million people shows that sedentary puts one at a significant risk of developing various types of cancer such as stomach, throat and bone marrow cancer.

3. Dementia

As much as dementia is mostly associated with people of a progressive age (over 65), researchers have found that leading a passive, sedentary life puts one course to developing dementia much earlier than it is normal. Surprisingly enough, there is a simple fix to this – try as far as possible to remain active for as long as it is feasible.

Why is HOVR Portable Needed?

One of the best ways of reversing the harmful side effects of a sedentary lifestyle is making good use of a HOVR Portable. Here's why.

1. One of the best ways of Exercising while Still Seated

The machine is designed to amplify the benefits of regular exercise but while one is still seated. Through it, one can improve their body posture, increase circulation and satisfy their weekly physical activity quorum.

2. An Easy Way to Burn Hundreds of Calories per Week

Expect to burn more than 20% of the usual number of calories that you ordinarily consume when using such a machine.

3. Improved Productivity

It is scientifically proven to boost one's mental and physical output without necessarily causing any distractions. Which, of course, explains why the machine is perfect for schools and learning institutions.

And better productivity often translates to greater profits, particularly where one's mental throughput is concerned.

4. Patented and certified

Apart from bearing all the necessary certification for use in the United States, the manufacturer offers a 30-day guarantee for every purchase of such a machine.

In other words, you are assured of a full refund if HOVR Portable does not yield any meaningful results within the first 30 days of use.

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