Health Guides How To Lose Weight Fast

How To Lose Weight Fast


  1. Don’t forget blueberries! The superfood packed with vitamins and fiber that is also low sugar and low carbon helps weight loss while also helping to ensure you get your needed nutrients, fiber, and daily servings of fruits without adding too much sugar. I do still eat shredded wheat for breakfast daily and load it with blueberries and fat free organic milk. Lunch is a Vegan protein shake and dinner is normal foods with fresh veggies and lean meats. I’ve lost 9 pounds since early March and still have a bit of dark chocolate or dry, red wine for a snack. Don’t deny yourself too much or you’ll never stick to it and will rebound. My exercise is moderate to high Cardio coupled with weight machines a few days per week. I’ve found that 6 days per week at the gym was too much for my body and have found that 5 days (working hard) is plenty and lets me feel like I don’t “live” at the gym (because I also have Physical therapy 2x per week for 2 serious injuries).

  2. This is probably the most helpful advise on weightloss I’ve read in a long time. I am 50 next month (eek) and need to lose 65lbs. I am tired all the time and sugar is my nemesis. These weightloss tips are not only sensible (vs. drastic, hard to follow, diets like cutting out all carbs, cleanses, etc) but easy to follow. Thank you so much for this invaluable information. I shall try Green tea again and try to like it!

  3. I am so happy to have found this information on losing weight! I have tried so many diets that my head is spinning most of the time. Cottage cheese, yogurt and green tea are all they talk about and I don’t like them, in fact I can’t even get yogurt or cottage cheese down without gagging, black coffee is my drink. I am going to try these tips and hope they work for me. I need to lose at least 65 pds, I am older as well so it is harder. Thanks

    • Thelma,

      Thank you for leaving a comment. Were glad that you found our 20 Weight Loss Tips to be encouraging. Please come back after applying these tips for a couple of weeks or month and let us know how it is working out for you.

      Supplement Police!

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