Product Review Books Heart Spark – Reduce Your Risk For Heart Attacks

Heart Spark – Reduce Your Risk For Heart Attacks

The Heart Spark Review

The Heart Spark is an eBook that claims one special sugar in your body is the difference between having a heart attack in the next 3 years and living a long, active life. Here’s our The Heart Spark review.

What is The Heart Spark?

The Heart Spark is a downloadable eBook targeted towards people who believe they’re at-risk for cardiovascular problems. By reading the eBook and implementing the lessons contained within, you can significantly reduce your risk for heart attacks and strokes – at least, that’s the claim made by the author.

The eBook relies on the idea that there’s one unique sugar that boosts heart muscle function after heart attacks. This sugar increases the ability of your heart to pump blood – even if you’ve suffered from congestive heart failure.

One testimonial on The Heart Spark’s sales copy page claims that the one sugar “changed my life”.

The eBook was written by a woman named Alex Bradford, a self-described “natural health advocate and writer” who lost 100 pounds using natural techniques.

How does The Heart Spark work? Let’s take a closer look.

How Does The Heart Spark Work?

The Heart Spark claims that all hearts need this one specific sugar. That sugar is a building block of DNA. It’s also one of the few compounds that has been proven to revive dead heart cells after a heart attack.

That mysterious sugar can increase cellular energy production (including the production of ATP, which is the fuel source for your cells).

During a heart attack, your cells become damaged due to a lack of oxygen and ATP. This causes your cells to die and become “dormant”. Until recently, scientists didn’t know that you could wake up these dormant heart cells. According to Alex Bradford, you can wake them up using one special sugar.

With that in mind, The Heart Spark promises to teach you how to implement that sugar into your diet, how to maximize its usefulness, and how to use it to continue maintaining good heart health over the years.

I’m not going to spoil the book and tell you what the sugar is. The eBook’s author doesn’t mention that upfront, so I’m not going to rain on her parade. However, the author never posts any scientific evidence suggesting that this sugar actually works as advertised. Plus, the lessons in the eBook have never been independently studied or verified. So it’s impossible to say whether or not these lessons work.

Nevertheless, Alex is a natural health advocate. The eBook never claims to be a replacement for scientific evidence – it’s just an alternative treatment.

The Heart Spark Pricing

The Heart Spark is available as a downloadable eBook or, for an extra price, as a physical copy:

-eBook: $19.97

-Digital Edition (Includes eBook): $29.97

All purchases also come with two additional eBooks, including a book called “The Astounding Connection Between Oral Health and Your Heart” and another eBook called “Superfoods – Superfoodify Your Life”.

As part of your purchase, you also have to subscribe to the Daily Superfood Love newsletter, which is the author’s weekly correspondence to her readers, where she tells you “about my latest research in body, mind and spirit wellness.”

All purchases come with a 60 day money back guarantee: you can download the eBook and read it for 60 days and decide whether or not it’s the right choice for you.

Who Wrote The Heart Spark?

The Heart Spark was created by Duo Publications, the publishers of Daily Superfood Love.

That company is led by Alex Bradford, a “natural health researcher who took control of her health over 20 years ago when she faced a life-altering choice of whether to take another pill prescribed by her doctor or to research and discover alternative cures to her life-threatening illnesses and self-destructive health habits.”

Should You Use The Heart Spark to Lose Weight?

The Heart Spark is a small eBook that teaches you about one simple sugar that reduces your risk of heart attack and stroke while also improving your recovery from heart conditions.

There’s limited scientific evidence that this sugar works as advertised. But the eBook never promises to be a scientific text: instead, it claims to help you find an alternative treatment not backed by conventional medicine.

If you don’t want to take more heart disease drugs prescribed by your doctor, then The Heart Spark teaches you a natural alternative that may or may not work.


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