Diet Programs HealthyWage – Weight Loss Wellness Challenge Cash Prize Rewards?

HealthyWage – Weight Loss Wellness Challenge Cash Prize Rewards?


What’s better than losing weight? How about losing weight with friends or colleagues? Or even better, losing weight and earning money?

Leading academics have done studies concluding that the opportunity to make money will enhance your weight loss success. This makes weight loss challenges with cash prizes the most fun and the most effective way to lose weight.

Honestly speaking, health and vanity are not incentive enough for most people. Losing weight, giving up old, hard fast habits can be excruciating, and some people just have difficulty sticking to something new.

This makes cash based challenges a powerful tool that will help you to stay committed to starting, and will help you to avoid quitting before you have reached your goals. Research has proven that cash incentives will actually make you five times more likely to follow through to the end of a challenge.

Double Incentive

A JAMA study done by researchers at Harvard and the University of Pennsylvania divided a group of dieters into groups, one with no financial incentive, and one with a double incentive. Each of the incentivized participants had to wager money, as a negative incentive, if they failed to achieve their goals they would lose their deposit.

As a positive incentive, if they achieved their weight loss goal, they would receive three times their deposit. The results were that the dieters with the cash incentive lost three times more weight than the dieters without a cash incentive.

This is what HealthyWage challenges are based on, betting on a team based weight loss challenge, with a double incentivized model. A model that is guaranteed to make you want to win in weight loss, and win financially.

HealthyWage challenges are always based on at least 90 days, and can be for up to a full year. In a real world test, HealthyWage was commissioned by Optum Health, owned by one of the largest health insurers in the world, and offered their employees an opportunity to make a weight loss bet.

Participants made a $100 loss bet, and had 6 months to lose ten percent of their weight. HealthyWage awarded $400 to each successful participant. The impressive results showed that ⅔ of the male participants lost the 10% weight loss that they had agreed to.

Make Dieting Social

Social dieting just makes weight loss more fun and more successful. Once it feels like a competition, team work, or encouragement; it is one of the most powerful tools you can have to encourage weight loss.

Since your team has to win as a group, every member's success is important to the success of the group. This positive peer pressure and the desire to beat the other teams will only add to the excitement and motivation of your weight loss challenge.

It has been studied and proven as well, that people with obese friends or coworkers, are more likely to be obese themselves. With social networks being so tightly linked to health habits and weight gain, and the acceptance of the appearance and behaviors of those around them, then clearly the opposite would be just as important.

It’s safe to say that weight loss interventions that provide peer support on both ends, are more successful than trying to do it alone without an incentive. People are connected, and their health is connected. The bottom line here, teamwork makes losing weight more fun, and more effective.

HealthyWage is Fun!

Let’s not forget that the basis behind HealthyWage is that it is tons of fun. No weight loss program is ever complete without an element of fun.

Becoming more popular in recent years, turning really hard work into a game will make participants more engaged, and much more successful. In HealthyWage tradition, industry research has shown that the excitement of the challenge removes all pre diet procrastination that will help dieters from giving up.

If you want to dramatically increase your chances of being successful in losing weight, then do it in a group. Losing weight with a group of motivated friends or coworkers will make the process easier, and it will definitely be a lot more fun. Don’t wait to start, sign up, get a hold of your group, and lose weight together.

How To Get Started With HealthyWage


To make an individual HealthyWager, log into the HealthyWage website and get started on your personal weight loss goal and wager, enter your stats, and the prize calculator will show you what you could win.

Make your bet and get started, there’s no catch! If you lose the weight, you win the money and will be paid promptly through PayPal. HealthyWage offers the fun and accountability, you provide the effort.


You can sign up your team, or your place of employment easily and on line. With upwards of $18000, the winning team is the one who loses the most amount of money. Group challenge fees are $23.33/month (or $70) if you are participating through a company.

The entrance fee will allow you to compete for the cash prizes. If you lose 10% of your weight six months after the challenge, you will additionally receive a full reimbursement of your registration fees.

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