Product Review Hair Products Gray Hair No More – Alexander Miller’s All Natural Cure?

Gray Hair No More – Alexander Miller’s All Natural Cure?

What Is Gray Hair No More?

Gray Hair No More is a new comprehensive self help method designed to help sufferers of hair graying reverse the effect age hair upon the color of their hair without chemicals or expensive treatments. The treatment is in the form of a book collection that together provide a simple, easy to follow procedure that promises to help readers return to their natural hair color with minimal effort and cost. With 40% of the population developing gray hair before the age of 40, gray hair is an issue that can be confusing and frustrating, with many different solutions and cures available on the market.

In this article we’ll look into the causes of gray hair as well as providing details on Alexander Miller’s Gray Hair No More method and the books included in the package, to help you decide whether this natural method is the best way for you to minimize the effects of age on your hair.

What Causes Gray Hair?

Most people, over the course of their lifetime, experience changes in the coloring of their hair. Many light haired individuals experience a darkening of the hair in the transition from youth to adulthood, and similarly most individuals will experience the hair color changing from adulthood into old age. The process of the hair changing color over time perfectly natural, and is called Achromotrichia. Achromotrichia usually begins between the mid and late twenties, and almost 60 percent of Americans will have gray hair by the age of 40. Generally the hair of the head changes color first, followed by the beard, then body hair and eyebrows.

There are many factors that contribute to the Achromotrichia process, but scientists have identified several key genes that are attributed to Achromotrichia, with discoveries being made as recently as 2016 in identifying genetic causes of Achromotrichia. However, scientific analysis has determined that almost 70 percent of all cases of hair graying is caused by environmental factors. One of the foremost primary environmental factors that causes hair greying is stress. Both chronic and acute stress has been observed to cause premature hair graying in individuals, with proponents of this theory pointing to highly stressed public figures such as President Barack Obama as supporting evidence.

There is no conclusive scientific evidence to support this claim, but the hormone that is released by the body in periods of high stress, Cortisol, has been demonstrated to accumulate in hair over time which may contribute to Achromotrichia.

Achromotrichia can also be induced in the hair by artificial factors such as heavy smoking. A study conducted in 1996 by the British Medical Journal concluded that smokers are four times more likely to experience graying of the hair than non smokers. Certain chemotherapy regimes can also cause hair graying as well as medical conditions such as Werner syndrome, anemia and Vitiligo. Poor nutrition is also a contributing factor in Achromotrichia, with malnutrition causing hair to become brittle, lighter and lose color, although this can be reversed with proper nutrition and diet.

The biological cause behind hair graying is not entirely understood. Melanin production is the primary element in the coloring of new-grown hair, and when melanin production slows down due to age it is no longer produced in the root of the hair, causing the new hair follicle to grow without color. Stem cells at the base of the hair are responsible for creating the coloring of the hair, and as an individual ages these cells die off, causing hair graying.

There is currently no medical explanation as to why different melanocyte producing hair follicle stem cells die at alternate rates and cause uneven graying of the hair. Graying of the hair can also be attributed to the accumulation of chemicals such as hydrogen peroxide in the body. The body produces an enzyme called catalase to break down hydrogen peroxide, and as the body ages catalase production can slow or fail, causing Achromotrichia inducing chemicals to build up in the body.

The Gray Hair No More Method

Gray Hair No More promises to solve the age-old issue of Achromotrichia naturally, arresting or even reversing the graying effect. The author of Gray Hair No More, Alexander Miller, experienced premature hair graying from his early teens and over his lifetime saw a wide variety of specialists in an attempt to halt or reverse the process. Having tested dozens of different methods, Miller claims to have devised a foolproof method for cheating the graying process from studying books on the anatomy of hair.

Armed with his autodidactic knowledge of hair, Miller has created a system that he claims will reverse the process of Achromotrichia, returning the hair to the natural color in addition to boosting the reader’s self esteem by stopping the signs of ageing. The Gray Hair No More method promises a natural remedy to gray hair that doesn’t involve potentially toxic chemicals or unnatural hair coloring. The remedies outlined in Miller’s Gray Hair No More Method primarily consist of natural herbal remedies borrowed from various traditional medicine systems.

What’s Included

When purchasing the Gray Hair No More Method, readers are provided with not one but eight separate publications that compose the entire package. The first book included is Miller’s Gray Hair No More method and outlines the specific practices that are claimed to restore natural hair color. Also included in the offer are seven bonus books to assist readers with the management, health and styling of their hair.

‘Caring For Your Hair’ consists of advice on the maintenance of hair, with tips on reducing dandruff, achieving stylish hair, and reducing the effects of allergies on hair as well as recommendations on organic hair care and home hair care solutions. ‘The Guide to Trendy Hairstyles’ offers comprehensive advice on the various cycles of hair fashion. Other books included provide supplementary information on hair loss, seasonal hair care, clothing and fashion, achieving youthful skin and more.

Gray Hair No More Pricing & Availability

Gray Hair No More can be ordered from the Gray Hair No More website for a one time fee of $37, and is provided in digital PDF form. The sale price includes the seven bonus ebooks and is covered by a 60 Day. 100% money back guarantee

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